Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 211: Have trouble finding friends

"Wait, we are talking about the transformation of this power source." Li Mo was somewhat surprised.

"What's the matter with the planet?"

Tony's face still couldn't restrain the excitement and asked, "What is the main energy source in the universe at the moment?"

"Antimatter, super-concentrated fluid energy module ... what do you ask?"

Reed stared at the wall and said without looking back: "These things are very difficult to extract with the technological level and resources of the earth. If you thoroughly understand the technology here, the use of dark energy will become the mainstream."

"The most important thing is that 70% of the universe contains dark energy, which means ..." Tony waved his fist fiercely.

"The development of the earth will have inexhaustible and inexhaustible energy!"

Li Mo opened his mouth. "I didn't expect this at all, but are you sure?"

"The technology contained in this is completely incomprehensible at the moment, and it is possible that the absorption of dark energy must rely on the special substances here."

Tony calmed down, but his expression remained firm. "After all, a hope!"

Reed turned his head to Tony and said solemnly, "The solar system defense plan is temporarily suspended, and we need to work hard to overcome the problem here!"

Tony nodded and said to Li Mo: "We need to build a laboratory here, all the research equipment will be moved in, all the materials will be prepared, yes, I still need hot coffee!"

After speaking, the two of them sat on the ground with their big bosses together and discussed, like three enthusiastic lunatics.

"Ok, ok." Li Mo quickly raised his hand to surrender. "McQueen, meet all their needs. Damn, take me out of here, I don't want to stay with these lunatics."

After teleporting back to the cortical center, Li Mo sighed helplessly. It seemed that he thought something simple. The structure of the human body still contains mysterious unknowns, not to mention the Tenjin group?

He thought that the power source would be repaired at most one month, but it seems too early.

When Tony breaks the technology here, Li Mo will discuss with them the plan to combine magic circles.

The magic array used to extract dimensional energy is very common, but to make countless mosaic mosaic arrays combined with the dark energy extraction system of the ethmoid sinus requires not only careful engineering design, but also the problem of energy interference.

Relying on McQueen's God-like computing power can save a lot of time, but in a blink of an eye, another problem appeared in front of Li Mo.

For making hundreds of thousands of magic array accessories, Li Mo couldn't keep up with so many materials.

This is a bad thing for Li Mo. The materials of the magic circle are very good. Asgard and Nidaweile can raise a part of it. It is a big deal to go to the demon market at the crossroads.

But where to go for so many production staff?

The magic circle is not mechanized, at least he has not developed this technology. This requires the mage to draw mental energy while drawing mental energy.

Li Mo was lying on a chair outside the makeshift camp, staring blankly at the dome, a vein of energy flickering like stars, and suddenly felt blank in his mind.

Ophelia came over after seeing it, lying on the chair next to him and holding Li Mo's hand.

"Sometimes I can't help but be scared to see the miracles that are happening here," Ophelia said. "What if this head is resurrected?"

"Don't worry, the soul of this **** has been gone for billions of years, a body without a soul is just a tool, and it is still a half-defect."

Ophelia was relieved and turned to look at Li Mo. "You look worried, what are you worried about?"

"I think things are too simple ..." Li Mo told his troubles.

"The area of ​​ignorance is too large. Not only the energy system of the ethmoid sinus, but also the transformation of other places in the future will require a lot of magic arrays and materials. What should I do?"

Ophelia shook her head. "As a leader, you should consider the general direction, and you should not waste your energy on these small places."

"But there is only one magician here. You barely count half. Where can I find so many people?" Li Mo sighed.

"Have you ever seen the same huge magic project?" Ophelia asked.

"Why not? Asgard's Golden Palace, Nidaweiler's neutron star Dyson, and the phantom magical canopy of the Elfheim Elves. But those were all built with all their power." Li Mo smiled bitterly. Said.

"Maybe you should ask your friends there for help." Ophelia smiled. "At least going out and looking around might find inspiration."

Li Mo nodded after thinking for a while, "It's time to go and see the old friends."


Ignorantly exists outside the Nine Realms, the Rainbow Bridge cannot be clearly positioned, and fortunately, the ability of the cortex to transmit throughout the galaxy, Asgard is no exception.

After a white light flashed, Li Mo appeared in a large market in the civilian area of ​​Asgard.

The bustling life is still here, but the crowds who saw it suddenly saw Li Mo suddenly appear, all of them were frightened to retreat and avoid.

Immediately after, a group of soldiers drove down in a floating boat, holding a shield and holding an energy spear to surround Li Mo.

Asgard is not always peaceful, and occasionally some demon with teleport ability will invade here. But spatial fluctuations often triggered magic induction arrays throughout Asgard, so Li Mo shocked the soldiers as soon as he arrived.

"Hi guys, relax." Li Moliang lit up the Asgard badge on his chest. "I'm a friend of Prince Sol, a disciple of Frigga, myself."

"Put down your arms!" A loud, thick voice suddenly came, and Vastag, a tall, fat and bearded man, walked with heavy steps, "Welcome back, Li Mo."

"Haha, the lion of the fairy palace, my friend, you are fat again." Li Mo smiled and spread his arms.

