Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 62: Countries’ Reactions! Mars Battle!

As a veteran Mutant, Sunfire has detailed information in the intelligence systems of countries around the world.

Although the Japanese volcano erupted and the super earthquake attracted worldwide attention, the Japanese locust even sued Sauron to the United Nations General Assembly.

But in the eyes of many intelligence agencies, the main reason for all this happening was the self-destruction of the Sunfire.

Although Sauron can force the Sunfire to explode, it may just be a conflict of abilities. They did not believe that a Mutant would suddenly appear and be powerful enough to easily kill the old Mutant Sunfire.

But Sauron still came into the eyes of many intelligence agencies.

This time, the battle between Sauron and Captain Marvel has completely attracted global attention!

The brilliant meteor that spans half of the blue star shines brighter than the sun in broad daylight.

The high-energy signals released by the two men set off alarms for the defense systems of various countries, and they never stopped!


"Xinxi! This powerful woman must be a super soldier sent by the United Nations Conference! She will definitely capture this damn Sauron and hand it over to us!"

The Japanese Locust was very excited when looking at the pictures captured by the military satellite!

"Your Majesty Tianlu, we have selected five hundred healthy Mutant beauties. When he is sent, he will surely give birth to thousands of Mutant children. As long as one of them can inherit his super ability, our Japanese Empire will surely rise. !”

Japan's Minister of Internal Affairs, Toyonari Hideyoshi said enthusiastically.

"Hail! Hail!"

The other ministers shouted enthusiastically.

Universe country.

"Xiba, this powerful Mutant, at first glance, he is a member of our great cosmic nation!"

"We want to protest to the United Nations Conference! Protest that they sent people to arrest our strongest hero!"

"Your Excellency, please make stern representations to the United Nations General Assembly and President America!"

To the east, the Divine Spear Bureau.

"Soren Li is of Eastern descent. He grew up in an orphanage in America. His parents are currently unknown."

"According to the information we have, he often asked his classmate at Mutant College, who is also of Eastern descent, to go back to China to get local delicacies or borrow a cook."

The director of the Divine Spear Bureau said: "When the flash comes again next time, let's get in touch and express our goodwill. Tell him that we welcome him back to the embrace of the motherland!"

In the outer space of Blue Star, Sauron and Carol are standing here.

"Let's compare, who will reach Mars first?" Sauron raised his eyebrows.

In this vacuum environment, the two of them could hear each other's voices.

Captain Marvel has helped the weak everywhere in the universe over the years. She has seen powerful gods and dealt with some ancient strong men. Most of the time, she has the upper hand in battles with these people.

She is also eager to have a hearty battle!

Just rely on the power of the original, not any ancient treasures or high-tech equipment.


The two looked at each other and then instantly disappeared from the sight of all Blue Star's monitoring equipment.

Five Points Building.

"Shet, where is the person?"

the president asked, slamming the table.

Pierce said:

"Mr. President, Captain Marvel Carol has the ability to fly faster than the speed of light! And Sauron, according to our latest intelligence, has some kind of powerful teleportation ability. He can go anywhere he wants in an instant!"

The president's eyes widened for a moment, and he asked: "If he wants to kill me, can he appear next to me no matter where I hide?"

Pierce nodded.

The president's eyes became sharp.

"We must find a way to restrain him! We, America, cannot allow uncontrolled existence in the sky!"

From Blue Star to Mars, is it faster to teleport or faster than the speed of light?

When Carol escaped from the super-light speed and appeared near Mars, she saw Sauron's figure at a glance.

"Space Jump Ability?"

Carol has traveled around the universe in these years, and her horizons have really expanded greatly.

"Teleportation, wherever I want to go, I can go."

"The premise is that I really understand that place and can withstand the huge consumption of spiritual energy."

As soon as Sauron finished speaking, the two of them started fighting again!

The two of them fell from the sky. You punch me and I kick you.

There are no fighting skills at all, just punching to the flesh!

The clash of steel body and super defense!

The nerve reactions of the two of them were as fast as the speed of light!

The more they fight, the more excited they become!

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