Master of Fist

Chapter 100: You... so weak!

"But why are you so confident? Do you think you can be so confident just by killing a mere third-rank elder?"

Guo looked around, and after confirming that there were no traps or ambushes, the smile on his face became wider.

"If you act like this, you are either stupid or courting death!"

With a cold snort, Guo dropped Zhou Ran from his hand and pulled out the sword blade behind him. After all, he had checked the corpse. Obviously, the opponent's attack was very clean. His elders were killed before they could even fight back. Obviously The opponent is also a first-rate player in the third-rank realm!

But after all, the third-rank state is the third-rank state, no matter what, there is no way to refine the pulse!

"I think it's you who is looking for death!!"

But the violent drinking in the shadows is like thunder!


However, Guo's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Jiang Heng in the shadows in disbelief, and gradually opened his mouth, making a sound with some unknown meaning.

The outline of the shadow gradually expanded as the opponent stood up.


The clothes on his body were torn apart in an instant like pieces!

"You...what the **** are you.... a monster?!"

"Jiji waiwai, I have endured you for a long time!" Jiang Heng slowly got up and the wooden chair under him burst into pieces. As he slowly stood up, his burly body swelled up again, his muscles were wriggling like wriggling hard lumps undulating and expanding, and blue veins began to quickly crawl all over his body like spreading vines. In just a few breaths, the original two-meter tall **** further expanded into a muscular body of nearly three meters!

What shocked Guo Que the most was that a red star suddenly lit up on the opponent's chest, and then quickly spread to the next one, and the next one, each red star was more than a hundred red stars like the red in the shadows. The nebula is lighting up.

Streams of hot and scorching crimson air flow escaped from the red stars, but at this moment Guo finally saw the face in the shadow clearly!

It was a young and unremarkable face, but at this time, the face was covered with red light and thin lines like cracks, and a pair of eyes stared at him indifferently like two red stars.

The heat wave emitted by it even made Guo Que, who was tens of meters away, feel his skin was hot, and his skin even felt a little uncomfortable.

"The Canon of Nine Dragons Prison Lock!!"

"Blood fiend!!"


A large ball exploded under Jiang Heng's feet, the wooden floor was instantly shattered, and the entire lobby trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying body with a height of three meters suddenly rose up. The heavy and huge body was armed with extremely strong muscles like a piece of meteorite, and suddenly bombarded in the direction of Guo Que!

"Impossible!! What the **** are you?!"

Seeing this, Guo finally came to his senses, his pupils shrank sharply, and his inner energy was not afraid of being consumed at this moment, and the sword blade rushed in front of him, trying to block this terrifying blow, right in front of him at this moment There is already a light blue air flow visible to the naked eye that is erratic, and when he reaches the back with one leg, he stares at the growing red shadow with some horror!

Ah! !

However, Guo let out a yell, and the inner energy in his dantian almost began to pour out with all his strength.

boom! !

Accompanied by a muffled sound, the huge fist with the red stars about the size of an ordinary human head suddenly collided with the sword blade glowing with light blue air, like a meteorite hitting a barrier.

This stalemate only lasted for a while, and it was accompanied by the sound of crackling bones, and Guo Que's wailing like killing a pig. The bones of his arms couldn't bear the huge force at this moment and burst apart inch by inch. .

He never imagined how powerful this is!


A mouthful of blood spurted out as if he didn't want money.

No longer able to hold the sword with both hands, the scorching iron fist hit Guo Que's chest unstoppably with the side of the blade!


"Ah!!" Guo Que stared wide-eyed, even with internal energy as a counterbalance, this blow still made him feel like his internal organs were about to be shattered.

The sternum has already collapsed!


The three-meter-high red star monster made of muscles fell heavily to the ground, causing the floor to tremble slightly.

The entire lobby was terribly silent for an instant, except for Guo Que's voice gasping for air in pain.

The whole forest was deathly silent.

" are...demon!" Guo was so painful that his nose, tears, blood and sweat all flowed out. He thought of a terrible possibility, which was by no means The physique that ordinary people can have is not the strength that humans can have!

Lying on the ground, his entire body began to tremble uncontrollably, staring at Jiang Heng, who is now at full strength, as if he saw the most terrifying thing in the world!

This three-meter-high body, only monsters have such a terrifying body, it is impossible for a warrior to have such a physique, absolutely impossible! !

Zhou Ran's weak eyes were open at this time, and they were also wide-eyed at this time. Although he has seen it once before. But the shock in my heart was still unavoidable when I saw him again.

The most important thing is, this time, Guo Que, who was in the pulse refining state, was directly injured seriously?

Could it be that Senior Yan's strength has improved again in a short period of time?

But this...impossible!

Such strength is the limit of inconceivable limits, and it is as difficult as reaching the sky without stepping into the pulse refining state!

Zhou Ran has a deep understanding of this Only after stepping into the third-rank realm, until now, his strength has made very limited progress, and even the last year can be described as not making any progress.

"You are at the Pulse Refining Realm... so weak!"

He bent down and clasped Guo Que's head, and his huge palm could directly clasp his head.

" are not a human...a monster...! You are a monster! But how can a monster enter Cangzhou City? Zhenfusi? What does Zhenfusi do?"

At this time, Guo finally took a breather, and he spoke a lot more clearly, but his emotions became more agitated.


Jiang Heng opened his mouth, revealing his snow-white teeth, and his face looked extremely ferocious under the moonlight.

"Seeing that you are going to die, I will tell you a secret..."

As he said that, he moved his head slightly, and laughed with a low voice: "Actually, I am the Zhen Fu Si!"

"you you..."

Guo's eyes widened, but his mouth opened, uh, uh.


The head was like a bursting watermelon, with red and white splashing on Jiang Heng's hand.

The corpse fell to the ground like a broken sack, making a muffled sound.

Zhou Yan's eyes widened. A master at the Pulse Refining that...dead?

Jiang Heng looked at the blood in his hands, and shook his head slightly, this guy was worse than the one he met last time. Although his strength has improved a little recently, he didn't even hold up with a single punch.

"It seems that the strength gap in the pulse refining realm is quite large."

Thinking in his heart, Jiang Heng tore off the corpse's clothes and wiped his hands, then looked at Zhou Yan with a pair of indifferent eyes.

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