"Although I defeated the sword of the Shia Empire, I bet you can't drink me if you drink." Vostag also gave Li Mou a fierce hug.

"You know that too?" Li Mo was a little strange.

"Asgard isn't closed." Vostag shook his head with a smile. "On the day when the news came, Sol overwhelmed everyone and threatened to ask you to learn."

"I'm not a combat mad." Li Mo shook his head. "Is Sol here?"

Vostag shook his head. "He went to the earth some time ago, and when he came back, his face was a bit bad. He left Asgard that day and said he was looking for an answer."

Li Mo blinked. "Don't tell me Asgard is now Rocky."

"You guessed it right," Vastag said helplessly, "Odin fell into a deep sleep, and Friega left everything to Rocky to take care of it. Didn't you see that I had been degraded to a patrol captain? ? "

"Damn!" Li Mo's face was a little bad. "Can you arrange for me to meet Frigga directly?"

Vostag shook his head. "Let's say that now, Asgard, all Loki has the final say."

"No way." Li Mo was helpless. "Take me to see that bastard."

The Golden Palace's Courage Hall is full of people only during the rally. Usually, it is empty, with towering gold pillars, empty halls, and some architectural styles similar to temples. It always has a solemn and sacred feeling.

The soldiers' neat steps made a crisp sound on the bright floor. As he walked, Li Mo looked at the proudly standing Rocky on the high platform in the distance, and his face was a little darker.

After Vostag brought Lee Mo, he nodded toward Rocky and walked away, apparently he didn't want to talk to this guy more.

"Wow." There was a smile on Rocky's handsome face. "Look who this is, the tentacles of the galaxy trembling. Any advice here?"

Li Mo twitched. "A business, I want to customize a lot of magic circles in Asgard."

"Well ... that's fine. Those court mages are idle and idle, and they can bring a lot of financial revenue. You know, managing a country is not just about killing." Rocky smiled with a gentleman's face.

Li Mo was a little surprised, "So ... you agree?"

Rocky pouted, "Dream!"

"Shit!" Li Mo gave a black line. "Everyone is an adult ..."

"I'm in charge of Asgard!" Rocky interrupted Li Mo suddenly, "I said, you dream!"

Li Mo rolled his eyes and turned away. "I'll wait and see how long you can sit on it."

Looking at Li Mo's back, Rocky raised an eyebrow. "Shall we discuss the issue of compensation for the destroyer's armor?"

Li Mo didn't speak, and turned his fingers to a middle finger.


Rocky's proud laugh echoed in the hall ...

After leaving the Golden Palace, Li Mo went straight to the Medical Temple, but was stopped by the guards. "Prince Rocky has a order to ban you from hanging here!"

"Fk!" Li Mo cursed, turned and walked to the corner, and instantly moved into the medical temple.

After avoiding the guard on patrol, Li Mo went straight into Eller's medical room. "Oh, beautiful goddess, my heart is hurt."

Elle's sky was as pure as Li Mo's. "Shut up if you don't speak well."

Li Mo is helpless. Although the two are in a cooperative relationship, nothing more has happened. There is no other progress at all.

Aller needs a partner in the heart, absolute loyalty and long-term companionship, but Li Mo can't do the same, so only the heart does not act.

After working together to prepare more than a dozen boxes of pills, Li Mo put these boxes in the portable space and asked, "Is there a way for me to see Tian Hou Fuli Jia?"

"I don't think it's necessary." Eller rejected him directly, saying a strong reason: disciple or son?

Li Mo completely defeated and decided to find his dwarf brothers to find a way.

When I first entered the dwarf grocery store in the big market, I heard Moradin's grumpy voice: "Hurry up and arrange these goods. I didn't hire you to come and eat."

"Is a black-hearted capitalist under exploitation again?" Li Mo shook his head and walked in, seeing a few blue-skinned men who were carefully arranging the shelves, "Kantarian?"

The Kantarian people originated from the planet Saturn planet Sagittarius IV. This is a complete primitive tribal civilization. Li Mo knew that it was from this group because of courage.

Moradin came over with a laugh, shrugged after seeing Li Mo's sight, "When I went to buy Haka metal, I repelled a group of slave merchants and rescued them, but these poor guys failed the tribal war After the slaves, there was no room for them on their planet, so they had to bring them back. Damn, a few more mouths. "

Hakkar metal is the kind of metal that makes brave flying arrows ~ ~ Li Mo also had an idea, but this thing is OK for general Milo, it is useless to him, and the output is scarce. Popularity.

"Come on," Li Mo said sarcastically. "Are you guy not making too much money?"

"Who can't live with money," Moradin sniffed. "Only when you use it will you find that money is never enough."

"It's a fortune fan." Li Mo shook his head and explained his difficulties.

Moradin frowned and thought for a long time, and he was worried. "Even if you want to build a spaceship, I can think of a way, but you guys are building a base of more than 2,000 kilometers, and the magic array accessories used are simply astronomical figures."

"Let's do this." Moradin gritted his teeth. "Let's go back to Nidaville and meet my uncle Eytri."

"Your uncle is richer than you?" Li Mo was strange.

"Of course." Moradin snorted.

"Because he is the Dwarf King!"

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