Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 157: Dear, are you satisfied?

Between the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Nebula,

McQueen was gliding smoothly.

After all the passengers Li Mo watched entered the dormant cabin, McQueen checked the operation of the dormant cabin again, and then turned to the cockpit.

"Hi guys, how's the situation?" Li Mo greeted his crew.

"Everything works fine, Captain," Emile answered solemnly.

"Everything's fine except there are no women." Skorchi mumbled in disbelief.

"Rest assured, then we will go to Conrad Chatter, there is a paradise of evil, you will be upset." Li Mo shrugged helplessly.

"Where are you, boss, have you been here since boarding? Aren't you bored?" Li Mo then turned to the boss who had been researching in front of the data detector.

"The data of these detection areas will further my understanding of the universe. McQueen has stored a lot of scientific and technological knowledge, and here is already paradise for me!" Said the leader excitedly.

"Okay, you like it." Li Mo shrugged. "With the coordinates set, let's go to the planet where Stephanie's beauty is going. Emil is in charge of the spacecraft, Scolci is in charge of security, and the boss ... continue to study .It's okay, don't bother me. "

Seeing these three men roll their eyes dullly, Li Mo shook his head and left, "Why can't I have a bunch of beautiful crew members ..."

Back in the captain's room, Li Mo emptied his mind and slowly extracted the power of realistic gems. The magical model of Kama Taj's dimensional door gradually began to be broken down ...

At the same time, McQueen's figure suddenly stretched, began to fly with high curvature, and instantly disappeared from the periphery of the solar system.

After a few more space jumps, McQueen planted a wormhole and instantly came to the southern cross arm of the Milky Way ...


After one week,

McQueen sailed slowly in a dim starfield.

This is a rather desolate star system. The star in the center is only three Jupiters in diameter. It warily crowds several smaller planets and bathes greedily under the starlight of poor stars.

"Set the coordinates, star map navigation, turn on quantum radar detection ..." Emil performed the operation skillfully.

"The coordinated planet is about to be reached." The boss has already become a qualified crew member, he said strangely: "The stars of this star system are very dim, the temperature and visibility of the target planet are very low, what is the boss doing here?"

"Whatever it is, it must be good to come anyway." Skolch shrugged. "McQueen, remind the boss that we are here."

When McQueen reminded Li Mo, he had just woke up shortly.

The magic of the dimension door has been developed, but he dare not experiment on the McQueen. What should I do if I run out of it?

After a brief flush, after putting on a plain black interstellar combat suit that was convenient for movement, Li Mo came to the sleeping compartment and entered a wake-up command in front of Stephanie's sleeping compartment.

The temperature in the dormant chamber began to rise rapidly, while a large amount of oxygen was injected, and Stephanie's vital signs on the monitor began to become active.

After the dormancy cabin automatically opened, wearing a loose one-piece cotton jacket, Stephanie came out of it and knelt on the ground, her face pale and breathing like a suffocating patient.

"Relax, relax, breathe deeply rhythmically, yes, that's it ..."

Under the guidance of Li Mo, Stephanie finally adapted to the environment just after waking up.

"How are you feeling now?" Li Mo asked with a smile, and handed over a cup of hot coffee.

"Awful experience, it's almost like a nightmare." Stephanie took the coffee, sipped in her chair, and replied while looking at the strange starry sky outside the window.

"It will slowly adapt." Li Mo shrugged with a smile, "Have a break and eat something, your kingdom is here."

Stephanie nodded excitedly.

Li Mo pouted his lips and turned to the cockpit.

"How is the planet environment?" He asked, looking at the three crew members.

"The planet's geological conditions are stable, the gravity is 1.3 times that of the earth, the air composition is not much different from the earth, the surface temperature is ten degrees, and no protective clothing is needed ..." Emile reported truthfully.

"Boss, see what this is," said the boss sitting in front of the planetary radar suddenly.

Li Mo walked over, and the three-dimensional image was quickly displayed. It was an abandoned city on the planet, severely damaged and weathered, and there were nine large ruins. According to the construction level of the building, this is an undeveloped one. Civilization out of interstellar flight.

Li Mo shook his head. "Unlucky guys."

"Boss, what are we looking for?" The boss couldn't help asking.

"It's just an experimental failure of the Kerry Empire." Li Mo shook his head. "We fly around the planet and detect life signals near the ruins of these nine cities."

Under Li Mo's order, McQueen quickly drilled into the atmosphere and conducted high-speed flight detection over 3,000 meters.

Passing by a desolate inland city ruins, the boss suddenly said, "Boss, two life signals were found."

