Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 87 The Truth Is Revealed, Father And Son Turn Against Each Other! Sauron Vs. Egg!

The sharp knife made a gash in Mantis Girl's neck, and blood flowed out.

Mantis girl knew that Gamora was not joking, she said:

"These are all Ego's children. They were sent back from all over the universe. After Ego's test, none of them inherited Ego's power of the gods!"

"So they were all killed by Egg!"

Gamora looked at the piles of bones and skeletons in front of her! There are only a few if there are not even ten thousand!

"Are these Egg's children?"

Gamora is simply unbelievable! There are actually cruel existences in the universe! These are all Ego's children, but he killed all his own children!

Egg's level of evil in Gamora's heart instantly surpassed that of Thanos!

Although Thanos is not a good person, he attacks the planets all over the universe, and then randomly loses half of the population.

But Gamora also had to admit that Thanos was really kind to her adopted daughter.

(Thanos thinks it is fair that he randomly wipes out half of all life, so when he snaps his fingers, those planets that he once wiped out half of the population will have wiped out three-quarters of the population. Then Thanos is unfair)

The knife left Mantis Girl's neck. Mantis Girl quickly reached out to check and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that it was only a small wound.

At the moment, Gamora only worried about Star-Lord in her heart.

"then who are you?"

But Gamora did not let go of Mantis immediately, but continued to ask questions.

"Actually, I am also Egg's child, but I have the ability to soothe my emotions. Egg is in great pain in his heart, and he needs my ability to fall asleep."

So I became the only child he didn't kill!"

After Mantis Girl explained, she asked Gamora.

"Are you the one who comes to the carnival with the gods? Why didn't you join the carnival?"

Gamora turned around and walked out and said: "I'm not here to participate in the carnival of the gods! My friend is Yi Ge's child, and I'm going to save him now!"

Mantis girl's eyes lit up instantly. She was taken away from her planet when she was still a child, and she has never seen any relatives since then.

Even though he stayed by his father's side, he didn't feel his father's love at all, and he could feel the pain in Egg's heart every day.

When she heard that she had an older brother or younger brother who had fallen into the hands of Egg, she decided to save her older brother or younger brother!

"Wait a minute, I'll help you"!

Mantis girl chased after me!

At this moment, in Ego's palace, Ego had already introduced his birth and love with Star-Lord's mother to Star-Lord.

With his father's love, Star-Lord, under the guidance of Ego, carefully felt Ego's star.

The power of the gods was born between Star-Lord's hands, and he produced an energy ball.

"Yes! That's it!"

Egg was extremely excited!

He has waited for thousands of years and reproduced life with countless races! Some of these races are not even humanoid!

However, none of the children Yondu gave him inherited the god gene.

Now, the child with the god gene finally appears!

But while the gods are carousing here, he can't carry out his plan yet!

He could not guarantee that his plan to destroy countless lives would be opposed by some powerful god.

He continued his role as a loving father.

At night, the excited Star-Lord returned to his room, but Kayla suddenly walked in.

"Hi! Gamora! You never imagined what I did today!"

But Gamora looked anxious, took Star-Lord's hand, and said:

"Follow me quickly"!

But she didn't pull Star-Lord, who said with confusion: "What's wrong? This place is so beautiful, why do you want to leave? I just met my father!"

Gamora was so anxious that she grabbed Star-Lord by the collar and whispered: "Quil, you have no idea what kind of person Ego is!"

"I found a cave filled with thousands of skeletons! Do you know who those skeletons belong to?"

"Your half-brothers and sisters! They were killed by Egg because they didn't have the god gene!"

After Gamora finished speaking, she was about to pull Star-Lord away, but Star-Lord's face was full of confusion and disbelief.

"Gamora, don't joke with me!"

"How could my father do such a thing? And can all children who are not fathers have the God gene?"

Gamora was stunned for a moment.

Mantis Girl's voice sounded from the door.

"Oh my god, do you have the god gene?"

"Who are you?"

Star-Lord looked at Mantis Girl.

"She is your half-sister!

Gamora's voice sounded faintly.

"My biological sister?"

Star-Lord looked at Mantis, who was obviously younger than him, and he was surprised: "Are you really my sister?"

Mantis Girl walked up to Star-Lord, and she indeed felt the special aura of her father, Egg. Congji said that Mantis Girl and Star-Lord are not biological siblings! Star-Lord's body is half human and half god gene, but Mantis Girl did not inherit the god gene. Her body is pure cockroach gene.

