Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 158: Fallen Star

The hive was fed in.

Poor after suffering so long on this planet, seeing the dawn, but was regarded as a sacrifice because of greed.

What it feels like to be a sacrifice, the hive doesn't know, he has been the enshrined, and likes to appreciate the fear of the sacrifice sent by Hydra before death.

And now he knew what it felt like to be sacrificed ...

All eyes are blood red, the space has lost its concept, and there are all wavy lines around it. The hive is strangely aware that it is the time that has been solidified.

A huge red figure stood between the heavens and the earth, and it seemed that we could see nothing strange.

Beehive's eyes widened hard. As soon as he glanced, he felt that his consciousness became extremely confused, and his eyes burst into blood holes instantly, hissing in pain.

Later, his soul was extracted and randomly broken down and manipulated, as if a child was dissecting a frog ...

On the other hand, Li Mo was waiting a little bit outside the dimension door.

He was also lucky, and tried to use the unfortunate hive as a sacrifice.

Some demon gods like flesh and blood, some demon gods like soul, and some demon gods like abnormal behavior or grand blood sacrifice.

For Laosai, the otaku, many people can't figure it out.

He never developed religion, but threw a ruby ​​that was said to have unlimited use of his power into the universe.

As long as the right person touches the gem, he can use his power. There is no purpose and no task, just what he wants to do with a confused mind.

From this point of view, Lao Sai has the idea of ​​participating in multiverse things, but has never done anything.

It's really puzzling!

Li Mo couldn't help but reached into the roots and sent a message, "Setorak, dear, are you there?"

Something that quickly made him happy happened, and the roots were firmly rooted in the crimson universe, far beyond the huge dimensional energy just flowing into the roots.

After waiting for a long time, Lao Sai did not throw the roots out.

This is, agree?

Li Mo finally laughed out of joy.

What he didn't know, however, was that the soul of the hive was extraordinarily special. After occupying the bodies of countless hosts, the soul was also incorporated into it, but scattered on each parasite.

This made the hive's soul huge and scattered, and there was a wonderful harmony and unity. Setorak had a good time and gave out strange inspirations.

Li Mo closed the dimension door, and observed for a while, and found that the root of the vampire vine tree in his soul was still firmly rooted in the crimson universe, and then he was completely relieved.

This is the only guy who knows how to talk. The rest don't dare to play like this. He needs to take it step by step from a weak dimension.

One day, his power will be parasitic in the entire multiverse, and by then, he should no longer be afraid of these dimensions.

As he rejoiced to continue to open the door of a weak dimension, a confused voice came from behind him: "Where is my god?"

"That fool was eaten by the real devil." Li Mo said without looking back, he was figuring out which guy to find first.

Stephanie was completely dumbfounded. She was an elite among the elite since she was a child.

Money, beauty, power, everything is needed, almost everything is born.

The only goal in life is the ideal passed down from generation to generation in the family: to welcome back the **** of the Hydra will transform this world into the ideal kingdom of gods.

She had dreamed of the dream world countless times, but first, her **** was frightened by Li Mo, pretending to be a grandson, and then was fed by Li Mo to other gods like animals.

Crossing the distant universe and having this result, it drove her completely crazy.

"You pay my god, you pay my life!" Stephanie rushed to Li Mo at once, scratching like a vixen.

"Shit!" Li Mo pushed Stephanie away. "Are you sick of this woman's brain?"

However, Stephanie rushed up again, tears scratching her face with Li Mo's face, "It's all over, it's all over, my life, the ideals of my family, have been completely lost by you lunatic!"

Li Mo embraced her shoulder and restrained Stephanie's arm, and then stretched her legs to pinch the beautiful leg that was about to hit her vital part.

After all, Stephanie was a physical child and was immediately restrained from moving.

Li Mo thought this woman had a terrible brain, and snarled ironically: "You Hydra are all fools, no wonder they always fail."

