Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 351: The details of the material empire

The voice of Natasha, the black widow, said, "Lee, the spies have all safely withdrawn."

"Okay." Li Mo nodded calmly. He knew that with the strength of the other leader, the spy group's seemingly huge terrorist activity could only cause him a momentary interference.

And Li Mo, what I want is this moment.

Now that the hostages have been rescued safely, Li Mo's purpose has been achieved.

Although he was trapped in the enemy camp, countless robots and spaceships had surrounded him, but Li Mo left in no hurry.

He wanted to weigh the mighty leader of the material empire.

The leader of the other party is about two meters tall, wearing a green, close-fitting technology armor, with several yellow energy blocks flashing yellow like a heartbeat.

Bald head, black beard, facial features, a huge black cloak hunting and flying.

He is most notable for those eyes. His eyes are not sad or happy, but he can see a hidden raging fire.

Li Mo knows exactly who those eyes are.

This kind of look Captain America sometimes goes to the battlefield, Tony when carrying a nuclear bomb into the wormhole, Thor Thor also when planning to sacrifice himself.

This is a look of sacrifice to carry out his beliefs.

The other side looked at Li Mo calmly: "Li Mo, the evil **** of the universe, the leader of the Hydra organization and the virtual air force regiment, caused war warriors in countless dimensions of war."

莫 Li Mo shrugged, "You are not bad."

The leader of the Materialistic Empire shook his head, "I'm different from you."

怎么 "How different." Li Mochi laughed, "Aren't you triggering a war that affects the multiverse?"

"You are for your own selfish desire," the other side said firmly, "but I am for the balance and future of the universe."

莫 Li Mo shook his head, "The last person who said this to me was Exterminator, you should have seen it."

"He wants to kill half the life of the universe ..."

The other party did not have the ridicule of Li Hui and Li Mo, but said calmly: "Do you know that the vitality of this universe is a kind of sorrow."

"Here, there are countless extraordinary powers, the most typical of which is magic, and even higher gods fiddle with their destiny as they treat ants."

"As the largest number of mortals, they have to live in the shadow of a small part of the soul."

"There are countless people who have lost their lives or their homes have been destroyed because of the fighting of extraordinary people. They must always worry about the threat of magical life."

"The demons greedily glanced at their flesh and soul, and they sadly requested God's asylum, but God only regarded them as chess pieces."

"I have glanced into another universe by accident. They have no magic, no god, no supernatural power. The world is based on materialism, perfect and harmonious."

The other person's eyes were calm and firm, "so this world doesn't need magic, it doesn't need you, the gods above you."

莫 Li Mo pouted his lips, "Those who will also have the resources and status they hold high will decide their fate, and the world has its own rules."

"Again, with your current strength, isn't it also a god?"

"I'm not a god." The other person shook his head. "All my strength comes from science. I'm a superman made by science, so you can call me ..."

"Scientific Superman!"

Li Mo: "This name ... somehow ..."

"It feels awkward."

角 The corner of this guy named Scientific Superman was drawn, the yellow energy light on the armor flashed more quickly, and the surrounding space appeared distorted.

莫 Li Mo snorted, "Speaking for a long time, aren't you going to hit?"


As soon as the words came out, the two violently collided.

A huge shock wave formed, the ground collapsed, and all buildings and robots within 1 km of the surrounding area became shattered. The shock wave continued to expand outward, blowing down countless buildings and robots along the way.

Crackling ...

莫 Li Mo's rule field and the opponent's energy stand constantly collide, making a horrible noise like a current leak.

轰轰 轰轰!

The two men staggered instantaneously, and there were several violent collisions. The gravity of the surrounding space was disturbed. Countless metal fragments slowly floated up and were moved by the shock wave, just like the wind and snow.

Li Mo slowly pulled out the black death sword of 弑 神, the stars of the black sword rotation, and the golden sword mane could not swallow, tearing the space.

Science Superman frowned. He felt the horror of this weapon and had the ability to destroy himself.

First of all, he was strong. He no longer hesitated, and reached out to prepare to take out the cosmic cube from the folded space contained in the armor.

Because this cosmic cube is only half charged, the energy required to change the magic rules of the entire universe is too huge, so it is only equivalent to half.

The other half requires the energy of the cosmic cube to maintain, so it is equivalent to abolishing the ability to rewrite the rules.

即便 But even so, the cosmic cube has many functions. The most typical one is that it can form a rule field that is beneficial to the holder. It is the best weapon to deal with the gods.

However, as soon as his hand was stretched out, a large amount of black starry energy tentacles suddenly appeared in the surrounding space, entwining the scientific superman.


Immediately afterwards, a sword groan sounded from the depths of the soul, and the goddess of black dead sword sharp golden swordman cut through the space and chopped at him.

Since Li Mo knows that the scientific superhuman possesses the cosmic cube, he will naturally be vigilant and always pay attention to prevent him from using it.

The super-scientific science has eaten a suffocation. The weird armor has played a role at this time. In his eyes, the time flow around the time has become very slow, and the devastating golden swordman is only a distance away from him. Two meters.


Science Superman was anxious, and immediately used his armour's final hole card: time and space cracked light.

