Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 996: cut avatar

"These zombies are some good treasures, don't let them go!"

Seeing that the maids had finished solving the trouble, Hogg's eyes immediately fell on the zombies who were still attacking indiscriminately.

These zombies can still act on their own even if they lose the old man's control, but they are not intelligent.

Although there is no spirit, these are extremely precious dead soldiers, warriors who are not afraid of pain or the means of spirit!

Hogg looked at the woman behind him, saw her forehead slightly raised, and then clenched the handle of the knife tightly.

His eyes were slightly closed, as if he was thinking about something, even though the zombies had killed several members of Luo Feng's team at this time, they were still indifferent.

But the next moment he opened his eyes, a ray of divine light suddenly appeared, and the law of light behind him instantly turned into a stream of crimson air and poured into the handle of the knife in his hand.


A melodious sound of knives resounded, and the knives came out and fell. Everyone felt as if there was an invisible strong wind passing by. The next moment, the legs of all the zombies were cut off neatly like a smooth mirror.

Peng bang bang!

A running zombie fell forward.

Hogg received the scabbard slowly, and at this time the zombies still had a strong ability to move, they began to levitate into the air and rushed towards the crowd again.


But immediately after that, several saber cries resounded, as if the swallow was returning, he turned around and slashed several times in succession.


The sound of saber air entering the body sounded, but the zombie's arms and head were also separated from the torso. This time, only their head was still grinning and screaming, and it was not a worry to be wobbly when flying. .

Seeing this scene, everyone around was stunned, and quickly reacted, trapping them one by one with bound treasures.

"Even if these zombies are dismembered, they can recover quickly, everyone, use corpse-suppressing charms to suppress them!"

Luo Feng said that he often went to and from the ruins and knew that there might be these powerful corpse refiners in some places, so he also prepared some less commonly used corpse suppressing charms.

The spells were distributed one by one, and everyone affixed corpse-suppressing charms on various parts of the zombie to prevent it from returning to its original state.

The corpse-suppressing talisman is extremely ineffective. If the zombie is intact, it will definitely not be able to suppress it, but at this time, there are no such worries.

After all the zombies were suppressed, Luo Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered everyone to put the corpses into jade bottles, and then handed them to Hogg.

He naturally wanted to intercept this kind of soldiers privately. But also know who is the boss here.

Hogg put away the storage ring containing a group of zombie corpses, and then looked at the woman in white palace attire behind him.

"Let's go, someone here should have already entered ahead of time, gentlemen, be careful!"

The woman opened her mouth calmly, and as soon as she finished speaking, she was already stepping up the stairs slowly like that light fairy.

The bronze mirror from before was suspended above her head, and everyone followed closely after seeing this.

This treasure should be a time-type treasure, which can greatly offset the slow state of time here.

At the same time, Jiang Heng was also rushing forward and looting many relics of the Wuji Dao Tianzong.

Just like a robber, Jiang Heng would pack up and take away any valuable objects he saw.

He even wanted to take away a few mountains here if possible.

"This time the harvest is huge, it would be great if we could find the life essence."

Although countless treasure resources were collected, the biggest regret was still not made up.

Along the way, he encountered some puppet formations and some killing formations, but Jiang Heng relied on the true disciple's token to make the journey without any danger.

However, just as Jiang Heng was about to step into a temple called Daotian Temple not far away, his footsteps suddenly paused, and his figure suddenly pulled back a few steps.

A ray of cold light almost brushed past the bridge of his nose.


Turning his head to look, he saw an immature Taoist boy in a Taoist robe looking at him with scrutiny and playful eyes.

The moment he saw Daotong, Jiang Heng was slightly taken aback, but immediately raised his brows, terrified in his heart.

"Shi Yu!"

Relevant information about this person instantly came to mind.

It is rumored that Shi Yu, a powerhouse in the Dao of Time, has already cultivated the perfect past, present, and future three bodies.

The reason why it is said to be perfect is because the three bodies of Dao demigods often go wrong in ordinary time, either the captured past body is too weak and too low, or the captured future body is too old. In short, the difference is a thousand miles away.

