Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1735: : Insomnia

Ye Chen thought that these people had been away from China for so long and arrived in the United States, which should be very different from the domestic Chinese medicine.

Even, in his opinion, those traditional Chinese medicine techniques should be impure, and most of them use modern medical equipment.

However, what Ye Chen didn't expect was that in the communication with them, even judging from the calligraphy of their prescription, they maintained it well.

Ye Chen could see that most of these Chinese doctors in Chinatown came from the typhoid school and the febrile disease school.

It's just that when they came to the United States, they couldn't be as clear as they did in China, but from the perspective of their Chinese medicine that advocated medical treatment, Ye Chen could easily tell which school they belonged to.

From the beginning of the exchange at 8 o'clock in the morning and ending at 11 o'clock in the morning, Ye Chen had a good idea of ​​the level of the Chinese doctors in Chinatown.

He found that the level of Chinese medicine skills is similar to that of the Chinese and overseas Chinese in Singapore and other places. However, Ye Chen found that there may be less communication. The overall level of Chinese medicine skills may be better than that of mainland China, but it is better than those in China. The level of doctors is much worse.

From this point of view, it is really necessary for the two sides to exchange traditional Chinese medicine culture. Otherwise, they will only advance or retreat. Moreover, without communication and comparison, there will be no difference between high and low.

Although the purpose of Chinese medicine is to save people, it can still be distinguished from high and low to relieve the suffering of patients. This is also the reason why there are so many Chinese medicine competitions?

At the end of the exchange meeting held in the morning, the Chinese doctors in San Francisco's Chinatown admire Ye Chen even more. Chinatown's "San Francisco Chinese News" and "San Francisco Overseas Chinese News" kept interviewing him.

Ye Chen wanted to refuse an interview like that, but these reporters were very enthusiastic. Ye Chen had to accept their interview and the reporter gave them a close-up of the interview.

The morning exchange meeting is over. After lunch in the hotel, a joint free clinic will be held outside the Chinatown Cultural Branch.

So, after eating lunch, Ye Chen and Yang Yixian were already sitting in front of the table and chairs prepared in advance.

There are also pens and papers prepared in advance on the table, and even pulse pillows, so that doctors can give free consultations to Chinese and overseas Chinese in Chinatown.

Ye Chen sat there, and it didn't take long before he saw a middle-aged man in his forties coming to see him.

"Doctor Ye, I know you." The old man sitting down said.

"Know me?" Ye Chen asked strangely.

When Ye Chen looked over, he saw that the middle-aged man took out a newspaper. It was the "San Francisco Chinese Daily." The most popular newspaper in Chinatown in San Francisco was the report on what happened yesterday. Reports on cultural exchanges between cultural exchange groups and Chinese Americans.

Among them, the news talked about Ye Chen, a young and powerful Chinese doctor. Therefore, when the free clinic is being held today, the Chinese and overseas Chinese who feel that they are not feeling well or are sick, and even some blacks and whites come early to prepare.

It turned out to be more than one hundred members of the Shanghai exchange group. In addition, the Chinatown doctors in the 60s and 70s in San Francisco basically see one patient alone, and one or two hundred patients can be seen at a time. This can indeed reduce a lot of burden for many patients. .

The middle-aged man with the surname Mao immediately found Ye Chen's position and came over. After sitting down, he introduced himself to Ye Chen.

"Uncle Mao, it turned out to be this!" Ye Chen said.

When Ye Chen asked when he came to the United States, he learned that the other party came to the United States and belonged to the third generation of immigrants. His grandfather was the first generation, his father was the second generation, and he was the third generation. Now his son It is the fourth generation, and grandchildren are the fifth generation.

Compared with those of Wang Xishun, Uncle Mao's situation is much better than them. He can be regarded as a well-off life. He has his own house and car in Chinatown.

Of course, the house was bought from his grandfather's generation and has been handed down.

"Doctor Ye, if you have time, I invite you to my house for dinner." Uncle Mao said.

"Uncle Mao, it may depend on the time. I have to fly to Los Angeles Chinatown tonight or tomorrow morning." Ye Chen said.

Because more and more people were queuing, Ye Chen didn't say anything else, but first showed Uncle Mao's pulse and tongue, and finally asked him where he was uncomfortable?

Soon, Ye Chen learned that this Uncle Mao had suffered from insomnia and forgetfulness, and had been flustered for more than a year. He had seen traditional Chinese and Western medicine to no avail.

After asking about his situation, Ye Chen finally looked at Uncle Mao and said: "Uncle Mao, you are insomnia, which is what Western medicine says about insomnia. If you don't get the right medicine, it is generally difficult to treat."

Since his arrival in Shanghai, Ye Chen has treated many patients with insomnia.

Especially nowadays social life is so fast and life pressure is so great. Whether it is a student or a white-collar worker, it is often easy to cause yin and yang imbalance and restlessness due to unbalanced emotions or excessive exertion.

This Uncle Mao suffered from insomnia for a year, indicating that his condition is still very serious. However, during this year, the treatment by Chinese and Western doctors had no effect.

Ye Chen asked about his various uncomfortable symptoms. After confirming his pulse and tongue conditions, he looked at Uncle Mao and said, "Uncle Mao, you drink this Chinese medicine that I have prescribed. You will sleep after drinking the medicine. Comfortable."

Ye Chen took the paper and began to write him medical records and prescriptions.

"Mao, male, 48 years old, insomnia and flustered for 1 year."

"First diagnosis: insomnia, forgetfulness, palpitation and palpitations for 1 year, diagnosed as neurosis by Western medicine, and treated with oryzanol, vitamins and other drugs, but the effect is not good. Present symptoms: insomnia, can only sleep 2 to 3 hours a day, palpitation and palpitations , Dizziness, forgetfulness, impatient irritability, dry mouth, bitterness, appetite, just two."

"Examination: Tongue status: red tongue, white tongue coating. Pulse status: deep and thin pulse. TCM dialectics: insomnia. Treatment: nourishing the heart and calming mind, clearing away heat, nourishing yin and nourishing blood."

"Prescription: 12 grams of lily, 20 grams of Anemarrhena, 15 grams of Fushen, 10 grams of Chuanxiong, 10 grams of roasted grass, 30 grams of fried jujube seed, 30 grams of Shouwu vine, 30 grams of pinellia, 12 grams of Polygala. 6 doses, Decoction in water, 1 dose a day, divided into two doses."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he double-checked and found that there were no other problems, he handed the prescription to Uncle Mao and said: "Uncle Mao, you can now take the prescription to the medicinal store in Chinatown to buy the medicine, and take it according to the prescription, and you will be fine. I have a rest. However, in normal times, pay attention to adjusting your emotions."

After Uncle Mao confirmed it, after Uncle Mao left, it was naturally the second patient who was waiting in line to sit down quickly.

As for the middle-aged Chinese woman in front of her, she had a lung-heat syndrome. Ye Chen asked about it carefully. Then, based on her condition, he prescribed the right medicine and prescribed detailed medical records and prescriptions.

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