Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 88: Tear Ego Star Apart! Swallow The Power Of The Gods Accumulated By Yi Ge For Millions Of

Sauron casually sent Star-Lord and others to the sailing battleship.

He was suspended in space, looking at Rage's planet in front of him.

Don't be too relaxed when dealing with a target that's huge and can't leave at will!

Sauron flew downwards, and the friction between his body and the air produced strong flames and light.

Sauron, the Japanese fist hit the ground hard! A mighty force exploded! The earth's crust was fierce!

This blow was no bigger than the impact of a small planet, but it couldn't cause any harm to Egg.

His body is not the planet, but the huge amounts of brain in the planet.

Sauron didn't even think about sending Egg away with just one punch.

He grabbed the loose and broken crust and threw it outward! A piece of land broke away from the Ego star and became a meteorite wandering in space.

When the gods saw this scene, they were stunned.

"Oh my god! His power has increased again!"

"He is obviously the sun god, but why does he have such a terrifying body?"

"Hercules can you do this?"

"No! If you ask me to do that blow just now, I can still do it, but I can't throw such a large piece of the earth's crust into space!"


Another huge amount of the earth's crust was torn off by Sauron and thrown into space!

He wants to clear all of Egg's defenses bit by bit, and then kill him completely!

An incarnation of huge amounts of Ego appeared. When he saw this scene, he was extremely angry! But there was fear in the anger.

"No! What are you doing!"

"You have already taken away my child and I can no longer carry out my plan. Why are you still attacking me?"

The incarnation of Egg came to stop Sauron, but all the attacks formed by the power of the gods were unable to cause harm to Sauron.

As Sauron operated the God's Breathing Method, Yi Ge's power of the God was plundered by Sauron! Refined!

"What kind of power do you have?"

"No! This is the power of the gods! Why do you also have the power of the gods!"

Egg felt like his huge brain was turning into paste.

Sauron would ignore it and continue to dismantle Ego Star.

Gods in the distance can hear their voices.

Zeus said: "This Ego is just the brain of a certain fallen group of gods, how dare you underestimate the gods of the world!"

"Sauron is a descendant of one of the five gods, and he is a being above the gods!"

The other gods nodded and thought that was it.

Egg's whole brain was numb!

With the power of the gods, his attack on Sauron was not effective at all! Instead, he was attacked and devoured by him.

His own duplication cannot stop him from dismantling his outer rock defense.

"Sauron, I surrender!"

"Please let me go"!

Seeing that half of his outer crust was removed, his inner metal defense was exposed.

As Egg surrendered, Sauron stopped, but he didn't really stop.

Just when Ego breathed a sigh of relief and thought he had escaped, Sauron's eyes lit up with scorching white heat vision.

The thick layer of metal surrounding Ego's core cannot even block the industrial laser used for mining on Yondu's spaceship, let alone Sauron's heat vision.

Within a few breaths, a huge amount of metal holes appeared.

Through this metal hole, you can see a constantly beating super brain.

Yi Ge was extremely frightened, and the majestic power of the gods shrank completely, wrapping his brain tightly.

"Sauron, I am willing to hand over my collection of hundreds of years! Please let me go!"

Egg kept begging for mercy, but in Sauron's eyes, the most precious thing was this brain.

This is the brain of the Celestial God Group, which gave birth to self-awareness, like an alternative Celestial God Group.

Sauron stood at the entrance of the metal hole, holding both sides with both hands. In the Fixed Star system where the Ego star is located, the power of the Fixed Star blessed Sauron.

He used all his power! Plus the blessing of Fixed Star! His power jumped to bronze Superman level!


Thick cracks appeared on the thick metal shell! This metal shell is not an ordinary metal. It can be used by Egg as a final defense. It can also be used to build battlefields.


But it was torn apart by the terrifying power of Sauron, the Bronze Superman!


Sauron's muscles all over his body were tense, showing the ultimate beauty of strength! Many female gods drooled with envy when they saw this scene.

The metal sphere, together with the half of the intact crust, was split into two halves by Sauron!

Egg, the brain of this God group, was completely exposed to the universe!

Just like millions of years ago, when it first gave birth to self-awareness.


Egg let out a cry of pain and despair!

The extremely rich power of the gods made Sauron drool!

That is Yi Ge, millions of years of accumulation! If Sauron is allowed to practice on his own and accumulate such a huge power of the gods, it will probably take thousands of years!

(Ego relies on instinct and millions of years of accumulation. Sauron uses the breath of the gods to draw energy from countless Fixed Stars. But Fixed Star energy is low-level energy, and low-level energy is converted into the power of the gods. Extremely high-level energy, ten thousand units of Fixed Star energy can be converted into one unit of God's power)

In a short period of time, Sauron can no longer kill Yi Ge! Once Yi Ge dies, these huge powers of the gods will dissipate. That is a waste of natural resources!

