“Jarvis, analyze the weaknesses of the other party.” Tony said a little angrily.

“Mr. Stark, there is no record in the metal composition database of the opponent’s suit, the molecules of this metal are relatively stationary, and almost do not conduct heat and kinetic energy, this property allows it to absorb heat, energy and kinetic energy.” Jarvis said respectfully.

“Vibranium, his clothes must be vibranium.” Tony said with a look of surprise.

Seeing that his energy could not harm the panther at all, Tony quickly flew down, intending to fight the panther hand-to-hand, and then took the opportunity to take off the panther’s clothes.


Tony kicked the panther’s back by taking advantage of falling from the sky, and the panther was also kicked out by Tony for several meters.

Looking at the panther lying on the ground, Tony quickly ran over, clenched his fist, and then hit the panther’s head hard.


With a soft sound, Tony’s fist hit the panther’s face, but it did not cause any damage to the panther, and the power Tony punched was directly absorbed by the panther’s suit.

Black Panther, who originally didn’t want to pay attention to Tony, saw Tony humiliating himself so much, and the panther began to get angry for a while.

Realizing that Tony was not good, he hurriedly planned to fly away, but unfortunately he was still one step late.


A metal cutting sound was very clearly transmitted into Tony’s ears, and Tony, who had not yet reacted, only felt a cool breeze blowing into his suit.

After feeling the cool breeze, Tony instantly understood that his suit was torn, and he shouldn’t fight this guy at all, and he had to run quickly.

Thinking of this, Tony’s leg power system all pushed, and then kicked the panther’s shoulder with all his strength.


The vibranium suit is strong, and even the weakest parts can perfectly withstand Tony’s attack.


Seeing Tony’s such a rogue play, the panther angrily kicked Tony’s chest, kicked Tony out and rubbed and slid on the floor for more than ten meters.

Although Black Panther does not like Tony very much, he also knows Tony’s connections in country M, and if he kills Tony, then S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely investigate it thoroughly, and finally Wakanda’s secret will definitely not be kept.

Although Wakanda is not afraid of country M, but Wakanda is afraid of the mutants of country M, especially Magneto, who is simply their killer of Wakanda.

So even the black panther, who was angry in his heart, finally chose to throw Tony out, and then continued to hunt down his archenemy, Ulysses Crowe.

Tony struggled to his feet, looking at the panel in front of him that showed fifty percent damage.

I saw that Tony’s entire chest went all the way to the crotch, directly cut by the panther with his claws, Tony couldn’t help but be a little lucky, fortunately, the panther’s claws are relatively short, if it is Wolverine, he is already cold at this time.

Tony exhaled and looked at the panther who was already approaching Ulysses Crowe, and Tony immediately panicked.

Although Tony knew that the panther had killed himself just now, he must not die before he got the vibranium.

Thinking of this, Tony urged the power assist system with all his strength to fly towards Ulysses Crow at the fastest speed.

Ulysses Crow obviously saw what Tony meant, so while Tony was coming, Ulysses. Crowe jumped, grabbed Tony’s arm, and quickly disappeared into Stanwell Dock.

After seeing Ulysses Crowe being rescued by Tony, Black Panther punched the wall beside him with an angry punch.

Looking at the two who disappeared from his sight, the panther took off his mask with some anger, and then said to himself: “Tony Stark, I didn’t expect it to be you.”

After the panther finished speaking, he turned and left here.

An hour later, the panther returned to Wakanda, and after the panther stepped off the plane, he looked at the old king standing in front of him, and the panther “knelt down with a pop.”

“I’m sorry, father, I disappointed you and didn’t stop catching Ulysses Crowe.” Black Panther said with great chagrin.

“T’Challa, my son, can you tell me why?” King Tchaka asked with a puzzled look.

Because with the black panther in the vibranium suit, catching a Ulysses Crow is really as simple as drinking cold water.

The reason why Wakanda hadn’t caught Ulysses Crow for so long was because the other party hid better, and he was able to find him today, which Wakanda had spent years searching for.

After all, Wakanda is not strong outside.

“Iron Man, Tony Stark, saved Ulysses Crow, Ulysses Crow’s backer is Iron Man, father, we want revenge.” T’Challa said with anger on his face.

“No, child, you can’t just believe what you see, maybe the truth is not as you think, everything should be considered in the long run, go away, follow me back.” Tchaka said with a kind face.

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