Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 352: Science and magic

"Big eyes cute!"

Li Mo was a little bit surprised and couldn't smile. It turns out that this guy is the culprit.

He shook his head immediately, and met Big Eyes Meng from the beginning. He had never suffered any losses. In addition, he later became an ally. He never felt how terrible the goods were.

Now I want to come, after all, it is the great devil ranked in the multiverse. Maybe this is its true face in the eyes of the world.

But doubts recur.

If the predecessor of the Materialistic Empire was destroyed because of the big eyes, they should go to the trouble of big eyes, why should it be necessary to completely eliminate magic?

With doubt, the crowd continued to watch.

With the operation of the soul reader, basic memory, deep memory and even subconscious thoughts and thoughts are presented in front of everyone one by one to piece together a complete story line.

灵 The predecessor of this spirit body was Dai Lisi, a female magician who grew up in the aristocratic class.

The universe in which she lives is called the Aobo universe, known for its magical civilization.

In this universe, magic has infiltrated the clothing, food, and shelter of almost all classes and planets. They have established the Interstellar Magic Council, and the magical spaceships built have traveled to and from all planets, and are very developed and prosperous.

Of course, there will be shadows under the bright and beautiful appearance of any civilization.

When civilization develops to a certain degree, class solidification will occur.

The aristocratic magic council controls the resources, the army, and the destruction magic weapon.

The descendants of the aristocracy enjoyed higher education and continued to become aristocracy. The offspring of the poor will always be the poor.

The ascent channel is blocked, and unfairness is born with despair and hatred.

当然 Of course, this universe also has gods, and it is a series of various magic gods. But the magic gods they built were also incorporated into the aristocratic system.

The more impoverished people become, the more firmly they believe in God, because they have lost hope and can only look forward to God's salvation.

But God will certainly not respond to them, because God represents the rules, and the world works like this, the rules.

信仰 People in despair each have two kinds of beliefs. The first one is science. I hope to close the gap between classes through science and try to eliminate injustice.

The second is a variety of devil and evil **** beliefs. They look forward to gaining strength and obtaining the desired material and status.

However, it is called heresy. The flames on the planets and squares have never gone out.

魔法 And magical gods often appreciate this behavior.

until one day,

A civilian wizard in despair accidentally summoned her eyes.

He not only helped him solve the crisis, but also surprised him that in the eyes of those magical gods, he saw fear!

As a result, more and more people have chosen to learn Da Yan Meng's summoning ceremony.

I finally reached a tipping point one day, and a part of Big Eye Meng came to this universe.

虽然 Although there are many people who choose to learn to summon big eyes, for the vast Aobo universe, not even a drop in the ocean is a drop.

Many people haven't even heard of such a terrible evil god, such as our heroine, Da Lisi.

In despair, they began to pray for the protection of the gods.

The magic gods came, but what made them even more desperate was that in the face of big eyes, these gods were so frightened that they fled the universe one by one.

Under the willfulness of Da Yanmeng, although this universe will not be completely ended, the existing magic civilization will be destroyed once.

After the big eyes Moe left, the fleeing gods came again.

They restarted the civilization on the ruins, and in a short period of time, they developed a new magical civilization, and everything seemed to be the same.

Of course, this shameful history was completely erased by them, but it was just called the end of the era.

However, what they didn't expect is that after the collapse of civilization, many people became ghosts buried in the ground with resentment.

These ghosts keep dreaming and possessing, telling people about the injustice of magic civilization and the shame of gods.

Of course, they have become the devil who seduces people into the mouth of the gods, and for this reason they have also set up a bright deity and a religious court.

As the ghosts of survivors were being killed more and more, the pope of the original science church appeared, and he brought a technological civilization far beyond this universe.

The war between science and magic is constantly being staged in this universe, and eventually, the material empire rises.

However, war has never been a winner.

The magic gods of curse sent a curse before dying. All the surviving life of the Obo universe died, and only some people became ghosts and entered the spirit robot.

The only surviving thing is the Pope of Science, which was renamed Superman.

They resent big eyes, and hate the gods, and attribute all disasters to magic.

This resentment has sent out a powerful force. They endured the pain of the emptiness of the soul, and set foot on the road to conquer the multiverse and completely destroy the magic ...

Uh ...

After watching the videos one by one, everyone sighed.

Strange shook his head. "The so-called material empire was just a bunch of ghosts devoured by hatred."

The evil knight, Johnny Blaze, sympathizes. He never liked that he had acquired this ability by chance, hesitated and said, "Perhaps ... they did it right. Could it be better without magic in this world?"

Li Mo looked at him and shook his head. "Magic has never been the source of pain. If it would have been fair without the magic world, the punisher would have been dead."

The crimson witch Wanda asked, "What shall we do?"

"Of course it is to bury this revenge ghost completely."

Li Mo said calmly: "The countless civilizations of this universe have died and died, and we are no better than them."

"It doesn't make much sense to get these right and wrong, it's always the **** that determines the head."