Sauron calculated in his mind that it would take him several years to refine all the power of the gods.

But once it is refined and becomes your own energy, you will reach the bronze Superman level! Otherwise, you don’t know how long it will take to slowly cultivate.

Sauron decided to devour Yi Ge's power of the gods right here, and then kill him after he is done!

"Ego, I don't have to kill you, but all your powers from the gods belong to me!"


In despair, Yi Ge saw a hope for life.

He has an infinite lifespan and is most afraid of death!

"I promise!"

It's just the power of the gods accumulated over millions of years. He still has countless lifespans, countless millions of years!

Sauron smiled faintly!

Close the cracked metal balls and use heat vision as electric welding to weld them together.

Seeing Sauron's scene, the gods were stunned again.

"Everyone, I have reached a deal with Egg. This place will be turned into a restricted area. Please leave!"

Sauron faced the gods and spoke calmly.

Although Zeus and others were extremely curious, they did not want to offend such a powerful god like Sauron.

One spaceship after another jumped through space and left.

Sauron returned to the sailing battleship and said to everyone: "I will retreat here to absorb the power of Yi Ge.

"Thor, please return to Asgard. The mission is over."

"Yes, Sauron."

Then Thor said to Star-Lord: "Don't worry, you will never have to worry about Buddha again."

After Sauron finished speaking, he flew out of the sail warship and sat cross-legged at the entrance of the metal hole.

Start operating the God's Breathing Method, and frantically refining the power of the God belonging to Yi Ge!

The sailing battleship departs!

On Xandar, Sauron's duplication knows everything that happened. Although he has one-third of Sauron's strength, Xandar actually has the main sun!

With three times the blessing of Fixed Star, duplication's strength is almost as strong as Sauron's.

The transformation of the Dark Star cannot be completed overnight.

At first, Xinxing Supreme felt uncomfortable, but Xinxing Supreme soon figured it out.

As long as Sauron is on Xandar, no powerful man in the universe will dare to come to Xandar to cause trouble.

After thinking about it, Xinxing Supreme began to provide Sauron duplication with various kinds of enjoyment every day!

Star-Lord still formed the Guardians of Galaxy. Together with Gamora and others, he established a mercenary team to accept commissions and complete various difficult tasks.

Rocket will occasionally join in, but until the transformation of the Dark Star is completed, his main mission is still on this.

Thor and Loki returned to Asgard and saw the power of Sauron. Thor looked down upon the Giants of Jotunheim even more than in the original book!

Thor is eager to conquer the Giants of Jotunheim and prove to the universe that Asgard is not the only powerful sun god!

Many trains that had fallen off the tracks gradually returned to their original tracks under the terrifying power of correction.

Just like the car accident experienced by Doctor Who, it is a fixed point in time. No matter what changes are made, the car accident is destined to happen!

All of this happened without Sauron's knowledge. He was immersed in the ultimate happiness of running the breathing method of the gods, absorbing the power of the gods accumulated by Yi Ge for millions of years, and quickly strengthening himself!

Time flies! It’s 2008, the most critical year in the Marvel universe!

This year, Iron Man was born! The entire universe entered an era of disaster and disaster!

Above the Blue Star.

In New York, on Manhattan Island, the world's tallest skyscraper rises from the ground!

This building covers a huge area, and (Qian's) construction is extremely majestic! Especially the rooftop at the top is built into an extremely beautiful garden.

This building is the headquarters of the Super Seven.

For several years, two Spider-men were active in New York!

Spider-Woman Gwen! And Toby Spider.

However, the popularity of the two Spider-men in the hearts of the public is very different.

Toby Spider is just a good neighbor in Queens, but Gwen Spider has become the most popular superhero in New York!

Doctor Octopus has completely solved all the problems of artificial sun technology through research on blue giant weapons.

The artificial solar power stations built around the world have provided the Super Seven with extremely abundant funds!

Norman's interests are in business and research, not being a superhero.

In this way, the huge resources of the Super Seven were poured into Gwen Spider and Sand Dust.

But Shachen Mutant's identity is far less popular than Gwen Spider's popularity among the people.

MJ has now become the most dazzling star in Hollywood!

Her Spider-man ability has become the best asset in her star career.

Sauron duplication has been hiding himself and completing various plans in secret!

However, just today, Blue Star's peace was completely broken!

The owner of Stark Industries, Tony Stark, went missing after being attacked in the desert of the Middle East for a weapons display!

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