Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 995: 7th grade chicken dog

"See Your Highness!"

Seeing the person coming, Luo Feng and his party quickly half-kneeled and saluted.

This woman in front of me is one of the most honorable highnesses in the empire, especially this woman is like a jewel in the palm of His Majesty's heart.

"How's the situation here?"

The woman's perfect face hidden under the white veil kissed her lips.

"Your Highness, there is a time and space formation here. If you want to go up the mountain, you may need a time master or a time artifact to offset it." Luo Feng said very respectfully.

"I probably know the matter. The pedestrians inside are the buried elders and others." The woman was also a group of people who found that the movement on the stairs was still extremely slow and did not know it.

"It's this man. This man is the leader of a neutral force. I just didn't expect him to come in person this time. It seems that he is aware that his time limit is approaching and wants to fight." Hogg is very knowledgeable in intelligence. With a clear understanding, he quickly recognized the identity of the buried elder.


The woman's voice was very indifferent, as if she was just ordering a chicken to be slaughtered.

It was said that Hogg and the others hadn't moved yet, but the four maids behind the woman in the white palace dress had already moved in unison.

The four figures instantly turned into four clouds of different colors, and the smoke fell near the stairs to transform into four figures again.

Several people looked at each other and each took out a small and delicate woman's item from the storage space.

A knitting needle, a mirror, a thrush, and a red silk ribbon.

The maid holding the mirror threw the mirror high, and the mirror floated above the woman's head and spun for a while. Suddenly, a ray of sunlight shot out from the surface of the mirror, like a hazy moonlight.

This ray of light fell on the body of the buried old man, and the power of time at the buried old place began to decline in an instant, and it seemed to be scattered around. But only the buried old man escaped from the slow state of time.

Zan Lao was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he realized the abnormality of time at this moment, and when he was surprised and suspicious, his heart suddenly tightened.

However, his reaction was still too slow. Almost at the same time, the other three maids had already made their moves. The knitting needles flew into the air and instantly turned into countless dense flying needles.

After all, Zhuan Lao is a high-ranking demigod of the seventh rank. Although his strength and reactions in all aspects have declined greatly due to his old age, he is still a rank seven.

The moment he realizes the danger, he will use his divine domain.

However, the flying needles were approaching, and these dense knitting needles easily penetrated the body's protective barrier and pierced through the epidermis into various acupoints on the body.

I don't know what kind of material these knitting needles are made of, but they can penetrate the body of a seventh-level demigod so easily.

You must know that no matter how weak the seventh-order demigod is, even if he is not a physical martial arts fighter, his physical strength is comparable to that of a sixth-order peak physical martial arts fighter. But at this time, it was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Zan Lao's complexion changed drastically, and he felt a strange sealing force began to block and intercept the energy in the acupoints in his body.

The acupoints are originally the node bridges for warriors to move and transfer energy, and the efficiency of acupoints to transfer energy decreases, so naturally many strengths will be extremely slow to display, and the power will be greatly reduced.

"How courageous! However, the mere Xiaodao also wants to deal with this seat, and you are too underestimating what is the seventh level!"

Zong Lao roared, and he quickly began to build virtual acupoints in his body.

The use of the seventh-level demigods on the physical body can reach the point of being close to that of the creator, and it is extremely easy to make one's own organs less.

At the same time, he is also very confident that he can forcibly break through the blockade of the orifice points by relying on his own strong body and energy background.

I saw the knitting needles piercing into the old man's body trembling constantly, as if a powerful force was vibrating, trying to bounce them out.

But at this moment, the red silk ribbon in another maid's hand flew out of her hand, wrapping around the body of the inconvenient funeral like a snake.

Seeing this, the funeral elder took a deep breath, and immediately spewed out a mouthful of flames like a white rainbow.

The fiery red flames touched the red silk ribbon with extremely terrifying heat.

But the expected picture of the red silk ribbon being burned and turned into ashes did not appear. Instead, the red silk ribbon was baked by the flames and became more red, as if poured by blood drops.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of disbelief and astonishment quickly entangled in the eyes of the old man, and the red silk ribbon only restrained the old man.

His hands and feet were bound, and the old man's face turned pale. But when he rolled his eyes, a mouthful of blood spewed out.

