Master of Fist

Chapter 101: get it

Zhou Ran felt that his breathing was almost stagnant at this moment. He didn't dare to look at the other person, so he quickly looked away in fright.

"It seems that you are not honest?"

Jiang Heng spoke lightly, his emotions could not be seen from his tone, but Zhou Ran was already sweating coldly from fright.

"Senior...senior...the villain is in a daze! I lied to you because I was in a daze, but I will never dare to do it in the future! I will never dare again! I have lost both of my hands. Without the extremely cherished continuation pill, I am afraid that I will never have the chance to do martial arts again in this life!"

"Small man! The villain is wrong! The villain will never dare again! I beg the senior to give the villain a way to survive in the situation of the little confession, and the villain will definitely give the senior you a saddle!"

Zhou Ran doesn't dare to think about anything now, she just wants to live a good life!

"A useless person is of no use to someone." Jiang Heng looked at Zhou Yan who was like a dog on the ground with a playful expression. He didn't expect this old fritters to really save a hand. If it wasn't for today's incident, I'm afraid it would be true Be fooled by him.

"I...I still have legs! I still have the blood! I'll practice legs instead! I'll definitely help you!"

Zhou Yan was so frightened that he begged quickly, he was really scared, if he said he would kill at the Pulse Refining Realm, he would kill him! What else can't he kill?

"Well! Well, tell me everything you know. If you still dare to hide it, you know it!"

Slightly squatting down, Jiang Heng patted the opponent's cheek with a sneer.

"Don't dare! Don't dare! Don't dare again!" Zhou Yan shook her head again and again.

"Okay! Tell me, don't worry, as long as you tell the truth, your dog's life is still yours!"

"Thank you, senior! Thank you, senior, for your kindness!" Zhou Yan was lying on the ground unable to move and couldn't help but be grateful. His breath was a little disordered, but he still didn't dare to neglect in the slightest.

"This fourth-rank martial arts villain has been staring at it for a month, and it is still in the west of the city. It was just collected by the master of Nongjiang Hall in the west of the city. Hu Buwei, the master of Nongjiang Hall, is only a second-rank martial artist. It's just a mediocre person, he doesn't know the goods at all. It is said that a down-and-out scholar sold it to him, and he thought it was an antique calligraphy and painting, so he hid it.

In fact, the villain has checked the details of the down-and-out scholar. His ancestors once had a master of pulse refining, but because he was killed by his enemies, he was worried that the junior would follow his path before he died, so he warned his heirs not to practice it in the future. Wu..."

"Get to the point!" Jiang Heng said impatiently.

"Yes!" Zhou Yan didn't dare to disobey, and hurriedly said: "The villain has tried to get in touch with Hu Buwei many times, invited him to talk with him several times for the purpose of appreciating ancient relics, and secretly proposed to meet him. Treasure ancient books. But this person is not good, and this person is backed by the Canglang Gang, so the villain is not easy to use.

I thought about stealing, but this person is terribly afraid of death, and the patrol in the hall at night is still very strict, so I had to invite him again as a last resort. After a lot of talking, the villain finally bought off his confidant, but this person asked for a very ruthless price, and he must have a hundred thousand taels of silver before he was willing to take the risk to steal the book.

However, although the villain is beautiful on weekdays, the expenses in the hall and his own martial arts training also require huge expenses. I really can't get it out in a short time, but the villain has already accumulated enough savings recently, senior, if you need it, I will have someone contact him tomorrow..."

"Why are you talking so much!" Jiang Heng waved his hands impatiently, and said in displeasure, "Don't you just say that the fourth-grade martial arts are in Nongjiangtang?"

Zhou Yan was startled when she heard the words, opened her mouth, and said nothing.

Yes, this matter is naturally extremely difficult for him. After all, although the third-rank realm is stronger than the second-rank realm, it has not yet reached the point where it can instantly kill the opponent. Once the stalemate persists, the other party can easily call brothers to break through, and then bring the matter to the Canglang Gang, which is why Zhou Yan has never wanted to force it.

But this matter is nothing to this...well.....

"Tell me, where is Nongjiang Hall?"

"Then... over there, across two streets, the innermost and most conspicuous house is it."

Then Zhou Yan saw the other party leaping, his huge body piercing through the roof of the Black Tiger Hall like a cannonball and disappearing from sight.

"Isn't Senior Yan really a demon?"

Zhou Yan watched in astonishment, and doubts once again appeared in her heart.

About half an hour later, when there was a whistling sound, accompanied by a loud noise, that stalwart figure reappeared in the middle of the Black Tiger Hall lobby, and the rubble fell all over the floor.


A chubby head rolled on the floor and rolled in front of Zhou Yan, which made Zhou Yan tremble with fright.


"Is this... Hu Wuwei?!"

Zhou Ran said in amazement, when he looked at the burly figure, the fear on his face became even stronger!

He didn't expect that the head of Hu Buwei, the target he had tried so hard to steal the book before, would appear in front of him just after the other party went out for a moment.

Never disobey this fierce **** in the future!

"Where do you usually practice?" Jiang Heng asked lightly.

"It's just... just behind here, just turn left and go in. Normally, no one would go in without my permission!" Zhou Yan replied immediately.

Jiang Heng nodded, and was about to step in, when he turned over an object and threw it over.

"I got this from this guy's treasure house, it can relieve the pain in the meridians!"

Said that Jiang Heng's figure has strode forward and disappeared from Zhou Yan's field of Yan stared blankly at the white jade porcelain bottle not far away, as if he couldn't believe it, and then sighed after a while The left hand that was still able to move brought it over.

It doesn't seem bad to follow this murderer?

Jiang Heng was already sitting on the futon in the middle at this time. It was a very empty room with closed surroundings. There were only some weapons, wooden dummy stakes for training and stones for strength training around. pier.

After lighting the candles in the house, Jiang Heng couldn't help but began to flip through the books in his hand.

He didn't choose to go back to Jiangfu, but really thought about this fourth-rank martial art for a long time. Secondly, with the head of Hu Buwei, it can be regarded as a warning to the dishonest Zhou Yan. After all, this person is still useful, and it is a pity that his channel is broken now.

And with him, a third-rank martial artist on the surface, in the west of the city, it can be regarded as barely able to control the scene. And I believe that Iron Sword Sect and Arhat Sect will be able to restrain themselves a lot in the future. After all, a vice sect master was folded in the Black Tiger Hall. If the heads of the two forces didn't understand what it represented, they could buy a piece of tofu and kill them.

Shaking his head and throwing away those distracting thoughts, Jiang Heng began to ponder the method of inner qi in his hands with a sinking heart.

This is an inner qi method called "Frost Heart Method".

After reading it back and forth several times, Jiang Heng began to feel the so-called qi according to the description in the book and the movement of meridians and dantian.

Being able to initially feel the sense of qi is the stepping stone to initially mastering the pulse refining state.

But Jiang Heng felt the qi for three full hours, but he didn't react in the slightest.

Jiang Heng frowned. According to the description in the book, generally at this step, as long as the Qi and blood are enough to reach the third-rank realm, and it is close to completion, you can feel the sense of Qi.

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