Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1002: Isn't it just apprenticeship? I'm familiar with it.

"I don't know if those people mentioned by the senior will appear in the future?" Jiang Heng continued to ask.

"Do you think they won't show up?"

The Lord of Time and Space sighed softly.

"Every newborn universe will have several periods of becoming a powerful individual, such as the ancient period you mentioned, which is the era that the old man was in at that time. That era is the era when all life forms in the universe are most blessed by nature. There are still living creatures in the universe With a lot of resources, as long as the aptitude is good enough, practitioners can break through the realm and step into a higher level extremely quickly, and at the same time have a longer life span to step into the next level.

It's a pity that we didn't seize that opportunity, and those people discovered this newborn universe. So at the first opportunity, we were discovered by the other party before we had grown strong enough to make arrangements ahead of time. After that, we would collect and plunder resources. This is a restriction imposed by outsiders on our local universe.

It is also the law of survival among countless universes, the law of the jungle preys on the strong. Whether in this universe or in the outer universe, everything follows this principle. "

"Senior, you said how many opportunities we have, when will the next opportunity be?" Jiang Heng asked in silence for a long time.

"If the old man's calculation is correct, it should be soon.

Now the main universe plane's avenues have been drying up day by day. A large part of this is due to the fact that the great war in ancient times was plundered by outsiders. A large number of local avenues were stolen, and the avenues and rivers entered a period of decline early.

Obviously this universe has only been tens of billions of years since it was born, but it has already entered the end of its life. If there is no change, the outer isolation force of the local universe will lose its effect, and it will be easier for outsiders to enter.

So often at such times, the universe itself will give birth to consciousness and start to run around for itself. At the same time, various opportunities and geniuses will appear in the universe.

This is also a sign that the will of the universe wants to take a gamble.

So this is an opportunity and it will be the last one. If you catch it, my friend, then you will become the leader of this catastrophe. If you win, the universe will continue again. If you lose, the universe will sink together. For dying with wreckage. "

"Senior told me so much, could it be that this is also an opportunity for senior?" Jiang Heng looked at the other party, the master of time and space seemed to have explained too much.

"As such, this is also an opportunity for me.

Although the Inner Sedum has been cultivated, as long as the Inner Sedum is immortal, it will live forever, even if the main universe is annihilated. But if I can take advantage of this catastrophe to restore my strength, I may be able to restore my cultivation in the future, let alone go further, and I won't be as inhuman as I am now. "The Lord of Time and Space sighed softly.

"Senior said so, but I don't know what to do for this junior?"

"Take away my inner view of Immortal Ascension. I need to leave this place!" the Lord of Time and Space said.

"Is that the map of stars outside? Why do you need to leave this place?" Jiang Heng asked.

To be honest, even though the senior in front of him said that he was the master of time and space, he still had doubts.

"Are you doubting me? You don't need to deny it. This old man has lived for so many years. It's normal if you don't believe me. The old man's state at this time is really incomprehensible.

If you don't mind, the old man is willing to accept you as a disciple. Although your innate talent is indeed inferior to that of ordinary true disciples, but your kung fu is not bad at all, it is a bit of a shadow of the skills of those guys from the Back to the Source Society. And master the double law of time and space at the same time. It is barely enough to become the old man's disciple. "

Wen Yan Jiang Heng pondered for a moment before saying: "Senior..."

"Haha! My friend thinks the old man is a liar? Well, the old man will let you see the old man's tricks!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Heng felt a blur in front of his eyes, and he came tens of thousands of light-years away in the blink of an eye, and he was still within the inner sky.

"This place is the core area when the old man opened up Nei Jingtian, and everything in Nei Jingtian today is formed by the evolution and expansion of this point.

The so-called Neijingtian except for the law, that is the divine fire, the more the divine fire gathers, it will be the lead to ignite the sea of ​​consciousness space, and then the sea of ​​knowledge space and the dantian will mix and collide, and if things go on like this, the mutual collision will cause a strong collapse, followed by rapid expansion and expansion.

And let you see the original scene of Nei Sedum! "

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Heng felt that the time around him began to change slightly.

Jiang Heng, who has mastered the way of time, can vaguely feel that time is flowing backwards.