The moment the blood sprayed out, it turned into a blood-colored figure, which was exactly the same as the buried old man, and quickly began to grow bones and flesh.

On the other hand, the body of the buried old man is rapidly deteriorating.

"It's some kind of escape secret technique, don't let this beast escape!" A maid said coquettishly when she saw this.

"Hey, a group of little dolls have a lot of treasures in their hands. Judging by your outfits, you seem to be powerful people."

Zan Lao followed the method of flesh and blood to escape temporarily, and then his figure quickly soared into the air and hovered over the crowd. His eyes scanned around and finally focused on the woman with a cold face in white clothes and a white veil in the distance.

"Let me pay the price for underestimating this old man today!"

"God's Domain! Tombs of Ten Thousand Graves!"

Zan Lao let out a low shout, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed in an instant. The ruins, which were originally somewhat sunny, suddenly became gloomy like ghosts descending.

The surrounding environment has not changed, but the atmosphere has completely changed.

The temperature in the surrounding space suddenly dropped. It was originally like the temperature in spring and June, but now it suddenly dropped to the severe cold of winter.

And the cold here is more like a cold that penetrates the soul, making people shiver uncontrollably.

"Haha! Once this old man activates God's Domain, you and the other juniors will all die!"

The elder buried a maniacal smile, if he had opened the domain of the gods when he was young, he would definitely be able to use it at will, but at this moment he can only barely open it.

Strands of distortion emerged in his body, and the body and soul of God's Domain received more and more complicated pheromones. In addition, the burial of old age is already high, and the pheromones accumulated in the early years plus the information that is now soaring wildly The element made him unstoppably deformed.

The words became frantic and somewhat gibberish. This was because countless chaotic consciousnesses were robbing the main consciousness for control. And some characteristics of various other creatures appear on the surface of the body.

"This old guy is really crazy. He dares to open God's Domain at this age." Hogg frowned slightly, with one hand slightly resting on the saber at his waist, ready to make a move to prevent his master from being in danger.

"If you kill all of you, all the treasures here will belong to this old man. You look very rich, and you must have life essence and other life-saving things on your body. As long as you kill you, this old man can live on for a while, enough for this old man to search for the entire ruins! "

Although he was in a state of distortion, the funeral still retained the last sliver of sobriety and reason.

His big hand, as dry as a dry bone, suddenly stretched out and then pressed down hard.

All of a sudden, there was a gust of gloomy wind around, and weird black vortices emerged in the midair, and dozens of dark long strips rushed out of the vortex.


The sound of heavy objects hitting the ground resounded one after another.

Only then did everyone discover what was flying out of the black vortex, and it turned out to be black metal coffins.

As the coffin fell to the ground, there was a creak, and the lid of the coffin was opened, and corpses that were either naked or well-preserved emerged.

Some of these corpses were covered in green and black, and some were in purple and gold.


There was a piercing sound of fingernails rubbing against the coffin, and a pair of big hands pulled the outside of the coffin, and then corpses flew out of the coffin.

These corpses came out quickly like living things, and their eyes opened to reveal scarlet blood eyes.

"Corpse refining! This is a semi-god-level zombie refined!"

Luo Feng exclaimed, he was no stranger to this kind of thing after traveling around the ruins of the empire all the year round.

Refining corpses was not uncommon in ancient times. In the tombs of many true gods or high-ranking demigods, they more or less refined their subordinates into zombies to serve as tomb-slayer beasts.

As soon as the words fell, these zombies rushed towards the nearest living thing.

The stench is tangy.

what! ~

A scream came first from a team member not far from Luofeng, and a zombie that appeared suddenly jumped on him and pressed him directly.

He opened his sharp teeth full of sharp fangs, and bit down on the opponent's neck with one bite.

The screams were also caused by this, but the person who was thrown down did not panic, but hurriedly tried to break free. After all, physical trauma is not fatal in the subconscious of many people.

For demigod-level powerhouses, as long as the soul is still alive, there is still a glimmer of life. ,

But after he struggled for a while, he realized that he couldn't escape at all. The zombie in front of him was as powerful as a fifth-level martial artist in the physical body. If he threw himself on a fourth-level warrior of the temple system like him, it was a father beating his son.

