Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 149: Tide of fear

Li Mo has a deep shadow on the Zerg.

Maybe it ’s from that Cree ’s Brudeman Arsenal planet, maybe it ’s from Watching the Star River Team, or maybe it ’s been earlier when people were trampled by Zerg while playing StarCraft ...

Anyway, in his mind, this thing belongs to one of the least provoked existences.

"Tony, our troubles are coming!" Li Mo's expression calmed. "Remember the Brude Zerg I told you about?"

Tony swallowed. "Don't tell me this space is their home base."

"It's not clear for the moment, anyway, it's all bugs." Li Mo shook his head. "Look at it yourself."

Later, Li Mo used a little spacesuit with his hand, and the three-dimensional projection showed the situation on the scene ...

This is a team consisting of hundreds of bugs. About 2/3 of which room size is the zigzag-like zerg, which moves relatively slowly.

And the rest are more than three meters high, similar to the scorpion-like zerg. They have lotus-shaped mouthparts, and the armor-like exoskeleton is covered with large and small bone spurs. Big bugs go around.

Each time they traveled to a place with green energy, the large skeletal insects would protrude from the long needle-shaped mouthparts and insert the ground energy like mosquitoes to extract those green energy. And those scorpion-like zergs will be vigilantly protected around, like sheepdogs.

"Do they rely on this energy for food?" Tony asked curiously.

"I don't think so." Bruce Banner shook his head. "From their body structure, they should prefer meat."

"Anyway, this kind of bug should be the native creature of this space." Li Mo frowned. "The worst result is that these bugs are as terrible as the Brude Zerg. The best result is just a group of beasts in the shape of a worm. "

"Well, that's the case now." Tony shrugged. "We need to make a thorough rescue plan."

"Yes, it's better not to make too much noise." Li Mo nodded in agreement, "I have a plan ..."

"Stop!" Tony quickly made a pause gesture. "I'm scared when you talk about your plan. It's up to me this time."

"What do you mean!" Li Mo was a little upset. "What happened to my plan? How many times did my plan save you?"

"Every time you make a plan, we die!" Tony shook his head. "Dude, I'm really not a cat."

"Most of them are your uncle Louzi." Li Mo shrugged his lips dismissively. "It's as headache as a weaned child."

"Guys, don't make a noise, we should work together." Bruce Banner quickly advised.

"Shut up!" Tony and Li Mo shouted together.

Bruce Banner: "..."

Tony and Li Mo continued to argue.

Bruce Banner: "Guys ..."

"Shut up!" Tony and Li Mo shouted at the same time.

"If you keep arguing, Reed, they're going to be eaten!" Bruce Banner was anxious and kept pointing his finger at the image.

Li Mo and Tony quickly turned their heads to see that the scorpion-like zerg had dragged Reed down and surrounded them to prepare a dinner.

"Fk!" Li Mo swallowed, and then shouted loudly, "McQueen, immediately tow us into the spacecraft, while positioning the Zerg in front, the laser module is turned on at full power ..."

"Wait ..." Bruce Banner said, "We don't have a plan?"

"The plan is to rush forward to save people!" Tony did not enter the spacecraft, directly accelerated to fly out, and launched a few missiles in the distance to attract the attention of the Zerg.

The explosion instantly caused a commotion in the swarm. They quickly turned their heads and immediately found Tony rushing over.

"These bugs don't have wings," Tony said as he flew through the channel. "We have air superiority and we should take a long-range ... even shit!"

The scorpion-like zerg erect their tails, emitting green lasers from the rips of the tails. The group of cricket-shaped zergs also raised a turret-shaped organ from the back, and a green squeak fired a green current slurry shell.

For a moment, a dense firepower network appeared over the swarm, and Tony hurriedly hid.

Just then, McQueen arrived, and Li Mo shouted, "Tony, get out!"

"It's up to you, let them taste it." Tony made a sudden stop in the air and flipped over to McQueen.

McQueen flew over the swarm, the space shield blocked the lasers and plasma cannons emitted from below, the laser module quickly moved to the bottom, relying on McQueen's powerful computing power to instantly lock all the zerg.

Choo Choo Choo…

A large number of lasers were sprayed from under McQueen, as if dragging a large laser broom around the battlefield.

The ground was quiet for a moment.

