Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 98: Disguise lurking! Try on the armor!

The three of Harley went to the former Crow Organization, and now the stronghold of the Clown Organization, Belmod's men have been assembled.

Jason gets into Kevin's old-fashioned Ford sedan alone and heads to the headquarters of Stark Industries.

The headquarters and the bank are both located on the west side of Los Angeles, and the straight-line distance between the two places is only 5 kilometers.

Kevin is a senior security guard at the headquarters. In order to commute to and from get off work, he bought a house nearby.

A quarter of an hour later, Jason drove to the entrance of the underground parking lot of the headquarters, rolled down the window, stuck his face out of the window, and faced the camera.

After three seconds, the face recognition system passed.

The iron fence was raised, Jason drove into the underground parking lot, and parked the car where Kevin was used to parking.

As soon as he got out of the car, a new Camaro was parked next to Ford.

A burly muscular man smiled and got out of the car to say hello: "Hey! Kevin!"


Jason greeted him with a smile as he searched for this person's information in his mind.

After an instant, he found the corresponding target.

This person is Kevin's best friend. The two were teammates when they were in the Navy SEALs. After retiring in the same year, they joined the Stark Industries Group successively.

The two have a very good personal relationship and often walk around with each other to have parties at home.

Jason stepped forward to chat with him warmly, without a trace of tension and stagnation.

The best friend didn't have any doubts, and the two walked into the underground shooting range side by side.

Many security guards have come to the spacious shooting range. Some people practice guns at the shooting range, some people sit and drink coffee and chat, and some people play fighting in the octagonal cage.

Knowing that they are about to go to the front line and face the most wanted criminal in the United States, most people are not nervous at all.

Jason didn't understand where their self-confidence came from, whether it was the skills they had honed on the battlefield, or the steel armor that Stark prepared for them.

Jason and his best friend were sitting in chairs chatting, and after waiting for half an hour, the rest of the security had also arrived.

The security director of Stark Industries walked into the shooting range, suspiciously followed by a group of active duty soldiers armed with automatic rifles.

When Jason saw this scene, he was inexplicably nervous.

Could it be that I was discovered?

A whistle sounded!

Three hundred security guards quickly assembled and stood neatly in ten rows.

But the soldiers surrounded them vigilantly.

Someone asked inexplicably: "Director, what does this mean?"

The supervisor said loudly: "Jason Walter's criminal organization has people who know disguise. According to Mr. Stark's information, Jason Walter himself is very likely to have changed his face with disguise and lurked among you. "

As soon as the voice fell, it was like a thunderstorm exploded in the crowd.

All the security began to panic.

They turned their heads to look at their companions, front and back, left and right, with suspicious expressions on their faces.

Jason was a little nervous in his heart, but he was still pretending, frowning and looking around.

The supervisor continued, "Don't worry, no matter how powerful this disguise technique is, it's nothing more than putting a human skin mask on a person's face. It's not high-tech."

"Next, all of you will step forward one by one. The officer standing behind me will examine you one by one, so let's start from this column."

After speaking, the security guard in the first row and the first column stepped forward.

An officer pinched his face hard, and seeing that the opponent's skin was red, he nodded and let him go.

When a person's face is pinched hard, there will be blood red marks, but the material of the human skin mask is silicone, no matter how hard you try, there will be no reaction.

Obviously, there are also people in Stark Industries who understand disguise.

The security guards stepped forward to test one by one, and they all passed the test smoothly.

When it was Jason's turn, he suppressed the nervousness in his heart and stepped forward with a calm expression.

The soldiers pointed their guns at him in several directions, and another person stepped forward and pinched Jason's mouth.

Soon, two ruddy marks appeared on Jason's face.

The soldier nodded and said, "No problem, let's go. Go to the equipment warehouse."

Jason left the underground range with a smile.

Belmod's disguise technique is really powerful, and it has reached the point where it resembles the real one.

Not to mention that pinching your face can make a red mark, even if you cut your face with a knife, the mask will give you blood.


Jason had already memorized the map of Stark Industries in his mind, and he successfully found the location of the equipment warehouse.

The equipment warehouse of Stark Industries covers an area of ​​100,000 square meters, and it stores a large variety of advanced weapons.

There are not only the inventory left over from many years ago, but also the new products that will be sent to all over the world.

The weapons in this warehouse are enough to start a small war.

He came to a corner of the warehouse and stood up. Three hundred large iron boxes were stacked in front of Jason.

If you guessed correctly, this is Stark's steel armor.

After an hour, everyone was tested.

The supervisor walked over with a smile and said, "Very good! Everyone passed the test. It seems that Jason Walter is much more stupid than we thought."

Hearing this, all the security guards present laughed sarcastically.

Jason: "Hahaha..."

When the laughter subsided, the supervisor asked the factory employees to come over and install steel armor for them.

When the two employees moved the big iron box to Jason, Jason was a little excited.

This is the prototype of Iron Man, although it is an infinite low-end version.

The iron box was opened, and there were a pile of precision titanium alloy parts inside. Two employees held tools and helped Jason put on the armor from the bottom up.

Half an hour later, the steel armor was installed and powered on smoothly.

The LCD panel in front of Jason emitted a bright The outside scene clearly appeared on the panel.

There are more than a dozen high-definition infrared cameras on the outer helmet, and each camera overlaps with the other cameras.

That is to say, even if a certain camera is destroyed in the firefight, it will not affect the user's view of the outside world at all.

After the armor was installed, the supervisor began to distribute weapons to them.

According to the speculation of Stark and the military boss, Jason is very likely to use an M16 automatic rifle equipped with M995 armor-piercing bullets.

That being the case, their weapons must be upgraded to a higher level.

What Stark prepared for the security guards was the M240 heavy machine gun, equipped with a 7.62mm M993 armor-piercing bullet, which was much more lethal than the 5.56mm M995.

The three hundred warriors fired with their heavy machine guns. The unrivaled firepower was enough to tear Jason and the others to pieces, not to mention that they were carrying 500 rounds of armor-piercing magazines behind them.

120kg of armor, 11kg of heavy machine guns, and 15kg of magazines, the load of nearly 300kg makes most security guards feel difficult.

But for Jason, whose strength attribute is as high as 63, a load of 300 pounds is as easy as putting on more clothes.

With everything ready, the supervisor begins his pre-war mobilization speech.

This kind of speech is nothing more than honor, responsibility, and family. There is nothing new in it.

After he finished talking nonsense, the three hundred warriors boarded the armored vehicle, left the factory and drove towards the bank!


Thank you [I Cang I Tian I] for the 100-point reward!

Thank you for the 1000 points reward of [Cooking Smoke Curling Yi Restaurant] [Wolfberry Whiskey]!

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