Tony wore a battle suit and quickly flew towards the place Lin Tian said.

After more than two hours, we finally arrived at the pier called Stanwell.

Tony looked at it from a distance and found that the entire pier was on fire, and there were countless noisy gunshots in his ears, and it was obvious that there was a battle going on at this pier.

Tony hurriedly flew towards the place where the gunfire was dense, and then saw that countless big men with machine guns were attacking a guy wearing a black leopard suit.

This guy in a leopard suit really moves like a cheetah, very agile, and his shot speed is extremely fast.

And the clothes on his body, the defense is super strong, all the bullets hit his body, he seems to have no feeling at all.

Even the explosion of the bazookas fired around him did not cause him the slightest damage.

The man in a leopard suit attacked the big men who shot him with swift movements.

I saw that his casual slap was able to knock these ordinary people unconscious.

The steel claws on the hands are extremely sharp, and when they grab it gently, they usually even grab it in two sections with a gun, and even those who hide behind the steel plate can’t resist his grasp.

For this man in a leopard suit, those steel plates were like pieces of paper, and he easily pierced the steel plates and strangled the people behind.

In just a few minutes, dozens of people were killed by the man in a leopard suit.

“Quick, bring me my grenade launcher and bring me a few more armor-piercing shells.” A man who was covered in embarrassment shouted to his subordinates beside him.

Tony turned his head to see that this man happened to be today’s target, Ulysses Crowe.

Seeing this guy, Tony quickly flew over, came above his head, opened his mask and said, “Hey, man, are you Ulysses Crowe.”

Ulysses Crowe, who was installing armor-piercing bullets, couldn’t help but be stunned when he heard someone shouting about himself, and then looked up with the sound, and saw a golden and red steel suit resting on top of his head.

Seeing this, Ulysses Crowe, he couldn’t help but show a happy smile and said: “Hi, Mr. Tony Stark, hello, someone attacked my warehouse and killed my people, please help me catch this damn panther!”

Tony ignored what he said and asked loudly, “Do you have vibranium in your hand, I want some vibranium.”

“Yes, this panther is here to grab vibranium, Mr. Stark, as long as you help me catch this panther, I will give you vibranium for free, otherwise, the vibranium is snatched by him, and I will not have it.” Ulysses Crowe said hurriedly.

“Okay then, I’ll meet this panther.” After Tony finished speaking, he put on his mask and quickly flew towards the panther.

“Swoosh, boom.”

Dozens of small bombs flew out of Tony’s shoulder and landed on the panther with great accuracy.

After a strong explosion, the panther, who was at the center of the explosion, quickly jumped up and grabbed Tony.

Tony quickly flew up, dodged the panther’s attack, and looked down to see that the panther at this time was undamaged and did not suffer any damage at all.

The panther crawled on the ground, staring straight at Tony, with the obvious meaning of not letting Tony be nosy.

But is Tony the kind of person who can be scared away by others?

“Jarvis locks him and launches miniature missiles.” Tony said a little angrily.

Then he saw that on the panel in front of Tony, countless red circles locked the panther, and then a miniature missile the thickness of a baby’s arm flew out of Tony’s arm and quickly flew towards the panther.

Looking at the miniature missiles that were shooting sharply, the panther did not care at all, but picked up a machine gun from the ground and shot at Tony.


A violent explosion sounded, and the entire pier flashed a flame of nearly 100 meters, and the ground of the pier was destroyed by Tony’s missiles.

The dust flew dozens of meters high, and after the flames gradually disappeared, in the center of the flames, a man in a black leopard suit was still standing straight in the pit that Tony had blown out.

It seems that he still did not suffer any damage.


An arm-thick howitzer accurately shot at the chest of the panther, and the powerful force directly flew the panther dozens of meters away and broke the container behind him.

Then the side door of the container was cut open by a sharp claw, and the panther walked out unharmed.

“I lean”

Tony, who saw this scene, couldn’t believe his eyes, this guy’s clothes are also too powerful, can attack and defend, in addition to not flying, it is simply an artifact!

After the panther walked out, he didn’t pay attention to Tony at all, but continued to run towards Ulysses Crow.

Tony in the sky, seeing the panther’s action, immediately woke up from the shock, and then opened his palm, the energy cannon in his palm, and shot towards the panther with full firepower.

After Tony’s reactor energy hit the Black Panther, it had no effect at all except for a spark, and the Black Panther didn’t take it seriously at all.

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