All Zerg bodies have a red cut in the center of their bodies.

Tony descended from the air and seemed to feel the vibration. The zerg broke off from the cuts one by one, and the green juice and internal organs rushed to the ground.

The entire battlefield turned into a slaughterhouse, and a stench came out, as if 10,000 bed bugs were crushed at the same time.

Fortunately, Li Mo and they all have an air filtration system.

Tony couldn't help whistling when he saw this brilliant result.

Li Mo then landed and snorted, "Well, you still have to rely on me."

"Don't be so proud." Tony shrugged. "It only means that McQueen is strong."

Bruce Banner shook his head, ignored the two who started to stir again, took the medical kit and went to Reed, who was lying on the floor, to examine them.

"They are not life-threatening." Bruce Banner quickly stood up. "It's just a bit unstable and still in a coma."

"Ok, McQueen, drag these three unlucky guys up." Li Mo shook his head. "Let's leave this **** ghost place."

"Wait a minute," Tony said quickly. "Give me half an hour. I'm going to set up a space beacon here so I can come back next time."

"Are you sick?" Li Mo shouted with wide eyes. "Did you see Zerg in this place?"

"It's too important for human development." Tony shook his head. "It's not just the establishment of an antimatter extraction factory. Take a look at McQueen's test report: This planet is a newly formed primitive planet, those green Energy is the original structure of planetary energy, which is of great benefit to the growth of ordinary creatures. "

"Those Zerg are extracting this energy, maybe they can play a key role in human evolution." Tony explained vigorously and made a joke.

"Everywhere we go in the wild, don't we always have to clean up the worms. Well ... although the worms here are some big, some are strong, and some small lasers are sprayed, but are they just wild animals?"

"Wild animals?" Li Mo was stunned. "It seems your arrogance has been committed again."

"Hey guys, I don't want to disturb your kind conversation." Bruce Banner suddenly said, pointing to heaven, "Can anyone tell me what it is?"

Tony and Lee Mo looked at Bruce Banner's fingers ...

The size of a washbasin hanging in the sky, the pale green satellite suddenly ejected a large amount of black smoke and dust, like a living creature, coming toward this planet.

"The most terrible part of the Zerg is the huge number and the non-stop attack like a tide." Tony swallowed, his voice trembling: "Don't tell me you didn't do a planet scan!"

"Crap! Of course I did a scan, otherwise how would I find ..." Li Mo scratched his head, suddenly thought of something, and quickly issued an order: "McQuan, start the planetary scanner to see those satellites."

"Okay, Captain Li Mo." When McQueen received the order, an invisible ripple quickly swept across the planet and surrounding satellites.

The scan results were quickly transmitted to Li Mo's nano-detection glasses.

This planet does not have any huge wormholes, zerg gene arsenals and other buildings.

However, a whole satellite in the sky is indeed like a space fort, with a honeycomb-like structure that cannot be distinguished, and large and small insect-shaped biological battleships flying around it.

The large one can be several kilometers long, and the small one is as large as the McQueen, and the smoke and dust ejected from that planet is actually a dense Zerg warship that covers the entire starry sky.

At the same time, McQueen specifically reminded him.

"Captain Li Mo, these negative space zerg communication detection devices are an unknown technology. My planet detection ripples have been detected by them, and our location has been located ..."

"God ..." McQueen's words were heard by both Tony and Bruce Banner at the same time. They looked at each other with pale faces.

"McQueen, hurry us out of this space!" Li Mo's eyes were red.

"Captain Li Mo, it takes fifteen minutes to prepare for a space crossing, and according to calculations, those Zerg ships will arrive in ten minutes ..."

Everyone, including the boss and Emil in the spacecraft, were silent.

Tony smiled bitterly. "I'm sorry to bring everyone into this situation, Bruce, let Hulk come out, maybe you will have a chance to survive."

Bruce Banner shook his head. "Hulk is not a panacea, but it is at least hundreds of thousands of Zerg spaceships! I think we should take the McQueen to leave here first, and then make a space crossing."

"Yes! We can make a space jump first, and then leave negative space." Tony's eyes lit up.

"It's useless." Li Mo shook his head. "The message that McQueen has transmitted is that the Zerg use some unknown technology, we can't make the transition, and they have blocked the planet."

