Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 212: Nidaville's Dyson Ball

The vast majority of life forms in the universe exist in stellar systems.

From early algae photosynthesis to forest formation, from the sprout of life to the emergence of the Big Bang.

Earth's wood, coal, oil, natural gas, super-concentrated liquid energy in interstellar civilization ... all energy can not be separated from the role of stars.

Most of the radiant energy from stars is wasted. For example, the planets of our solar system receive only one of the powers of the solar radiation, which is about 10 to the 9th power.

In the Marvel Universe, even if anti-matter energy has become mainstream, how to better develop and use the stars of this galaxy is still an indispensable technology.

There was a time in the interstellar space that used huge dense satellite clouds to wrap stars to achieve the greatest degree of stellar radiant energy collection technology became mainstream.

And this technology has been conceived on the earth in 1960, called the Dyson ball.

However, a disaster has occurred, and the abnormal energy radiation of stars has caused the ecological operation of the entire star system to be disordered.

Gravitational turbulence, meteorite attacks, and even a horrific cold wave in the universe, several civilizations near the Pojiang Block were instantly returned to their original shape. There are still countless frozen planets there.

This event quickly eliminated Dyson's ball technology and triggered a new discipline: macrocosm macroecology.

Nidaweiler also has a Dyson ball, and it is not a Dyson cloud composed of satellites, but a Dyson shell completely enclosed by airtight.

What is even more incredible is that the kernel inside is not a star, but a neutron star tmd!

Li Mo was a little ignorant when he came, but now he only feels his legs tremble, and he has the urge to run.

Do you know how to locate the star map in the vast universe? It depends on the neutron pulsar like a lighthouse. The gravity of this thing is likely to form a black hole at any time.

Many cosmic civilizations have only occasionally heard of the dwarf family who can forge artifacts. Together with Asgard's protection, this place has become a legend that only some interstellar powerhouses and higher civilizations can reach.

Just like Solin's renju supersatellite, each outstanding civilization has its own technology that cannot be copied. This is called the melting pot inside the dwarves, and it is the core civilization artifact of the dwarves.

There were high-level civilizations who were very jealous of this place, but immediately gave up the idea after the visit, because this thing is completely a huge magical creation.

They are now on the circular furnace space station. Through the huge glass windows, they can see the huge Dyson ball with red light in the complex pattern in the center.

This is just a magic forging factory. The huge machine punching and hammering sound are densely connected. The hot red light and the continuous spray of water mist make the air sultry and abnormal, and the tall dwarves are angry with each other. Scolding while shoving and working, violent conflicts occur from time to time, and you hit me with a punch.

"The existing material and technology cannot resist the huge gravitational force of neutron stars at all. Only the art of forging of the dwarves and the power of Odin can form the miracle you see before." Moradin walked and introduced his throat With.

"I know why dwarves have loud voices!" Li Mo also shouted, "You are not deaf, you are Odin's shelter."

Just then, in the chaotic crowd ahead, a strong dwarf with bare arms was flying over with a punch, and Li Mo saw with his own eyes a few teeth falling into the red iron molten iron and disappearing.

The guy sat up and spit out a **** saliva, cursing in his mouth and rushing forward.

However, Moradin took hold of him and shouted, "Capton, have you seen my uncle?"

"Moradin ?!" The dwarf was surprised, and then shouted at the crowd, "Don't play with these dwarfs, Moradin is back!"

The crowd suddenly burst into flames, the dwarves stopped fighting, and their noses and swollen faces surrounded them.

"Are you a traitor? Have you brought wine?"

"Must be lava of fire!"

"If you forget, put your head in ..."

Moradin laughed. "You **** bastards, listen, the big master next to you brought you a spaceship!"

"Long live!"

The dwarves shouted in excitement, and the two gangs who had just been unable to engage with each other joked and ran towards Xinggang.

At this moment Li Mo only felt the mess in the wind, "Are they all crazy?"

Moradin shrugged. "The dwarves usually have many differences when forging. The process of deciding the plan is to fight one after another, until the final product is completed."

"If it succeeds or fails?" Li Mo was a little weird. "There is always the right one. Will you decide who to listen to?"

Moradin opened his mouth. "Another fight."

At this moment, a loud bell rang suddenly in the space station, squeezing all the noise.

Moradin quickly took out two special sunglasses and threw a back to Li Mo anxiously, "Bring them on!"

Although Li Mo was a little puzzled, he still obediently put his sunglasses on the head like some of the pilot glasses of World War II.

"Begin ..." Moradin pointed out the window.

Li Mo looked out the window, and saw that the center of the Dyson ball slowly opened a round hole, and a dazzling white light shot into a part of the space station through the ring of energy.

This energy was so huge that Li Mo felt the whole space station tremble.

"Shit! What is that TM?" Li Mo couldn't help but swear.

"The energy of the neutron star ignited, Dwarven King Aicui must be forging a weapon, and we're going."

After Moradin said a word, he took the rail car next to him, and Li Mo quickly flew up and followed.

Passing through the fiery furnaces and the dingdong forging room, they came to a somewhat special factory building.

If you look closely at the surrounding walls, you can distinguish the evolved Rune Runes, and with a loud noise, they continue to spread over the red light like a tide.

In the center is a huge copper furnace, but the red hot metal inside emits a white light, which is a manifestation of ultra-high temperature.

