Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 148: Strange space

The sudden unexpected situation caused an uproar.

Li Mo may not feel it, but since Tony announced the beginning of the universe, the entire human society has been in a state of fanaticism.

If you look closely at the news, you will find that the exchanges and cooperation of various countries have intensified, the sci-fi genres of TV series and film universe are hot, and all current affairs reviews are more concerned about the latest scientific research progress.

After the plan was announced to the public, it has long attracted widespread attention from many parties and the public.

However, no one had expected such a serious accident. The news anchor said painfully: "This is the largest space disaster since the Challenger."

There was silence in the Baxter Building office, where only Tony relentlessly relied on satellites for various data analysis.

His fingers kept moving on the virtual keyboard, and he murmured to himself: "Impossible, this is impossible, and various analysis results are not as powerful as cosmic rays ..."

After a while, he dropped his hands weakly, sitting in a chair with his buttocks and covering his forehead with his hands.

"Hey man, don't blame everything on yourself." Li Mo held Tony's shoulders. "It was just an accident."

"No, I blame everything. I should be more prepared." Tony shook his head sadly. "You don't know how much loss it would be for humans to lose Reed."

Pepper Pepper came over and held Tony's hand without speaking, and gently held Tony in his arms.

Li Mo shook his head and stopped suddenly as soon as he was ready to continue comforting. He frowned as he looked at the empty place on the other side of the laboratory.

There are unusual spatial fluctuations ...

"Everyone pays attention!" Li Mo shouted with serious eyes, "There is something coming out, I feel another dimension of time and space, there is a disgusting smell of sulfur."

Just when everyone was vigilant, an egg-sized black-purple space-time hole suddenly appeared in that place, and the fluorescence was still flashing inside.

The entrance quickly expanded to the size of a half door. A woman with a shawl suddenly peeked out of her upper body. Her face was as thin as a skull and her skin was burnt after being ulcerated. She seemed to be enduring great pain, and the sorrow said sadly: "Go and save Dum, he is trapped in another space, very dangerous!"

"Who are you?" Li Mo asked with a frown.

"My name is Cynthia von Donor ... Ah!" The woman said just a moment before she was caught back by a huge red palm with black sharp nails and bone spurs, and then the space-time hole disappeared quickly.

Tony swallowed. "What's that?"

Li Mo's expression was more serious than ever. "The dimension of a certain demon **** has a famous name on earth-hell!"

"Are you kidding me ?!" Tony's eyes widened. "How could that be ... what is that strange hand?"

"How impossible." Li Mo shook his head. "Don't you already see God? As for the strange master, it's best not to mention it, and be careful about it."

"Who is this woman then?" Bruce Banner asked, "was she talking about the military doctor who was on board together?"

"In fact, this woman is quite famous." Li Mo compiled a document and displayed it on the big screen. "Cynthia von Dono, her record in the Witch Archives of Vatican, a powerful witch in Romania, The last appearance was 50 years ago, and then there was no news. The one named Dum was not easy. "

Tony turned to look at several members of the military. "Do you have any details about that Dum?"

These people in the military were frightened when they saw the scene just now, and they calmly called up Dum's information: Victor von Dum, a Latvian, his father was a rebel A leader died in the hunt. From an early age, Dum showed genius beyond ordinary people. When he grew up, he got the attention of the military because of a paper on energy weapons and brought him to the United States. The information mentions only that his mother died during the war.

"I probably understand what's going on." Li Mo nodded. "Some witches often gain strength by sacrificing demon gods, probably because of something she sacrificed her soul."

"Then why did she know that Dum was in danger, did Reed get to hell?" The boss asked.

"I don't think it looks like it should be another space." Li Mo shook his head. "We humans have a special induction when our loved ones, especially children are in danger. The witch will strengthen this induction. A curse was formed. She probably learned about Reed's situation through the curse, and temporarily forcibly escaped from **** to inform us. "

"Anyway, we finally got some good news." Tony breathed a sigh of relief. "Reed, they are still alive and in another space. It looks like they are having a hard time now, and they need to be rescued as soon as possible."