"Then what should we do?" The big boss in the spacecraft broke down a bit. "What do you have to do, are you waiting here to die?"

"We only have one way left." Li Mo's eyes gradually became fierce, "Desperately!"

"I have a plan to escape from the dead." Li Mo quickly commanded: "Tony and Bruce, you immediately return to McQueen and begin space crossing preparations. Then you have to calculate the time and place, when the Zerg army arrives, The four Lovis black hole bombs on the spacecraft were launched together. "

"What about you!" Tony was anxious.

"The black hole bomb may not last long." Li Mo shook his head. "I want to make a second preparation. In the meantime, you have to fight for me. There is no time for nonsense, act now!"

Tony's eyes were a little red, but he didn't talk nonsense anymore, and Bruce Banner returned to McQueen immediately.

"Gather all the data at once, the power of the black hole bomb, the state of the space, the strength estimation and distribution of the Zerg spaceship ..." Tony shouted as soon as he entered the cockpit, and then began a tense analysis with Bruce Banner and the boss.

Li Mo stood alone outside the spacecraft, looked at the sky, his eyes were indifferent, "You bugs want to eat me, even if they die, they will break your teeth!"

Then he came to a gap in the ground with green light and closed his eyes.

The realistic gems inlaid on the vampire vine trunk in the soul began to glow in blood red.

Suddenly, a new root whisker protrudes from the root of the vampire tree, emerges, and drills into the ground gap from Li Mo's hand.

This root muster absorbs the original energy of those green planets. It grows thicker and thicker, and continues to branch off, probing deeper into the planet ...

The Zerg spaceship arrived,

It's dense, covering the sky, like the deepest nightmare.

They are the negative space cricket exterminators, led by the cricket exterminator King Enerus, devouring the stars of the universe.

They are known as the tide of annihilation. Wherever they pass, everything withers and the universe is silent.

Although only a small team, it is enough to bring the ultimate fear to this star field.

The Zerg Army quickly passed the thin atmosphere of this primitive planet.

"Launch!" Tony in McQueen roared.

Four Lovis black hole bombs were quickly launched into different areas of the sky and detonated simultaneously.

Four huge black **** suddenly appeared in the sky, with strange white light flashing around, and strange twists appeared in the space.

Each black hole bomb has a range of tens of kilometers. After Tony's careful calculation, the four bombs immediately blocked the Zerg army's offensive route.

Countless Zerg spaceships were torn and torn by strong gravitation, and then sucked into a black hole without any trace ...

Although the results were brilliant, Tony was still cold.

Black hole bombs can only last for two minutes, which means they have three minutes left to be exposed to the endless Zerg army.

"It's over, it's over ..." The boss slumped to the ground, "We're dead!"

Bruce Banner shook his head and sat on the ground. "There is no hope. I don't know what Li Mo is preparing, but this is not a person's strength to counteract ..."

"No, I believe him!" Tony shook his head and muttered, "Tentacles, no matter what you're doing, hurry ..."

At this time, Li Mo also reached the most critical moment, the roots have been rooted into the deepest part of the planet, and spread along with the planet's energy veins.

The energy he absorbed has far exceeded the limit of his own endurance, every piece of meat in his body is as painful as a knife, and the soul has a feeling of fragmentation.

At this time, the time for the black hole bomb passed. The Zerg army rushed down quickly.

Li Mo opened his eyes and hissed in pain.

There was white light in his eyes and mouth, which was a sign that the energy was too abundant and he began to spill out.

"Bugs, look at the tricks!" Li Mo gathered the strength of his whole body and waved his hands to the sky ...


Bruce Banner, lying on the ground, suddenly opened her eyes and pointed at the sky in disbelief. "Look at ~ ~ what is it?"

"Ohmygod!" The boss was completely dumbfounded.

Tony laughed like a madman.


Thick clouds of lightning thunder,

At least hundreds of tentacle-shaped black shadows came out,

Each one is hundreds of kilometers long,

Covering the sky like a devil snake stirs in the Zerg army.

At the same time, dozens of five-story eyeballs appeared, continuously firing the thickness of the room like Vulcan artillery.

The horrible Zerg spacecraft crashed like heavy rain ... (https: //) "Marvel World Mixed Days" only represents the author's point of view. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position of https: // is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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