A strong dwarf twenty or thirty centimeters taller than the other dwarves was carrying a steel chain.

His rare head was covered with hair, and his deep eyes and wrinkles like scars on his cheeks made him slightly different from other dwarves, obviously without the irritability.

"Shh!" Moradin whispered to Li Mo, and then he said softly, "Aicui is using the neutron star furnace to forge the magic metal Uluru. Uluru, the highest purity in the nucleus, must do so in one shot.

Li Mo nodded and watched quietly, he found that there were huge book-like modules under the furnace, and asked Moradin curiously, "What are those things?"

Moradin explained: "Because Ulu must be formed once, the short artisan will make the model in advance, and the three-dimensional magic runes will be embedded in the surface. When Ulu is formed, it will be wrapped. Some artifacts will also add some rare magic. The material will even seal the blessing of Odin ’s divine power in advance. We call them artifact copies, of course, these are just ordinary powerful weapons. "

Suddenly, the dwarf king Aicui frowned and pulled down the steel chain severely. The crimson furnace immediately tilted, and the lava-like Ulu molten iron poured into the copybook like a paste.

Immediately afterwards, he kicked Xie Ben into the coolant quickly, and when the white smoke just rose, he clamped it out with a clip and fell **** the ground.

The book was torn apart like a brick, exposing a silvery blade.

The dwarven king put on special gloves and took it up gently. He looked closely like a treasure and did not miss any corner.

For a long while, his face was getting darker, and he threw the blade into an open box at once, colliding with the already full of weapons and making a jingling sound.

Moradin nodded and walked like a dog's leg. "Uncle, don't be discouraged, you can make it ..."

"What did you build? Do you know how to forge?" Dwarf King Aicui gave him a glance and said angrily: "If you don't go to bed with your money, what are you doing here?"

"That's it. This is my partner Li Mo. He has some problems ..." Moradin quickly told the story.

"I know you." The dwarf king Aicui nodded to Li Mo. "Not only because of your bravery, he often mentioned it when drinking with Prince Saul."

"So my business ..." Li Mo smiled.

The dwarf king shook his head, walked directly to the console, and opened a three-dimensional stereoscopic image. An Asgard official said loudly: "Prince Rocky has an order to temporarily suspend all magic items for three months."

"Fk!" Li Mo wasn't smitten. "This bastard's brain is sick."

The dwarf king Aicui snorted softly and said sarcastically, "He thought that a command would make the dwarf obedient, but he forgot that the dwarf obeyed Asgard because Odin and Sol could protect us!"

The dwarf king waved his hand generously, "Let that **** go to hell. I will gather a batch of Ulu and Adamantite from the warehouse to trade with you, but the magic circle needs your own way. Dwarven rune mage is quite rare. Not even ourselves. "

"Thank you very much for your generosity!" Li Mo solemnly said, "I owe you a favor."

The Dwarf King shrugged indifferently. "No, Sol's friend is my friend."

"One more thing." Li Mo asked a little embarrassedly: "Can I learn from you the kind of transcript production, this technique gives me some ideas."

The dwarven king nodded after thinking about it and said, "No problem, but the artifact manufacturing plan will not be passed to you, because that is the core secret of the dwarven family."

"Of course." Li Mo nodded quickly, "I only need the most basic things."

After getting the relevant information, Li Mo and Moradin came to Xinggang.

A huge robotic arm has begun loading Ulu and Adamantine transferred from the warehouse to the spacecraft of Moradin.

The dwarven king is quite generous, giving 5,000 tons of Ulu and 15,000 tons of fine gold. Although it is only the most ordinary quality, it can definitely be constructed as a permanent magic formation.

Li Mo figured it out, and then went to the demon market at the crossroads to trade some other magic metal. The first batch of transformations expected should be enough, after all, most of the magic circle uses melted metal lines.

"I'll send things to your base." Moradin patted Li Mo's shoulder. "By the way, open a shop there."

"No problem, thank you, my friend." Li Mo gave Moradin a hug and quickly avoided, "I still think you should take a shower often!"

"Go to yours." Moradin rolled his eyes, and shouted to his men and got on the ship.

When Li Mo watched Moradin's spacecraft leave, he immediately pressed the cortical teleportation on his wrist.

Yes, he plans to visit Alfheim.

The Elven tribe is the only race he knows is full of wizards, but he has been subconsciously running away from there.

Because he felt that it was not kind to do it himself.

Although they had made all the preparations at the time, they not only left the guardians, but also helped them find Surtel as the backing, and the civilization restart plan spacecraft left by the dark elves also had abundant supplies.

But after all, it is a new race ~ ~ a lot of loli.

Both worrying and distressing.

Thinking of this, Li Mo suddenly very urgently wanted to go back ...


The lush forest seemed to usher in a new life, and the deep light began to appear deep in the forest. This shows that the source of magic has returned to this land.

The original Elven base was located in a huge canyon. A white light flashed and Li Mo appeared outside the canyon.

He looked at the passage leading to the canyon, his mouth grew gradually, and he was a little cyanotic. "What the **** ... what the hell?"

Two huge stone statues, thousands of meters high, stood on both sides of the canyon, wearing mage suits and hoods, each raising one arm to make a no-go sign.

The faces of the two statues are all him!

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