"Well, do some field investigations first. I will use McQueen to take everyone." Li Mo said, shaking his head.

Then he turned to look at Ophelia. "Sorry, you saw it too. I have something to do. Let's ... there will be a period?"

"Of course." Ophelia smiled, her eyes seemed to be mocking, came over and gave Li Mo an intimate gift, and then whispered in his ear: "You must be wondering why I found you, Find me after you finish, believe me, you will not regret it. "

After that, this woman who made Li Mo spend an unforgettable night and twisted her **** waist left.

Pretend to be a ghost! Li Mo shook his head.

Ten minutes later, Emil drove the McQueen to the sky above the Baxter Building, dragged Lemo and Tony, Bruce Banner, and the boss to the spacecraft, and then skyrocketed.

Before McQueen had accelerated, they crossed the atmosphere and came to the vicinity of the original space station's orbit. Under the blue earth, there was no debris at the station.

"Where should we start investigating?" Li Mo asked.

Tony: "First scan the spectrum at various wavelengths."

Bruce Banner: "Ray Remnants."

Boss: "Perhaps there are still gravitational fluctuations?"

"Stop." Li Mo quickly stopped and shook his head. "McQuan, scan this place with all the detection methods."

"Yes, Captain Li Mo."

McQueen quickly began scanning after receiving instructions, and the image changed with various detection methods. Many Tony had not even heard of them.

Soon, McQueen made anomalous discoveries, and the images displayed caught Tony's attention.

It was a cloud scene that was instantly penetrated, rendering the appearance of space particles with some special rays.

"It seems that they have arrived in another space." Tony quickly figured out the truth, and said helplessly.

"It seems that we need to simulate the process of the accident, and then use anti-inference methods to create a space capsule that can pass through." Bruce Banner said thoughtfully.

"It's completely unnecessary." Li Mo shook his head with a smile. "McQuan, analyze the fluctuations to locate, record the data, and prepare for the first crossing."

Yes, after swallowing up the space regulator made by the nine gravitational protons, McQueen bio-fused it with the space jump meter, and new features appeared: as long as space fluctuation data is available, McQueen can Cross the corresponding dimensions and different spaces.

I didn't expect this new feature to come in handy soon.

In Tony's surprised eyes, McQueen's carapace began to emit gravitational fluctuations outward, and the space energy contained in it quickly formed a blue circular protective cover. A blue light flashed, and McQueen's original place was empty.


The sight of the exploration window changed, and Li Mo found that they were already on the surface of a weird planet.

The sky is thick with yellow and green clouds. Dozens of satellites of different sizes span the sky. Some are as large as rooms and some are the size of tea cups.

Lightning thunders in the clouds, volcanoes erupt on the ground, and lava flows. Sooty gas erupted from the volcano.

Strange green light radiates from the bare rock crevices of the landmark ...

"This should be a planet that has just formed not long ago, and geological changes are extremely active." Tony said after watching it for a while.

Later, they discovered a strange phenomenon: the dust in the ground and the air continued to accumulate to the McQueen as they encountered magnets, and soon formed a thick layer of dust shell.

Li Mo frowned. "McQueen, scan and see what's going on?"

An iris quickly diffused around, and McQueen's scan showed that all objects in this space were negatively charged.

"I x!" Li Mo panicked. "Is this anti-matter space?"

"Don't show off your ignorance in front of us," Tony said ironically. "It's just a negative charge, and only a space made entirely of matter made of antiparticles such as positrons and negative protons can be called antimatter space."

"If it was really antimatter space, we would have caused an unimaginable explosion." Bruce Banner also shook his head, and then said in amazement: "We had guessed a world with a completely negative charge, but we did not expect it to really appear. Perhaps this should be called negative space. "

The boss looked at Li Mo's black face and said quickly: "But it should be easier to extract antimatter here."

