Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3638: : In-depth communication

According to the classification of the causes, Mongolian medicine divides the diseases into six types: Heyi disease, Xieri disease, Baganda disease, blood disease, yellow water disease and insect disease.

Heyi’s disease is called Heyi’s disease. Heyi loses relative balance and causes changes such as excessive, late or turbulence to damage the body.

He Yi has the dual nature of inciting cold and heat. He has the characteristics of lightness, roughness, and slippery. It also shows the above characteristics when lesions occur. Heyi's disease is generally more common in the elderly, frail and Heyi's personality. Once the disease occurs, whether it is cold or fever, it will aggravate and complicate it.

There are several external causes that can cause Hey’s disease. First, overeating is bitter, spicy, light, rough, and cold diet, and malnutrition; second, long-term insomnia, polyphonic, excessive desire; third, exposure to wind , Excessive cold; fourth, excessive panic, sadness, mental stimulation or diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding and other therapies are improperly applied.

The above four factors can cause Hey's dysfunction and cause surplus syndrome. On the contrary, excessive warm, greasy and heavy eating, too little physical activity, excessive warmth in seasons, and excessive nourishment can suppress Heyi, reduce it and cause deficits.

He Yi's pathological process has three stages: accumulation, onset and subsidence.

The form of Heyi's disease is divided into three forms: excessive, inferior, and disorder. Too much manifestation of symptoms such as weight loss, blue skin, warmth, body tremors, abdominal distension, constipation, polyphonic, dizziness, weakness, poor sleep, and dysphoria; less than manifestation of fatigue, less speech, and physical discomfort , Unresponsiveness and other symptoms of Heyi's temperament decrease; pulsation is a symptom of Heyi's temperament disorder.

Heyi's lesions can spread all over the body, including kidneys, hips, heart, large intestine, bones, joints, skin, ears and other parts.

Xieri syndrome changes, Xieri belongs to fire, has the characteristics of heat, sharpness, etc., so Xieri disease has a rapid onset, rapid disease process, easy epidemic, high fever, and more severe tingling.

It is more common in young adults and those with unique personality.

The external factors that cause the synergistic disease include: first, overeating spicy, salty, sour, hot, and greasy food; second, overwork, prolonged sun exposure, anxiety and other sharp activities; third, abnormal seasonal weather Get hot; fourth, fall injuries, fever infections, overdose of warm heat, etc.

All of the above reasons can induce Xie Riying disease. Conversely, a clean, cold, and light diet, long-term exposure to a cool and cold environment, and excessive cooling and treatment can reduce the amount of co-riage and cause deficits.

There are three stages of accumulation, onset and cessation of the pathological changes.

There are three forms of Xieri disease: too much, not enough, and chaotic. Too much manifested as fever, thirst, yellow staining, diarrhea and other symptoms; less than manifested as hypothermia, cold body, blue skin, etc.; pulsation manifested as various symptoms of Xieri disorder.

Although Xieri lesions circulate throughout the body, they mainly involve the liver, gallbladder, small intestine, blood, sweat, eyes, and skin.

Badgan disease, Badgan disease is water, soil, heavy, cold and other characteristics, so Badgan disease has slow onset, few changes, long course, slow recovery, dull and weak pain.

Clinically, it is more common in children and people with Badagan personality.

The internal cause of Badagan disease is itself. There are external causes such as excessive cold, greasy, and indigestible diet; exposure to cold, dampness, and long-term inactivity; cold seasons; excessive cooling and treatment.

The above are the external factors that promote the occurrence of Badagan disease. On the contrary, hot, light diet, overheated environment, over-activity, and over-treatment with heat will overwhelm the Badaghan and cause deficits.

Too much Badagan will cause cold body, food will not disappear, body will be heavy, tired, joints will be loose, saliva, nasal mucus increased; less manifested as dizziness, heart palpitations, etc.; turbulence is manifested as the symptoms of Badagan's seven properties interfere with each other.

The path of Badgan's disease is the head, tongue, stomach, kidney, bladder, lung, diet, muscle, fat, and urine.

Blood disease, blood disease is similar to Xieri disease, with sharp heat, rapid onset, rapid development, and many changes. It is clinically more common in the middle-aged and people with blood association.

There are three forms of blood disease: excessive, loss, and chaos. Excessive manifestations include redness of the eyes and face, headache, fever, oral gum ulcers, epistaxis, hemoptysis, hematochezia, hematuria, sores, etc.; loss manifests as body weakness, dizziness, tinnitus, vertigo, palpitations, shortness of breath, and lips White, menstrual disorders, etc.; disturbances are various manifestations of increased blood heat.

The blood lesions mainly involve the liver, blood vessels, eyes, nose, head and other parts.

Yellow water disease, yellow water has too much, less time, turbulent changes, damage to the body is called yellow water disease. Yellow water disease combined with Xieri and blood is a febrile disease, and when it is combined with Badagan and Heyi, it is a cold disease. Therefore, the factors that cause blood and Xieri heat can cause febrile yellow water disease, and the factors that cause Badagan and Heyi disease can cause cold yellow water disease.

There are three forms of yellow water lesions: increase, wear and turbulence. Increased yellow water is due to poor digestive function, poor blood secretion, turbid blood flowing back into the subtle channels, turbid vitality and increased yellow water, showing body sores, skin itching, muscle swelling, hair loss, joint swelling and pain , Subcutaneous cysts, etc.; yellow water loss is due to hemorrhage, long-term malnutrition and other factors that reduce the production of yellow water, manifested as body thinness, fatigue, and skin inelasticity; yellow water complication mainly manifests increased symptoms.

Although yellow water disease affects the whole body, it mainly affects the tissues between the skin and muscles, the abdominal cavity, and the joint cavity.

Insect diseases, diseases caused by disease-causing insects, are called worm diseases. The combination of Badagan and Heyi is a cold disease, and the combination of Xieri and blood is a heat disease.

Disease-causing insects are mainly divided into parasites and armyworms. Armyworms are mainly combined with blood, Xieri causes plagues, skin diseases and other fever, and are infectious; parasites cause intestinal parasites and other parasitic diseases.

If it is classified according to Chinese medicine, it includes internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, ENT, acupuncture and so on.

And there are too many internal medicine classifications.

All of a sudden, Mr. Ye Chen and Mr. Meng Lao also couldn't tell.

However, Mongolian medicine is divided according to these categories, which is not a lot.

Therefore, after Mr. Meng Lao finished speaking, Ye Chen had accepted all of them. Ye Chen probably understood the disease classifications that the other party said were similar to those in Chinese medicine.

"Doctor Ye, in general, Mongolian medicine uses the relationship of "Heyi", "Sheila" and "Badagan" to explain the physiological and pathological phenomena of the human body. The so-called "Heyi" refers to various physiological functions. Motivation. All thinking, language, movements and the functional activities of various organs are governed by it. If "Heyi" malfunctions, it will lead to weakened visceral function, manifested as mental abnormality, insomnia, forgetfulness, etc. "Sheila" It means fiery heat. The body temperature, the heat energy of various tissues and organs, and the refreshing of the spirit are all "Sila" at work. When "Sila" is too high, various kinds of fever diseases will occur, such as bitter mouth, soreness, Manic expression and other manifestations. "Badagan" refers to a mucus-like substance in the body, which has the characteristics of coldness. The dysfunction of "Badagan", in addition to the general signs of coldness, can easily lead to watery symptoms. The phenomenon of various secretions increased due to stagnation."

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