"Two?" Li Mo stroked his chin and said thoughtfully: "Just stay on the boat. Stephanie and I will go down and stay alert."


On the planets that have been completely desertified, the biting cold wind is whizzing around with a lot of sand and dust.

McQueen hovered slowly over two hundred meters, a traction beam descended, and Li Mo and Stephanie came out.

Neither had weapons, because Li Mo didn't need them, and Stephanie was ineligible.

Immediately after getting out of the traction beam, Li Mo immediately put on nano glasses and masks. "It's a ghost place. It will keep me here for hundreds of years. It must be crazy."

Although Stephanie was so cold, she still asked, "Where do we start?"

Li Mo looked at the detector. "Let's find a guide first."

After speaking, holding Stephanie quickly flew over a rocky ridge.

When he saw two signs of life, he suddenly remembered removing the hive, and there was another unlucky and lucky guy here.

He said he was unlucky because he was pitted in by Hydra to feed the hive as a sacrifice.

He said he was lucky because he had not been eaten for many years, and a crush Simmons had fallen from the sky, desperately mad with him ...

According to the detector, the two men quickly came to a converted bunker with a sealed door removed from the capsule.

Li Mo pulled open the sealed door and jumped down holding Stephanie.

The light inside the bunker was extremely dim, with some litter collected everywhere, and a worn mattress on the ground.

A man with a stubble drilled into the bed and looked at Stephanie with a confused look. "Am I hallucinating again?"

Stephanie took a step back in disgust.

Li Mo was happy, and this guy was still shaking under the quilt ...

"Hey man, I'm sorry to interrupt your entertainment." Li Mo said with a smile. "Get dressed and get up. We have something to ask you."

The guy was taken aback immediately, while dressing in a hurry, and said, "Are they sending someone again?"

Stephanie thought about it and took a step forward to introduce the situation to this guy.

Li Mo didn't bother, he stared at the guy's mattress thoughtfully.

This guy has been in this ghost place for many years, man, do you always wander when you are lonely?

He didn't have a second set of mattresses and quilts. The smell was absolutely terrible over the years!

How did the little beauty Simmons get off?

Li Mo shook his head and suddenly felt sorry for that handsome and shy Simmons.

However, I have taken away the space-time stone, I'm afraid the little beauty will not be able to get through.

It seems like a good thing ...

Just as he was thinking wildly, a fierce quarrel erupted suddenly across from him.

The man said angrily: "I will never take you to find that monster, you evil organization wants to bring it back to earth, it is impossible!"

Stephanie showed the strong woman's side, she said gloomily: "First, we can find it without your cooperation. Second, I already know your name, you better understand the situation of yourself and your family. . "

Li Mo shook his head and stepped forward and said, "Don't make a noise, what's your name, man?"

"My name is Will, and I'm an astronaut in NASA," the man replied.

"Okay, Luther, we will always find it anyway, why not save time?" Li Mo said with a smile. "I will take you out of this ghost place. Do you miss the burger, you do n’t miss the tender skin of women ?"

Will swallowed, thought, gritted his teeth, and stretched out his palm. "Deal!"

"Hell!" Li Mo shook his head, "I won't touch the hand of the second child you just held."

Then, under Will's leadership, the three came to a canyon.

In the gust of wind, Will pointed out at the canyon and said loudly, "That monster will appear in this canyon at a fixed period of time. His sense of smell is very sensitive and can be drawn out by the **** smell ... oh shit!"

It turned out that Stephanie broke his nose without saying a word.

"You woman ..." Will covered his nose angrily, and suddenly looked forward in horror when he was about to speak. "Hurry up!"

A figure suddenly emerged from the canyon, rushing towards them quickly.

"We didn't bring that thing." Li Mo shrugged.

"Oh fk! Are you fools?" Will opened his eyes in horror, then turned and ran.

"Luther, don't be afraid, stay behind me." Li Mo shook his head and said loudly.

It's a pity Will has run a distance, turned and shouted, "I'm not loser, you guys, bad guys, wait for death!"

The figure quickly rushed to Li Mo, and in Stephanie's frightened eyes, a two-meter-diameter energy shield suddenly appeared.


The figure slammed into it fiercely and was bounced out again. After rolling a few laps on the ground, it quickly hurled towards Will, who was on the run.

In Will's terrified scream, the figure turned into a cloud of dust and quickly wrapped him.

Like falling into a man-eating ant's nest, Will rolled a few times in the smoke and stopped moving.

After digesting Will, the smoke and dust became Will's look, and staggered to Li Mo in front of them, staring at them with a greedy and hungry gaze.