"It's going against the current and it's going very fast!"

The time around in the perception is rapidly regressing, millions of years, 100 million years, 300 million years.

Until about one billion years back, what I saw in front of me has become a bright starry sky. Looking around, there are bright galaxies emitting starlight, as if life is emerging.

At this time, the speed of the reverse flow of time began to slow down. It seemed that the master of time and space deliberately wanted to let Jiang Heng see it in detail.

In the field of view, the starry sky of this universe is indeed extremely vast, and the densely packed galaxy groups and super galaxy groups are dotted with densely packed light spots.

And not far away is a super-giant star with an extremely large mass, which should be the center of the world.

Feeling the gravitational force here, Jiang Heng feels that the gravitational force of this star is very strong and stable, and it seems to be the main source of power for it to operate as the internal scene.

"This was originally the old man's natal weapon, but to open up the inner scene, a very strong carrier is required. The strength of this natal weapon is far superior to that of ordinary real Taoist gods, so it is absolutely suitable for it to be used as a carrier. It's just This thing was also severely damaged in that battle, lost its core kinetic energy, and Neijingtian came to a standstill."

The Lord of Time and Space is a little helpless. It is almost wishful thinking for him to restore this carrying object in this state. He has no entity, even if he has almost the authority of heaven in this universe, the upper limit of this universe is this carrying object. It is almost impossible to repair the bearer under the condition of Neijingtian.

He can only find resources from the main universe, which has far more resources than here, to repair it, but he cannot enter the main universe in this state, which forms a deadlock.

"Senior, do you want this junior to help you repair this carrying object? But it is impossible for the senior and junior to repair it successfully, and it is difficult for the junior to repair this object even if they step into the true **** level.

The juniors still know a little about refining equipment, the main material of this thing should be some extreme things, right? "

The so-called ultimate thing is the material that can cause dao damage to demigods or even true gods. If it is used to forge magic weapons, if it is scratched or chopped by such magic weapons, it will be dao damage.

For example, Qingwu's blade was mixed with a lot of extreme things, but compared to the current one, it is simply nothing.

That's just the amount of forging material for a knife, but this one in front of you is an extremely huge super giant star.

It can be clearly felt that the proportion of extreme materials contained in it is extremely high. Jiang Heng suspects that the master of time and space directly obtained a planet of extreme materials for processing.

A closer look shows that there is a huge gap on the surface of the star, which looks like a huge gap was cut by some kind of sharp weapon, which caused a large part of the star to be missing inside and outside.

And if this large piece is compared, it should be equivalent to the mass of an ordinary planet. In other words, if you want to repair this thing, you have to find an extreme material with the mass of a planet.

But the price of this thing is sky-high, and there is still a price but no market. Many high-ranking and powerful people may have never seen a little bit in their lives.

For example, Qingwu's mass, which is the size of a knife blade, is probably obtained by the master behind it, Marquis Jiwu, who spent a lot of money and time. extremely precious.

Jiang Heng reckoned that even if he wanted to become a true god, it would be wishful thinking to use such a high-quality ultimate material.

Of course, that's all. The point is that even smelting these extreme materials is a very difficult thing.

Extreme materials are originally some materials that have reached the limit peak of the main universe plane, either invincible, or reached the peak in a certain field.

It is too difficult to smelt these materials to repair such a huge divine weapon.

"Little friend, don't rush to refuse, the old man didn't ask you to help for nothing, and he won't let you do things that you can't do.

How about this, the Wuji Dao Tianzong was founded by the old man, and now all the disciples in the sect have fallen, I can make decisions about this sect alone, and the authority of many secret treasures, even if you have a true disciple order, you can’t enter .

As long as you promise to take me as your teacher and repair the bearing for me, then all of these can be given to you. And the old man will teach you everything.

How about it? It's a good deal, right? "

The voice of the master of time and space seems to be saying, you agree quickly, if you don't agree with this great opportunity, you will slip away.

Jiang Heng was already silent, he always felt that this old ghost was lying to him.

"Senior, to be honest, even if this junior agrees, I probably won't be able to help you achieve these things in the end. The junior was injured by the Dao some time ago, and now he is dying."

Jiang Heng rolled his eyes, and immediately said with a serious face.