But for Shi Yu, who has been famous for a long time and is a powerhouse in the Tao of Time, there is not much difference between the past body and the present body, and the future body must be at a stage of stronger cultivation.

In other words, facing a high-ranking powerhouse like Shi Yu may be equivalent to facing three high-ranking demigods at the same time.

It is obviously abnormal to meet a child in such a ruined place. The only and greatest possibility is Shi Yu, the demigod of time and Tao.

"you know me?"

Shi Yu raised his brows slightly and looked at the guy in front of him in surprise. In his impression, he naturally didn't pay attention to the small role at that time.

"I don't know! But you don't look right, you are still a boy here, I can't guarantee what kind of old monster you are." Jiang Heng shook his head, deliberately pretending that he did not recognize Shi Yu.

"Well, yes, my body is really out of place here. But if you die, no one will think it's out of time!"

Shi Yu smiled slightly, he didn't care too much about dealing with such a fourth-order junior.

Seeing that Jiang Heng didn't react much, he smiled, patted the dust on the trousers of the Taoist robe, and swung the whisk to kill the person in front of him.

It's just that the moment the movement is thrown, his movement is a pause.

The eyeballs were moving slowly, looking at Jiang Heng with some surprise.


But there was no Jiang Heng in front of him, Shi Yu didn't dare to neglect and quickly used his power of time to release the state bound by time.

However, when he turned his head, he saw that the person before him was already standing next to him, and his appearance was quite different.

With three eyes and six arms, his whole body is covered with fine golden scales, and each scale seems to be engraved with countless complicated inscriptions.

The bucket opening was opened, and many weaknesses and flaws in Shi Yu's body instantly appeared in the field of vision.

The six arms are thrown out together, or palms or fists, or fingers, or side slashes, just like the six-armed demon Buddha is displaying many offensive methods.

The sound of dense fists, palms and various attacks hitting the key points of Shi Yu's body was connected like a heavy artillery.

A huge impact blasted into Shi Yu's body like a surge.

"One breath!"

In just one breath, millions of attacks bombarded Shi Yu's body continuously.

Shi Yu was suspicious and didn't understand why the other party suddenly said the word "breath".

He didn't care if he was attacked fiercely. In his opinion, this man in front of him was just a reckless man in the flesh. His time seems to be the most useful when dealing with these mindless guys.

"Although I don't know why you kid can use the Way of Time, but with these methods alone, you have already lost."

Shi Yu spoke softly, even though his physical body was hammered beyond recognition, he still looked calm.

"Super. Accelerate!"

Seeing that the guy in front of him was unmoved, Shi Yu also frowned and decided to take it seriously. With a low drink, a round of time magic ring quickly rose from behind him, and the magic ring radiated a strong light to envelop himself. The clock spins.

As the magic ring rotated, Shi Yu's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and counterattacked towards Jiang Heng at an extremely fast speed.

The body shape is like an invisible sharp arrow, which is frantically drawing bloodstains on Jiang Heng's body with a sharp dagger.

He could kill him with one blow, but this body is just an incarnation after all, and to kill the person in front of him has to waste a lot of power of law, it is better to play slowly than this.


But just as soon as he had this thought, Shi Yu's eyelids twitched quickly.

But Jiang Heng also gave a low shout, his body was shrouded in a layer of off-white light, and at the same time, the time ring behind him also started to rotate clockwise.

The two were moving around at high speed, and the speed was almost even for a while.

Only the sound of dense collisions can be heard above the palace.

"It's just a mere fourth-order state, why can the Dao of Time be comparable to this seat?" Shi Yu was puzzled.

Although my incarnation is only at the fifth level, but the fifth level itself is stronger than the other party, and I have known the time and way for so many years, it is even comparable to a fourth-level demigod.

Shi Yu's mentality was a little out of balance for a while.

"Super. Inverse slowness!"

Shi Yu drank again, and the time axis behind him quickly began to rotate counterclockwise. A series of off-white rays of light quickly enveloped Jiang Heng's body, and Jiang Heng's time flow suddenly slowed down.

The originally super accelerated state turned out to be as slow as a turtle at this moment.

Seeing a smear of confidence on Yu's face at this time, but soon Jiang Heng repeated the same trick, and also hit Shi Yu against time, and the two returned at this moment.