"This guy is already hungry and crazy, let me kill him." Li Mo turned to Stephanie.

Stephanie shook her head and stepped forward, slowly kneeling on one knee, "Supreme God, please wake up, I am a member of Hydra, your faithful believer."

The beehive that had already possessed Will was a little confused for a moment, then gradually awakened: "Hydra? A long time name ..."

He looked at Stephanie and nodded, then pointed at Li Mo, "Who are you again, my follower, why not kneel?"

"Kneel down your grandma!" Li Mo snorted. "Be honest, don't mess with me."

"You are blaspheming ..." The hive yelled low, then his head turned into an octopus, waving his tentacles: "Submit to me!"

Li Mo made a black line and waved his hand.

Suddenly there were twenty or thirty ten-meter-long tentacles, and six or seven basin-sized eyes stared at the hive.

"What did you little bug say?"

The hive was a little dumbfounded, "You misunderstood, I mean the weather is good today ..."

"This is what you call a **** ..." Li Mo shook his head at Stephanie, "tell him the situation and let him be honest."

Stephanie swallowed hard. She knew Li Mo's ability, but did not expect the scene to look so horrible, and hurried forward to tell the story with Hive.

As they said, they carefully looked at Li Mo's side.

Li Mo ignored them, and went alone to an open space, where he wanted to experiment with his newly developed magic, the door of dimensions.

The main function of the door of dimensions is to open additional dimensions.

The extra dimension is an interesting place, which is different from the high-dimensional space in the usual sense. Nor does it belong to overlapping spaces like mirrored space and nightmare dimensions.

Simply put, if we compare our space to a curled cement board, it has normal length, width, and height.

The extra dimension is the small holes under the cement board. The small dots in this space may only be found in the quantum space, but passing through the small dots is a magical world.

The door of the dimension is to expand this small point infinitely, allowing people or things to come and go freely.

There are many unique physical rules in the extra dimension. For example, in some dimensions, everything is opposite, upside down, inside out, it is easy to make people nervous.

Some extra dimensions are filled with deformed monsters that only exist in nightmares.

Li Mo plans to start with one of the safest dimensions, one of the eight demon gods, Cetrak's Crimson Universe.

Setorak is the most powerful of the known deities, beyond the limits of the multiverse, and cannot tell his strength at all.

Some people will ask, is Li Mo's brain broken, knowing that his powers are not treated by the devil, why dare to provoke such a powerful guy?

Well, the question is simple.

Because Setorak was too powerful, so strong that he didn't know what to do, and stayed at home all day.

Mephisto also often came to the earth to do things, and the guy of Setorlac had no interest in anything, the only hobby was home.

This guy is also very good at speaking. The magicians can often borrow his power. Karma Taj has a crimson band called Setorak.

The magical release of Li Mo's Dimensional Gate was very successful. A dimensional gate full of green slime appeared in front of him, and the opposite side was the crimson universe!

Li Mo seized his excited mood, transfigured a beard, and carefully entered it ...

The crimson universe is too powerful!

A powerful and pure dimensional energy was quickly absorbed.

Li Mo smiled with satisfaction.

Suddenly, his smile freezes, and the roots he pierces into are caught and thrown out.

This was the first time he had encountered such a situation. Even Sisorn could not take his roots. How could Laosai be so powerful?

Li Mo swallowed hard and waited for a while to find that Laosai didn't find himself to settle accounts, and then carefully entered the roots.

He was then thrown out ...

After tossing back and forth a few times, Li Mo was helpless and released a message using his mental strength on the roots.

Soon, he got a message, "Equivalent exchange!"

Li Mo was a little helpless, he remembered that the magicians of Kama Taj usually paid some small soul fragments when using the magic of the deities.

The old match was pretty good ~ ~ But Li Mo didn't want to pay for it!

Just as he was worried, the beehive behind him could hardly restrain the desire for greed, staring at Li Mo's saliva, which was about to flow down. "What a powerful body and soul."

In Stephanie's horrified gaze, Hive rushed to Li Mo from behind.

However, he didn't know that Li Mo's magic shield had been activated automatically.

After hearing the wind, Li Mo hurried to one side of his body, and at the same time the magic shield was revealed.

With a bang, the hive bumped up and was bounced out again, falling directly into the Crimson Universe of the dimension door ...

At a glance, Li Mo understood what was going on, and was immediately annoyed. When he was about to have an attack, he was agitated, and immediately sent a message to Cetorac ...

"Dear, have the offerings been received?"

"If you are satisfied, please give me a good comment!"

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