"Your **** is just a failed biological weapon of the Kerry Empire, and may have lived long enough, but countless people can be crushed to death with one finger."

"Do you know why I don't care what you want to do? Because your behavior is ridiculous to me, like a group of primitive people worshiping lizards to conquer the world with this, but they don't know that dragons are flying in the sky!"

"If that little bug can be called God, what am I?"

Stephanie stopped talking,

Li Mo stopped talking,

Because he found himself,

It's hard!

Because he was holding the woman in front of him very tightly, his legs were sandwiched by Stephanie's long beautiful legs, and his crotch was close to this woman.

His brother, regardless of whether he was quarreling, awakened immediately after being stimulated, and tightly lifted the combat uniform, trying to rush into some mysterious place ...

Li Mo was a little embarrassed and quickly let go of Stephanie, "Haha, isn't it normal?"

However, Stephanie's behavior was a bit strange. She raised her head and looked at him in confusion: "Are you also a god?"

"No, the guy just opposite was God." Li Mo shook his head. "In my opinion, God is just a more powerful being. Everyone may become God. It is really unnecessary. What worship to do ... "

Stephanie's eyes gradually lightened, "Yes, as long as you have strong power, you can be called God. Then you are God!"

"All said I wasn't, wait ... what are you doing?" Li Mo shook his head and suddenly opened his eyes again.

Stephanie actually came forward, grabbed Li Mo under him, and then knelt down ...

Li Mo sighed as the zipper sounded.

Li Mo's head was a little confused as he watched the usual elegant and noble woman move there.

What's wrong with this woman?

After thinking about it for a while, Li Mo probably guessed it.

Human behavior is usually regulated and protected by a cognition, perhaps morality, religion, or some kind of epistemology.

We call it faith.

In some cases, a serious conflict between fact and cognition can lead to a breakdown of belief.

And the direct result of the collapse of belief is the abnormal personality. For example, some soldiers in the US military will turn their heads and become terrorists after they doubt the justice of the war.

At this time, the human self-protection mechanism will come into play and re-establish a faith.

Stephanie needed a **** in the despair of life and family ideals, and only Li Mo gave her a strong impression.

After thinking about it, Li Mo immediately stopped it.

But he is really not a determined man, coupled with Stephanie's noble face, the ruins of civilization in the distance and three huge planets visible to the naked eye, all make Li Mo have a strange sense of excitement.

Just closed my eyes and enjoyed ...

Suddenly, he thought of something, opened his eyes and looked at the McQueen in the sky, and used the mirror space for the first time with a wave.

A shattered glass-like texture began to appear in the surrounding space, but from the perspective of others, Li Mo and Stephanie suddenly disappeared.


Scolchi shut the detector helplessly, "I hate magic ..."

Mirror space can be used to defend, trap the enemy, and change the battlefield environment. In short, it is a very useful magic.

If Master Gu Yi knew that Li Mo was doing this, he would be glad that he had not chosen him as the Supreme Master.

Half an hour later, Li Mo took Stephanie to the McQueen, and hurriedly rushed into the Captain's room.

Scorch looked at the disappearing two and murmured, "Sure enough, I went to the boss's bed ..."

"Shit!" He scolded and dashed anxiously into the cockpit.

"Full speed, goal, Conrad Charlotte!"


Conaxat is located in the third cross arm spiral region of the Milky Way.

It was originally a small family's territory. The family was broken and the last heir reluctantly moved here.

But this planet is too barren, relatively far away from the stars, and coupled with the planet's abundant water resources, it has formed a weird climate with heavy snow throughout the year.

Only a few special animals and plants can survive, and there are no special mineral deposits, so there is basically no income.

Fortunately, the last heir of this family has a good brain.

Because the planet is remote, the heirs have simply abandoned all ethical principles and built the Conradat star into a "fallen planet."

Predators, slave merchants, space wanted criminals, Galactic Destroyer, members of the Nova Legion don't matter.

No one cares about your identity here.

Legalizing gambling?