"Hmph! It's just a trick, die for me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shi Yu's figure disappeared in the same place in an instant, and it should be said that he disappeared in this time period. He began to enter the time tunnel of the person in front of him, trying to find the other person's young or weak time period and kill him in advance!

This is also the most treacherous and unpredictable method of time, because you in the past have no idea that there will be such an enemy flying along the timeline to kill you in the future.

He seems to be speeding forward against the long river of time, because he is walking against time, his walking in the long river of time is not very smooth, and he needs to consume more time laws.

But when he knew that the other party also mastered the Time Dao, he knew that he had to kill him.

Otherwise, if there is one more person who also masters the way of time, he can't guarantee who will inherit the inheritance of the master of time and space in the end.

He was secretly calculating in his heart, ready to kill the opponent no matter how much he paid.

At this time, a terrifying roar suddenly resounded in the depths of the long river of time, as if something was broken.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Yu was stunned to find that there was a figure floating in front of the river against time, it was the boy outside before.

"Why are you here?"

Shi Yu was a little dazed, it was not surprising that the other party came in, but it was strange to appear in front of him.

Because of the particularity of the long river of time, no one knows which timeline the time master enters when entering the long river of time. The most sensible choice is to follow in the footsteps of the former and chase wildly all the way.

It can be said that it is understandable for the other party to appear behind him and pursue him closely, but it is somewhat incomprehensible for Shi Yu to appear in front of him.

"Cage. Bondage!"

However, the person in front of him didn't say anything, just opened and held his big hands, and the next moment Shi Yu felt as if a transparent barrier appeared around him to trap him firmly.

Before he could react, the surrounding space changed rapidly, and when he reappeared, he had escaped from the long river of time and returned to the ruins again.

" this the law of space? actually master the law of space and time at the same time?!"

Shi Yu was horrified, the other party used space constraints to directly cut himself from the space of the long river of time, and then easily dragged himself out of the space of the long river of time.

"Two breaths away, time is running out."

Jiang Heng said softly, "Cut, slash!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shi Yu's physical body was divided into tens of hundreds of pieces without warning, but these pieces were still suspended in the air, piled up in an invisible square cage, which looked like a floating A blood clot box in midair.

"who are you!"

"Meat grinder. Qi chop!"

Countless streams of air began to gestate from the blood clots that had been divided into hundreds of pieces, gradually becoming gentle and becoming extremely sharp. Immediately afterwards, Shi Yu felt as if a spiral sharp object was blowing in his flesh and blood storm.

Countless fine qi raged wildly in Shi Yu's body, and pieces of flesh and blood were cut and cut again.

Qijin's cutting is more detailed than space cutting. If space cutting is drastic, then Qijin cutting is like a precision scalpel for precise cutting and crushing of cells or even smaller tissues.

In less than half a breath, the inside of the square box in mid-air is like a meat grinder, constantly crushing and crushing the pieces of meat inside.

until it becomes a lump of meat.

A ray of spirit and thoughts floated out quickly as the body was completely This is a ray of consciousness left in the incarnation of the main body. Seeing this, Jiang Heng slapped his big hand, and the gourd around his waist rose into the air , the mouth of the gourd was opened, and in an instant several streamers of light shot up into the sky and strangled towards that consciousness one after another.

Shi Yu was just a clone of consciousness, which was much worse than the fifth-level spirit, so he couldn't withstand this kind of strangulation, and soon this consciousness was also wiped out in ashes.

After doing this, the golden light on Jiang Heng's body quickly dissipated, and his body with three eyes and six arms quickly dissipated and returned to normal.

The chest rose and fell violently, and when it returned to normal, Jiang Heng's legs softened and he couldn't help but half kneeled on the ground, gasping for breath.

His face was pale for a while, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out like vomiting.

Withdraw the space cage in mid-air, and the blood mud in the cage will fall down immediately without restraint. Seeing this, Jiang Heng hurriedly used the Zhanshen gourd to collect it into it.

Although this is just a clone of the other party, it was refined by using a lot of treasures and body energy, and it contains a lot of energy, which can just recharge the god-slaying gourd.

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