Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1734: : Face-to-face communication

Brother Wang's name is Wang Xishun. He is 45 years old this year. He works as an ordinary cook in Chinatown and earns two to three thousand dollars a month.

Two to three thousand US dollars are exchanged for RMB ten to twenty thousand. However, in the United States, it is spent in U.S. dollars, and all aspects of prices are also used in U.S. dollars.

Therefore, the family can only rent upstairs in the cheapest dilapidated apartment.

Now he didn't expect that several members of these Chinese medicine cultural exchange groups from Shanghai would see him one by one, which made him feel indescribable.

Finally, Yang Yixian looked at Ye Chen and said, "Doctor Ye, what do you think of Brother Wang's illness?"

"Uncle Wang's disease belongs to severe cough, slippery pulse, pale tongue, greasy tongue coating, and it is a syndrome of phlegm-drinking depression of the lung. It is necessary to promote the lungs and transform the drink, expectorant and relieve cough." Ye Chen said.

When Ye Chen said that, Yang Yixian, Yu Shaohua and the others naturally asked Ye Chen to prescribe a prescription.

Originally, Ye Chen was the youngest member of this cultural exchange group, but the most convinced of these doctors was Ye Chen, which surprised even Wang Xishun.

When he learned that Ye Chen had won two championships in the International Chinese Medicine Competition, the other party was already surprised and couldn't tell.

Ye Chen took a piece of white paper, and then wrote on that piece of white paper: "Wang, male, 45 years old, cough and chest tightness and shortness of breath for 1 month."

"First diagnosis: Since 1 month ago, there was no obvious cause, cough, chest tightness, shortness of breath, phlegm in the throat, conscious foreign body in the pharynx, uncomfortable cough, white sputum with foam, self-administered amoxicillin and other drugs are not effective. Current symptoms: Cough, chest tightness, shortness of breath, phlegm in the throat, white cough with foam, eating and drinking, no aversion to cold, no fever. Examination: Tongue: pale tongue, greasy tongue coating. Pulse: slippery pulse. Dialectical Chinese medicine : Diagnosed with cough, phlegm-drinking and stagnation of the lung syndrome. Treatment: Xuanfei Huayin, expectorant to relieve cough."

"Prescription: 12 grams of shegan, 10 grams of ephedra, 10 grams of schisandra, 10 grams of pinellia, 10 grams of roasted licorice, 10 grams of dried ginger, 6 grams of jujube, 10 grams of aster, 12 grams of coltsfoot, 12 grams of almonds, 12 burdock seeds Grams, 12 grams of Poria, 30 grams of raw oysters. 7 doses, decocted in water, 1 dose a day, divided into 2 doses. Avoid spicy, seafood diet."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he checked it carefully and passed it to Yu Shaohua and the others.

After they finished reading, Ye Chen handed it to Wang Xishun and said, "Uncle Wang, now you can go to the medicinal store in Chinatown to buy medicine and drink it. It shouldn't be long before your cough will stop."

Wang Xishun hurriedly thanked Ye Chen, he was very clear that this continuous cough, especially when sleeping, was very uncomfortable.

Although this is the cultural exchange between the Shanghai Chinese Medical Association and the Chinese headquarters in the United States, he also appreciates these compatriots from China for coming to see him, but the most grateful thing is the young doctor in front of him for seeing him.

If you get better from this illness, let alone other things.

Sitting there, after more than ten minutes, I took out the Shanghai souvenirs, all of which were muffins and cake balls. Although these Chinatowns may be sold, how can they be compared with the souvenirs specially brought from Shanghai? ?

Coming out of Wang Xishun's house, the head of the Chinese branch and a head of Chinatown continued to take Ye Chen, Yu Shaohua, and Yang Yixian to another house.

When he left that house, Ye Chen knew that the cost of medical treatment in the United States was also very high. It would be okay for those with medical insurance.

If there is no medical insurance, like those wealthy people and celebrities in China who live in the United States for a long time, they themselves do not have medical insurance in the United States. Even if they have a toothache, they have to fly back to China to change their teeth.

Although the cost of the round-trip air ticket may not be low, if you visit a dentist in the United States, the price will be even more expensive.

When I went to another Chinese home, my family's life was equally bad, but the family members in the other's family were very healthy, instead they were just poorer.

From around seven o'clock in the evening until around nine o'clock in the evening, Ye Chen and them saw five Chinese families. It can be seen that they are all at the bottom in the United States, and are inferior to ordinary people in China, or inferior to ordinary people in China?

However, Ye Chen asked why they didn't return to China?

Finally, they all smiled helplessly and said that they could not go back, or could not go back again.

In addition, Ye Chen could see that they seemed to be equally unlikely to go back.

For as long as they have been out of China, no matter how they mix in foreign countries, if they mix well, they can be regarded as returning home. If they mix well, they will slip back home. Although it may be their hometown, how can they bear it? What about the eyes of others?

After reading the Chinese families, when Ye Chen and Yu Shaohua returned to the hotel to stay, he could already see that no matter where they were, there were problems of this or that kind.

However, everyone wants to live a different life, so Ye Chen knows that this is destined for everyone to take a different path.

Now he returned to the hotel room to live, thinking of the eyes of those Chinese compatriots. Although they may not live well, their eyes are still full of hope. From this point, these Chinese compatriots may be better than ordinary people in China.

When he lay down and rested, he knew that he would come here this time. The first purpose was to ask how basic Chinese medicine is here.

On this point, Ye Chen still doesn't know for the time being. Secondly, he wants to know how Anne is doing?

The second point is especially important to him.

It's just that now I'm still here in San Francisco, don't know where Annie lives in the United States?

The United States is so big, how can I find her?

Silent all night, Ye Chen woke up early the next day and heard the door banging outside the door. When Ye Chen opened the door and went outside, he found that it was Yu Shaohua.

"Professor Yu, are we going to have breakfast?" Ye Chen asked.

"Yes, it's going to have breakfast, have face-to-face communication with Chinese doctors in Chinatown, then give free consultations to Chinese and overseas Chinese in Chinatown, and go to Chinatown in Los Angeles tomorrow." Yu Shaohua said.

Ye Chen followed Yu Shaohua and Yang Yixian to the hotel to have breakfast downstairs. He found that it was still similar to the domestic breakfast. They were all fried dough sticks and steamed buns, but the taste was somewhat different from that in China.

After breakfast, I had a face-to-face communication with Chinese doctors in San Francisco’s Chinatown. It was held in the conference room of the San Francisco Chinese Culture Division. In addition to the more than 100 members of the exchange group like Ye Chen, there are also about 70 or 80 Chinese doctors in San Francisco’s Chinatown. People, they are all passed down through father and son, master and apprentice passed down to learn traditional Chinese medicine.

It was the first generation of Chinese medicine brought by the first generation of Chinese who immigrated at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. The status of Chinese medicine in the country was already very bad. Those who came to San Francisco to seek a living brought the first batch of Chinese medicine.

Yang Yixian, Yu Shaohua, Tang Ru and other people in charge of cultural exchanges, and other members sit on the left, the head of the Chinese branch in San Francisco, the head of Chinatown, the Chinese doctor on the right, and then San Francisco. The Chinese and Overseas Chinese Media Newspaper was shooting on the sidelines.

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