You can bet on anything here, just the excitement of playing.

Legalization of prostitution?

Here you can find women of any race to accompany you to bed as long as you have money.

Not to mention the business environment here, from small explosive guns to huge starships, from food in various places in the galaxy to drugs, only you can't think of it, nothing you can't buy.

One of the reasons why Li Mo came here is that his identity is somewhat sensitive, and it is not suitable for appearing in the sphere of influence of the Nova Legion.

The second is because the information here is exceptionally well informed. He wants to find out where the Guardians of the Galaxy story has progressed.

If it had already ended and the Power Gem was collected by the Nova Legion, he would find a way to steal it.

If it is not over, it is better to help Sandar survive the crisis.

If he remembered it correctly, this would remove the troublesome wanted records on him, after all, that would be inconvenient.

McQueen quickly entered this star field, and because of the snow all year round, most of the white Conrad is visible to the naked eye.

"Oh yes! Heaven is here."

In the Mike's cockpit, Scorch cheered, "McQueen, hurry up and notify the boss."

Captain's room,

Li Mo was naked, covered with a sheet and smoking on the bed.

He looked at the tired woman who was asleep next to him, and scratched his head anxiously.

Stephanie was a stunner on the bed, and she dared to play in all kinds of postures. The nobility and sensuality alternated, which made him feel better.

It was that his mind became abnormal, and he kept urging him to become a demon king who ruled the world.

I don't know what this woman thinks.

McQueen's voice suddenly sounded, "Captain Li Mo, we have reached our destination."

"Has it arrived?"

Li Mo shook his head and awakened Stephanie, "Hey, beautiful girl, wake up, we're here."

Stephanie opened her eyes tiredly, after all, she was an ordinary person.

Immediately after the space jump, she pulled Li Mo out of the dormant capsule and went into a faint.

After they got up, they washed up, and after drinking another cup of coffee, Stephanie's spirit improved.

After leaving the captain's room, Li Mo found that everyone was well-groomed, including the old Woody in thick thermal clothing.

The crew will buy photographic equipment here and, if possible, recruit some qualified crowd actors.

Looking at everyone's expected face, Li Mo smiled, "It seems everyone can't wait, let's go!"


McQueen has landed on a huge star-port space, surrounded by all kinds of spaceships, and can't look at it at all.

The sky is still floating with goose feathers and heavy snow, and the air seems extremely cold and fresh. As soon as Xinggang's automatic snow-sweeping robot cleaned it up, a thick layer of it accumulated on the ground.

With the exception of Emil's insistence on keeping the caretaker McQueen, everyone else came out.

"It's almost like Antarctica. I hope my old bones can hold up." The clint old man muttered.

"Look there!" The young actor Frank pointed excitedly at the high-tech city with bright lights in the heavy snow. "Is there anything reminding you?"

"Blade Runner ..." the old Woody murmured, and then unconsciously smiled, "It's a great photography venue!"

Li Mo shook his head and smiled: "This is not Hollywood. Be careful to follow me, don't just run around and be careful to kill your life."

The crew members nodded quickly.

Scorch came over with a smile on his face, and Li Mo interrupted him just to say something.

"Your task is to protect the crew members, and play whenever you have free time ~ ~ I will pay you." Li Mo shook his head and said.

"Thank you boss!" Scolchi raised his eyebrows in excitement.

After the group crunched on the snow for a while, they rented a floating car and drove quickly to the fallen capital in the heavy snow.

"Boss, do you know anyone here?" Scorch suddenly turned to ask, not knowing what to think.

"The universe is so big. I'm just an unknown little puppet. How could I know all over the world."

Li Mo smiled and shook his head. "No one here knows me. Everyone should be careful about doing things, and we'll leave when we're done."

The others nodded, except for Stephanie's eyes.

And just after they stepped on the levitating vehicle, a man in a hood raised his head slightly.

"Universe a-class wanted man nicknamed Pharaoh?"

"It's interesting now ..."

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