Seeing this, the person gritted his teeth and let out a flying knife from his mouth. The flying knife drew an arc in mid-air and slashed directly on the neck of the zombie.


Like chopping on hard divine iron, his fourth-order semi-sacred weapon let alone cut the opponent's neck, but was ejected with an obvious gap.

Seeing this, he panicked, and was about to fight back again, when suddenly he was taken aback, and immediately let out more tragic wailing.

Seeing some unlucky person being bitten by his refined corpse, the funeral elder in mid-air even laughed wildly triumphantly.

ignorant guy.

Ordinary demigod warriors would not know that corpse refiners would often paint the fangs of zombies with spirit-like poisons.

Combined with Lian Zong's strong physique comparable to a martial artist in the physical body and terrifying close-up attack speed, as long as he is bitten by Lian Zong, he will definitely die!

Soon this person's wailing gradually weakened, and the expression in his eyes also quickly dimmed.

"Be careful with the fangs, these monsters' teeth may have the poison of the soul!"

Luo Feng reminded loudly, but at this moment the situation had already started to become chaotic, and black shadows were like ghosts, cleanly and neatly throwing down the team members one by one.

Even Luo Feng was quickly suppressed by another zombie after he kicked one of the rushing zombies away.

The zombie in front of him turned out to be a zombie comparable to the peak of the sixth-order physical body, and compared to his strength, he could faintly suppress Luo Feng.

"Haha! Haha! Good kill! But it's still too slow, it's time to speed up all this!" Old Zan laughed, and a small green jade bottle appeared in his hand, and Gudong Gudong swallowed it.

After taking the potion, Zun Lao's complexion recovered a little bit, and immediately he clasped his hands together, and a spell floated in front of him and quickly burned out.

As the talisman was burned, dense incantations quickly spread out from the palm of the buried old man, and the incantations covered his whole body.

The moment the incantation appeared, an infinite black mist appeared behind him, and a larger and golden coffin emerged from the black mist.

The moment this coffin emerged, the wind in the entire space became more intense, and the zombies below seemed to have been stimulated by some kind of stimulation, and began to become more violent and lethal.

"It's indeed too ink-stained, hurry up, I'm tired of watching it."

The cold voice of the woman in white made the four maids tremble slightly, not daring to be slighted.

The four quickly gathered together, and the four treasures in their hands were all thrown into the air by them.

The four women's objects rotated slowly in mid-air, and in an instant, colorful rays of light emerged from the sky, and a piece of jade towers and jade buildings appeared in the sky, like mountains and green towering above the sky. Feige Liudan.

One can vaguely see flying goddesses and fairies dancing in the cloud palace.

In an instant, space and time are still passing slowly, but everyone seems to have forgotten time and space. Everyone's eyes are attracted by the wonderful fairyland in the sky, and they are all dazed.

However, what they don't know is that in this state, their souls have involuntarily separated from their bodies and floated towards the sky towards the illusory palaces.

Even Zan Lao was stunned at the moment, a translucent figure emerged from above his head, half of that figure showed obsession and longing, and the other half showed struggle and hesitation.

Puff Chi~!

A ray of knife light appeared, followed by a scream that shook the soul.

The palaces in the sky disappeared, all the illusions dissipated, and everyone came back to their senses in a daze, only then did they realize that each of them had become a state of At this time, Zan Lao hugged his head and howled miserably, drooling Weeping and tearing, the whole person lay on the ground and convulsed uncontrollably.

"He's useless, two-thirds of his soul has been cut. But let's deal with it quickly, I don't want to see a bunch of deformed monsters."

The woman ordered coldly.

Hearing that the four maids nodded one after another, they quickly took out a small and delicate jade bottle and a talisman from the storage space.

The four of them stood in very weird positions and cast some kind of secret method with blood at the same time. When the secret method was cast, a strong suction force suddenly came from inside the jade bottle.

Zan Lao's soul is already on the verge of collapse at this moment, and the few incomplete souls and distortions are vying for the body, and there is no way to resist at this moment.

Soon the buried old man turned into a ray of light and was collected in the jade bottle. Seeing this, a maid hurriedly put the cork on the bottle, and at the same time quickly pasted a talisman on the body of the bottle.

All of this seemed very smooth, as if the four of them had rehearsed and dealt with this situation many times.

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