An obscure orange light radiated from the energy block in front of the armor's chest. At first it was deadlocked with the black sword Jianmang. After consuming the Jianmang, it turned around once, cutting all of Li Mo's black energy tentacles. .

Li Mo looked a little surprised as he watched the energy interruption gradually dissipating in the air around the Superman.

Suddenly, the scientific superman gasped, with a look of fear in his face, and the Cosmic Cube was taken out early.

Li Mo suddenly felt the change of the rules of the whole body space. It was a feeling that the whole world was against you. It was as if being thrown into a concentrated sulfuric acid pool. His own universe of small universe rules was also continuously melting and rattling. .

"Cube of the universe ..."

Li Mo took a deep look at the fetish in the hand of the scientific superman, stretched out his hand, and put away the black death sword of 弑 神.

After I finished speaking, the figure disappeared into this space instantly.

A spirit robot flew over, "My king, this base has been severely damaged and has completely lost its maintenance value. Should we take revenge on him?"

Scientific Superman restored peace again, and then shook his head after thinking about it, "No need, don't forget our purpose. When we made the plan, we expected countless powerful enemies. He was not the first, nor was he. It will be the last. "

灵 The spirit robot nodded, and seemed ready to leave, and hesitated, "Boss, can we ... succeed?"

Science Superman smiled faintly and bitterly, "We have no way back, and besides, there is nothing to lose."

Immediately, there was a decisive appearance on his face, "Perhaps, I miscalculated the ability of the opposition forces, but also let me see the power of this artifact."

He picked up the cosmic cube in his hand, "Perhaps, I should ... try revenge first."

The spirit robot seemed a little excited, "Boss ... you mean ..."

Scientific Superman immediately stopped him, "Don't mention the name, it will be sensed by it."

The spirit robot nodded excitedly.

Uh ...

As soon as Li Mo returned to ignorance, a lot of people surrounded him.

Strance took his wife Kerry and nodded gratefully, "Thank you, man, how about the strength of the other leader?"

莫 Li Mo shook his head helplessly, "If there is no cosmic cube, I need to work hard to kill him."

"But using the Cosmic Cube, he won't be able to kill me in a short time."

Everyone took a breath, Li Mo's strength was obvious to all, and he did not expect that the leader of the Material Empire could be so powerful.

Li Mo shook his head when he saw the crowd, "Anyway, the use of Cosmic Cube seems to be somewhat limited, and people like him will not risk me to find me."

Then, with a wave of his hand, a spirit robot suddenly appeared, sealed in a transparent space like amber.

It turned out that when he was gone, he grabbed someone by hand.

"Let's explore the bottom of this material empire first." Li Mo turned and said to the boss: "Prepare the soul reader."

The big boss nodded, and quickly dragged the psychic robot into a circular building in the laboratory of truth.

Truth Lab has a wide range of research. The soul field is naturally the top priority. This soul reading device is one of the results.

The robot armor of the phantom robot was quickly torn apart by the gravitational traction device, and the crystal ball on which the phantom was placed was also shattered.

A smoky green smoke rushed to the right, but unfortunately it was difficult to escape from the circle of the building.

Most people are magicians, naturally they know that this thing is a spirit body, commonly known as a ghost.

An empire made of ghosts?

I don't panic when I think about it.

With the manipulation of the boss, the ring ring around the ring building quickly rotates.

He introduced to Strang with a grim expression: "All souls can only read part of the memory when reading magic, but this instrument can see everything, including what they think."

"It is well known that ghosts exist because of obsession, so the first thing we see is his most painful moment."

The ring circle turns faster and faster, the spirit's face first showed a painful expression, and then gradually fell into confusion ...

At the same time, a first-view scene appears on the large screen on the side ...

In a beautifully decorated and beautifully decorated room, a cute little girl in a white robe came over and said, "Mom, mom, watch me learn rainbow."

After saying that, she raised her hand and turned around, and a beautiful rainbow surrounded her, like a dream, like a pure little angel.

Everyone looked at each other,

Was this ghost a woman?

Still in a magical country?

"Alice, you are awesome!"

的 The ghost's previous life suddenly picked up his daughter.


Just then, the door was suddenly opened, and a handsome blond man stumbled in and rushed in, saying, "Delise, they messed up, they summoned the final evil god, our world ... is over. "

"how is this possible…"

The unbelievable tone of the ghost's predecessors.

The man didn't speak, just looked out of the window with a look of despair.

He seemed to feel something, and the ghost's predecessor rushed onto the balcony.

辉煌 A splendid and magical country appeared in front of everyone. However, there were crazy crowds and desperate cries everywhere on the street ~ ~ Many people looked at the sky with a silly look.

In the sky, the gloomy clouds flashed wildly with thunderstorms,

The trance seemed to be stirred by some force, and the clouds gradually formed a funnel shape.

Immediately after, thousands of kilometers long, twisted tentacles dangled from the clouds.

Everyone looked at Li Mo unanimously.

Li Mo's eyes narrowed, "Not me ..."

The crowd did not speak, and continued to watch.

With the advent of tentacles, the sky is falling apart, the wind is roaring, and the end is a scene.

Soon after, a meat ball occupying the entire sky appeared, and opened a big one-eye ...

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