"Yes!" Tony was also excited. "The discovery of this space is of great strategic significance. In the future, the antimatter used in our curvature engine can build a factory here, which will save a lot of energy."

"You can go on to academic discussions." Li Mo lit a cigarette. "No one cares if Reed is going to die?"

"Oops." Tony patted his forehead. "Hurry up and find them?"

"No need to find it." Li Mo shook his head and pointed his hand to the right side of the huge observation window. "Where is it!"

Everyone hurriedly looked, and in the open space not far ahead, there was a huge black object. Although it was covered with a thick layer of dust, the outline of the space capsule could be seen faintly.

McQueen quickly scanned the capsule, and it turned out there were only two weak signs of life inside.

"It seems that only two people are alive." Li Mo shook his head. "Putting on the space suit, we are going to enter the space capsule, and may need on-site first aid."

Tony and Bruce Banner nodded solemnly, and everyone walked out of the McQueen.

Tony wore a suit of armor specially designed for outer space exploration, and Li Mo and Banner replaced the nanospace suit purchased at Sandal. After starting the insulation device, no dust was attracted again.

The boss and Amir remained on the spacecraft to cope.

When they reached the ground, they found themselves on a plain between two mountains, and not far away was a deep and huge canyon.

The gravity of this place is similar to that of the earth. After walking a few steps, they found several cracks with a faint green light inside.

"What the **** is this tm?" Li Mo shook his head. "Isn't it a strong radioactive element?"

"No, on the contrary, they have almost no radioactivity." Tony shook his head while looking at the detector on the armor. "A wonderful energy that seems to be sensitive to physical stimuli. Let's not touch it. Go away later Time to take some samples to study. "

Li Mo and Bruce Banner nodded, and the three quickly approached the space capsule that had been buried in dust.

Select the place closest to the life signal. After Tony cut a cut with a laser, he kicked a large hole and walked in.

There was a mess in the capsule, all the equipment was smoking, and many places were slowly burning.

"Where are they?" Li Mo asked, looking at no one around, scratching his head.

"In fact, they're here." Tony's voice was a little weird, pointing to the front. "The rock and the burning fire react to life."

Li Mo took a closer look at it, and it was indeed humanoid, wearing his space suit. It's just that one turned into a rock monster like Hulk, and the other blazed.

"Wow, it seems that they have a lot of adventures." Li Mo shook his head, "I just don't know if I will wake up and accept myself now."

The two were still in a coma. Li Mo let Tony make a big hole in the ceiling. McQueen flew over and sucked them up with a traction beam.

"Let's find someone else." Tony sighed. "At least take the body back."

The capsule was not large. After searching around, the three did not find any other bodies. Instead, they found a large hole in the crack.

Judging by the cracked edge of the hole, it seems that something was torn from the outside, and Tony scans carefully and finds some small pits on the ground. The torn part of the torn steel has some chitin shell powder.

"Are there creatures in this place?" Bruce Banner asked, frowning.

"No matter what." Tony shook his head. "We must catch up. They may be alive."

"McQueen, quickly start the planet scanner." Li Mo quickly linked McQueen and gave instructions.

"There were a large number of life reactions in the ten kilometers ahead ~ ~ McQueen quickly had results and launched a detector.

The image came quickly ...

"Holyshit!" Li Mo could not help but curse.

In the image are some room-sized, dark green insect-like monsters that look a little like skulls, with large compound eyes shining red.

One of them carried two men on their backs, one woman was looming, and the other had scars all over her body.

No, there is one more.

Li Mo took a closer look, and Reed turned into a long rope-like thing, and these two giant beetles tied the other two unconscious people to their backs.

Moreover, I also tied a bow ... <(https: //) "Marvel World Mixed Days" only represents the author's point of view. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position of https: // is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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