But in fact, they are indeed half-brothers and sisters!

"What she said is true. Egg killed all the children who did not inherit the god's genes except me!"

"Although you have inherited his genes, he will not let you go!"

"He has planted his own life seeds on almost every living planet in the universe. Shili, by combining two godless power emperors, he can make all the life seeds in the universe start to sleep!"

"He will destroy all life in the universe and make himself the only life!"

"The planet you were born on, the planet I was born on, will be destroyed! All life on it will be replaced by Ego"!

Mantis tried her best to persuade him, saying that as long as Star-Lord leaves, Ego's ambition cannot be realized.

Before Star-Lord could be controlled by Ego with the power of the gods, he immediately thought of his grandfather on Blue Star.

"Then we must stop him! What if he gives birth to another child with the gene of a god?"

At this moment, Star-Lord only feels that he has a heavy responsibility!


At this time, a sigh sounded.

Egg stepped out of the darkness.

"This is my planet, and everything that happens here cannot escape my perception."

"Child, now that you know, then come with me and realize my ideal!"

A tentacle formed from the power of the gods pierced Star-Lord's chest, and Star-Lord Spleen and Ego Star became one body!

At this moment, Ego was able to mobilize the power of the two gods, and he instantly sensed the countless duplications he had placed throughout the galaxy.

He began to provide energy for these duplications!

Throughout the galaxy, on almost every living planet, Egg's life seeds began to grow crazily!

Like a growing snot, it crazily invades the ground.

Gamora begins to attack Ego, but how can she fight Ego's duplication standing on Ego's planet?

The energy rope formed by the power of the gods trapped Gamora and Mantis Girl aside!

Star-Lord's body was tortured by endless pain! At this moment, he could also feel the crazy expansion of the seeds of life on every planet in the universe.

"Ego! You keep saying you love my mother, why do you want to destroy her planet!"

Star-Lord asked loudly.

Egg couldn't help but fall into memories, and he said: "Your mother is indeed the woman I love most! My Sayuri! I can remember the lyrics of every song I listened to with her!

"I have gone back to Blue Star three times to see him! Three times! I know that as long as I go back one more time, I will never be able to start my expansion plan."

"I had to make the painful choice to put the tumor into her head."

Star-Lord, who was suffering endless pain, instantly fell into a rage that transcended everything!

"You killed my mother"!

The anger in Star-Lord's heart surpassed everything else! He fought for the power of the gods inserted into his chest, grabbed his two guns and aimed at Ego's crazy designs!

Egg's body was blasted with holes by energy bombs, but he was just an avatar!

As long as you stand on the Ego Star, there will be an endless supply of divine power to replenish it!

Seeing Ego being repaired by energy, Star-Lord knew that he would never be able to defeat Ego with his own strength.

The only thing he can count on now is one person!

Sun God, Sauron!

"Sun God Sauron, I need your help"!

Star-Lord suddenly shouted!

"as you wish!"

A loud voice rang in everyone's ears!

A tall and straight figure descended from the sky, penetrated the palace building, and landed in front of everyone.

Sauron was wearing his Superman battle suit, but the S on his chest became a sun pattern.

"Sauron, do you want to be my enemy?"

Egg said with a gloomy expression.

He chose to wait for the gods to leave before taking action, just because he was afraid that the gods would interfere. Star-Lord knew his intentions and forced himself to take action now, which indeed led to the intervention of the gods.

"Ego, you are just a brain, what qualifications do you have to talk to me like this!"

Sauron will not give Ego face!

"Blue Star is my territory. If you dare to take my territory, this is a declaration of war against me!"

When Sauron came up, he stood on the side of justice! Even if other gods came, they could only stand on Sauron's side.

Egg had heard about Sauron's undefeated battle against all the gods in the Golden Temple of the Gods.

He also didn't want to start a war with Sauron casually.

"I can let Blue Star go!"

"But don't interfere with my behavior, okay?"

Egg felt that Sauron should be satisfied.

However, Sauron's response to him was only a blazing white heat vision!

Egg's duplication was completely destroyed, but this also completely angered Egg!

The entire planet Yigo began to shake! The majestic power of the gods began to boil!

The gods in the carnival suddenly woke up. In an instant, they knew what had happened.

"Shet! Is Egg crazy? He dares to confront the Sun God!"

"Want to destroy all sentient beings in the universe? Born from madness, they must be destroyed from madness!"

"Are we watching a show or not?"

For a moment, the gods returned to their spaceships in space, then stayed away and watched the show quietly. .

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