Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 99: The challenge begins! Robbery United Savings!

Time flies, and the sky in Los Angeles is quickly shrouded in darkness.

Today is a special day. The city of Los Angeles is full of people in the south, south, north, and three sides, and all the people of Los Angeles who are full of adventure and romantic feelings ran to the West Side to join in the fun.

After tonight, billionaire Tony Stark's $1 billion gamble with America's most wanted man, Jason Walter, is about to begin.

In order to see this magnificent scene up close, many citizens and tourists went to the West District, and the large and small hotels near the bank were all overcrowded.

The price of the hotel on the day, especially the price of the night view room, has also risen. Tourists bring their own binoculars and sit on the balcony of the hotel, eating late-night snacks and waiting for the early morning.

Local tyrant tourists who have money in their pockets and are worried about safety issues signed up for the helicopter remote viewing project launched by the travel company. Tourists can safely sit on the helicopter and overlook this century-old gamble from a high-altitude perspective.

If you have no money and are worried about safety, you can just sit at home and watch TV news.

The local TV station that has a cooperative relationship with Stark Industries will broadcast the entire century gamble.

If you have no money and you are not afraid of death, it is also a good choice to go directly to the streets near the Stark Industrial Bank.

Facts have proved that there are quite a lot of such people. The streets near the bank are already crowded with tourists watching the fun. Their own flashlights are like cheering sticks, cheering at the building.

Although the Los Angeles government has issued many documents asking everyone not to approach the bank, it cannot resist the enthusiasm of Los Angeles citizens.


A party is being held on the top floor of a high-rise building near the bank.

The top executives of Stark Industries were sitting on sofa chairs with several military bosses, chatting and laughing while tasting wine.

Having seen Stark's steel armor, they have long put their hearts in their stomachs. No matter how good Jason and the others are, they are just ordinary people with flesh and blood.

Tony's face was slightly drunk, and he asked the general, "Have all the people in the military been arranged?"

The general hugged the model sitting on his lap and smiled: "There are 3,000 active-duty soldiers stationed in the five blocks around the bank. As soon as Jason appears, they will immediately block the area, and then we can catch the turtle in the urn."

Tony smiled and raised his glass: "The general is really brave to dispatch 3,000 soldiers at a time. If Jason heard the news, he would be too frightened to come."

"Hahaha, Tony, with your mouth, no wonder all the female stars in Hollywood like you!"


At nine o'clock in the evening, dozens of armored vehicles roared into the underground parking lot.

Three hundred steel warriors got off the car one by one, and according to the pre-arranged action plan, ambushed at the entrances and corners of the bank.

And Jason was lucky and was assigned near the vault.

After waiting for more than three hours, there are only ten minutes left until the early morning.

The TV station's news interview car drove into the underground parking lot, and the handsome host appeared in the audience's field of vision again.

"Good evening, everyone. I'm at the door of the underground vault of Stark Industrial Bank. There are less than ten minutes left before the challenge begins, and the thick vault door behind me is about to open."

After speaking, the camera avoided the Iron Warriors and gave it to the two bank security guards.

The security guard walked to the door of the vault, and after three-factor authentication of the key, fingerprint, and password, the bank's vault door finally opened.

A billion dollars are piled up in the vault safe and sound.

After the security left, the host said, "Mr. Stark does what he says, and the vault door is open. Jason Walter, if you're still a man, come and take the money. If you don't dare, then Just release the two stars, and go to the police station and surrender yourself!"

After speaking, the hostess pointed her **** provocatively.

In the dark corner near the vault, Jason looked at the scene in front of him playfully.

With less than five minutes to go before the early morning, other people in the bank hurry to evacuate.

Soon, there were only three hundred iron warriors ambushed in the corner of the huge bank.

dong~~ dong~~ dong~~

The clock outside the bank building strikes the hour, and along with the heavy bell, the billion-dollar gambling challenge officially begins!


Because of the high gambling, the Los Angeles government and residents have focused their attention on the West Side.

On the street outside the United Savings Bank of the East District, the traffic flow is greatly reduced compared to the past.

At this moment, five vans were driving fast on the street, then broke through the guardrail outside the bank door and stopped at the bank door.

Pedestrians and vehicles on the side of the road thought there was a car accident and stopped to observe.

The door of the van opened, and more than 30 masked men in black came out of the car with weapons.

"I buy it!"

"They have guns! Run for your life!"

"These lunatics! They dare to rob the joint savings!"


The vehicle drove away quickly with a kick of the accelerator, and the pedestrians ran away screaming loudly.

Belmod raised his head and looked at the splendid United Savings Bank, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

She waved lightly, and a man in black stepped forward quickly and installed C4 explosives on the bank's security door.

After the explosives were installed, everyone quickly evacuated to a safe distance.


Thirty seconds later, a huge fireball ignited at the entrance of the bank, and the earth-shattering noise shattered the tranquility of the East District.

The ten-centimeter-thick bank security door was blasted open with a gap of one person tall and two wide, and roaring flames ignited inside and outside the door.

Two men in black took out fire extinguishers from the car and stepped forward to put out the fire.

When the fire subsided a little, the rest of the men in black immediately rushed into the Several security guards who were left behind on the night shift of the bank found the men in black and immediately squatted down and shot them!

bang bang bang!

The bullet opened the full protective body armor, the man in black just felt a burst of pain, and immediately started to fight back with the automatic rifle.

Several security guards wearing short sleeves were shot and fell to the ground immediately.

Belmod walked in, exchanged shares and said: "Time is running out, send a few people to guard here, and the rest quickly go to the underground vault!"


As soon as Belmod's voice fell, more than 30 people divided into two teams and each started to act.

These men in black are the elite executives of the Crow Organization.

After taking care of the rest of the security guards along the way, Belmod finally brought someone to the door of the underground vault.

The crow organized a lot of talents, and immediately a man in black came forward with a notebook, and the connection port began to crack the password of the vault.


A minute later, the vault door opened smoothly.

The men in black filed in, stuffing a large amount of cash into the backpack prepared in advance.

From when they appeared at the bank gate to when the robbery successfully left, it took these people less than five minutes, but this time was enough for the police to react.

After all, the banker is the big financier behind the police station. Whoever dares to touch the bank's money will be against all the police officers.


Thank you [Mo Xiuyu of Chaldea] [My wife manages the money, I have no money] [Whoever stares at me will die] [Jia Fu scholar] [Book friend 20191006221922976] [The big soldier is high above] [Men must fight straight] [In the cloud] 100 points reward for walking silent]!

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