"Tao injury? How could he suffer such an injury at such a young age? Let me see..."

The Lord of Time and Space was very surprised, but soon he couldn't help but cursed.

"You're also called Dao injury? It's just a breach of the law, can this also be called Dao injury?"

The Lord of Time and Space felt that he really couldn't keep up with the times. In their time, this kind of injury was almost a minor injury that was not a concern. Only when the Dao of Law is cut off by others is it called a real Dao injury.

Of course, that situation would be miserable, and if the treatment was not done properly, it might not last for three days.

During the period of the battle of the gods, this kind of injury often occurred, especially at the level of the true god. After killing them, they were often desperate.

"Maybe this is just a minor injury to the seniors, but it is indeed very troublesome to the younger generation. The younger generation's family is not rich and cannot heal such injuries."

"Hmph! This little injury can be easily resolved if the old man is still alive, but I can't help you in my current state. By the way, the mother goddess has a lot of good things to heal wounds, just a drop of life essence can be cured."

"Senior seems to have forgotten that the Mother Goddess has fallen so far, and now a lot of adventurers are looking for treasures in her old man's kingdom of God!"

Jiang Heng shrugged, with an expression that you don't know yet.

The master of time and space was silent, but soon he laughed and cursed: "Fart, can that **** die? She is more life-saving than me, and the laws she masters, I am afraid that as long as the main universe is not wiped out, she will not die!"

"Besides, she stepped into the Inner Scenery Realm one step earlier than the old man. I guess she may be hiding in her own Inner Scenery now, waiting for the opportunity."

"So senior can't help me heal? If that's the case, I'd better go out and find a place to retire and wait for my life to come to an end." Jiang Heng looked regretful, as if sighing for the Lord of Time and Space.

The Lord of Time and Space is silent, are young people nowadays so easy to give up?

"Don't worry, little friend. It's much better to be alive than to be dead. I think you're only a hundred thousand years old. You still haven't enjoyed the good time at such a young age. How can you say so lightly if you haven't explored the peak of your practice yet?" Give up?"

The Lord of Time and Space looked earnest.

"Your problem is actually not difficult to solve. My Promise Dao Tianzong still has some pills made from raw life liquid. Since you have come to this old man, I want to know the relationship between this seat and the mother god."

Yes indeed!

Jiang Heng was taken aback, and almost forgot about this.

Since the Lord of Time and Space has a very good relationship with the Mother Goddess and is an alliance, it seems that the exchange of resources between the two parties should be a common occurrence.

"In the Dandao Pavilion on the Twelve Yunding Mountains in the middle hall, the fourth grid in the twelfth row on the third floor has a key to open the treasure house of pills. With this key, you can enter the treasure house where my Tianzong of Wuji Dao stores the pills. among.

There should be what you want in there. "

"Can you maintain the power of the medicine after so many years?"

"Of I am the master of time and space. Back then, I had arranged a lot of backhands for time and space for the sect. Do you think you would not be more careful in protecting treasures such as pills? And feel free to take them. Even if hundreds of billions of years have passed, the elixir can remain intact."

Speaking of this, the Lord of Time and Space immediately smiled and said: "How is it now? My little friend worships me as a teacher. As your master, I will only treat you better. The old man has lived long enough and stored countless He knows a lot of knowledge, whether it is many supernatural powers and secret arts or martial arts classics.

Moreover, the old man is an expert in playing with space. In the sect, the old man often opened up some secret caves for storing loot.

But unless the cultivation base reaches the ninth level of the Dao of Space, don't try to see through the traces arranged by the old man, let alone find the entrance to the secret realm. "

Said the Lord of Time and Space faintly felt complacent.

This can be regarded as something he is proud of, but at the same time he is somewhat unhappy. Think about yourself as the master of time and space.

If this were placed in ancient times, countless young talents would have no way to worship him as a teacher. Therefore, he had no choice but to worship Wuji Dao Tianzong, hoping to receive the teachings and guidance of his master of time and space at close range.

Now that he wants to accept disciples, the other party still refuses.

Just when the Lord of Time and Space thought that the kid in front of him would still shirk.

There was a plop.

"Master, please be respected by your disciples!"

Lord of Time and Space: "..."

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