别 "Don't forget that I am a god, you are magicians, and they are the objects they want to annihilate."

"We also have no choice ..."

Uh ...

Primitive dark universe dimension.

宇宙 This universe is bleak, all the stars have entered old age or are completely extinguished. Without any life, even the planets are in a state of incompleteness.

深 Deep in the dark universe, the big eyes of the solar system are lying peacefully here, twisting the tentacles boringly from time to time.

It was not born here, it has gone through the life and death of several universes. With its strength, it was finally trapped in this dimension by the rules of the universe.

Because of their different dimensions, cognitive perspectives and thinking, few people know what it is thinking about, even Li Mo's ally is just an interest-driven playmate.

Tong Dayanmeng has reached the end of his evolution, and his only interest is to have the opportunity to go out and arrogantly.

But this kind of opportunity is too small, and I can only go out to do addiction on my own, not to mention the real coming.

的 The dimensions around his true body are complicated. Even after Li Mo's arrival, he can only see various visions, tentacles and planet-sized eyes in the depths of space.

Not to mention I don't know how to do it recently, I can't come in person and contact anyone.

At this moment, Big Eye Meng suddenly froze, he felt that the dimensional space of the whole body had changed.

This kind of situation is almost impossible, we must know that its complicated and complicated dimensions come from the incompatibility of his own excessive strength with the universe.

在 At this moment, a small figure suddenly appeared.

Although the figure is even smaller than the microbe for Big Eye Meng, he still perceives it.

Lairen is the scientific superman.

Although his own strength is extremely powerful, although he has strong hatred, he also holds a super artifact universe cube.

But when looking at the sun-sized eyes, Superman in Science still couldn't help it for a while.

The two are not even creatures of the same dimension, they can't communicate at all, they have big eyes and small eyes for a long time.

Bian Dameng could not help but waved his tentacles gently. He wanted to see what this strange little thing was, and even feared to choke this little ant, his actions seemed extremely careful.

However, in the eyes of the Superman of Science, it is the galaxy turbulence, the huge evil tentacles that have shielded half of the universe pressing on him.

"The evil **** Shuma, it's time for your trial!"

Science Superman roared, and lifted up the cosmic cube.

The huge field of rules began to change. Da Yan Meng watched aggressively as her body became smaller and smaller, and finally it was only the size of the moon.

Big eyes are not surprised, but she twists the tentacles with joy, feeling that she can finally get out of sleep.

But in the eyes of the Superman of Science, it is indeed a precursor of this disgusting evil **** preparing to start attacking.


Science Superman yelled frantically. His strongest spatio-temporal cracking ray emitted instantly, and became magnificent and huge under the blessing of the cosmic cubic energy, which illuminated the dark universe.


A scream of painful howl sounded in the soul of Scientific Superman.

My big eyes twitched and trembled, surrounded by tentacles that had been severed.

I do not know how many millions of years, Big Eye Meng has not suffered such losses, as a high-level evil god, it instantly felt angry.

The space around the puppet began to distort, and the entire dimension of the primitive dark universe changed, and even the space made a corroding sound of puppets.

However, what puzzles big eyes is that within the scope of the universe's cubic light, various rules have changed.

He was unable to issue magic attacks, rules of various fields became useless, and even those that were enough to crush the universe became weak.

"Hahaha ... you have today too!"

Science Superman laughed wildly, knowing that even before his ability, he had no courage to come here.

After having the cosmic cube, the thrill of revenge after suppressing for a long time made his face appear to be distorted with a smile.


Big eyes Meng screamed in pain.

Its big eyes were burned out by the cracking light of space and time.

惨 This scream is like a stimulant, which makes the scientific superman's attack more crazy.

"Dead, die, die! You give me death!"

Science Superman kept shouting wildly.

Big-eyed Meng also screamed in pain.

However, three full days passed ...





"Why aren't you dead!"


Science Superman panted, he felt that he had reached the limit and could not hold it anymore.

However, Big Eyes Meng looks miserable, but can't die anymore. Instead, the tentacles and wounds are growing faster.

"You ... Huh ... Huh ... why can't you die?" There was a weeping cry in Superman's voice.

Big-eyed: "Oh!"

"嚎 你 妈 x ..." Science Superman finally cried.

声音 A voice suddenly came from afar ~ ~ Don't work hard, it can't die. "

Li Mo opened the door of dimension and came out. He first looked at Mengyan Meng, shook his head shyly, and then said to the science superman, "You see, you can't help us, just stop and let everything recover how about it?"

Science Superman resentfully said, "Impossible!"

Li Mo calmly said: "You are fighting a war destined to fail."

Science Superman didn't answer him any more, but just looked at him and Da Yan Meng deeply, opened a passage with the cosmic cube, and disappeared instantly.

莫 Li Mo shrugged his shoulders and turned to look at his big eyes.

家伙 This guy was seriously injured and his strength diminished sharply. Instead, he had the ability to get out of this original dark universe.

Li Mo: "Man, do you want to go out and fight?"

Big-eyed: "Oh!"

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