Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 61 Captain Marvel Fights Right At The Door! Shock The World!

Carol's return was not hidden from Sauron.

He was waiting for Carol on the rooftop of Osborn Company.

Soon, a stream of light flew from a distance and headed straight towards Sauron.

Captain Marvel, who was surrounded by strong photon energy, was locked by the military's defense system as soon as he left the Tri-Wing Building!

The energy signal she releases is hundreds of times stronger than the tail flame signal of the Saturn 5 large launch vehicle that launched the Apollo 11 moon landing spacecraft!

The entire Wujiao Building was instantly tense!

This is Washington, and the Three Curved Wings Building is less than five kilometers away from the White Palace!

Director Pierce's phone number is about to explode!

He knew the news and was stunned. I quickly investigated and found out that he flew out of the deputy director's office.

Without waiting for him to shout, Fury took the initiative to report.

Hearing that it was Captain Marvel, Pierce looked at Fury with a deep look.

[Good guy, he’s hidden deep enough! I picked you up with my own hands, but I didn't even know you had Captain Marvel's communication device! 】

Pierce hurriedly reported to the Wujiao Building, saying that it was to trouble Superman, so the military did not launch defensive missiles.

Carol's body was suspended in front of Soran, and her eyes looked at Soran curiously.

She rarely encountered oriental faces, but the Superman in front of her was too young and too handsome.

"Are you Superman?"

Carol asked.

Sauron shrugged.

The next second, Carol took action directly!

She rushed over suddenly, put her head on Sauron's belly, hugged his waist with both hands, and flew away into the distance!

She doesn't want her battle with Superman to bring disaster to New York City!

Sauron allowed Carol to take him directly to the Arctic ice sheet.

The military satellite in the Wujiao Building has long been locked on Captain Marvel. Many generals, scientists, and analysts are watching the live broadcast of the battle between the two!

The two of them hit the ice sheet hard, and the energy released by Carol melted a large amount of snow.

They even penetrated dozens of meters of ice, and both of them entered the cold sea water.

Under this ice sheet, there are many nuclear submarines of America and Mao Xiong.

The two men broke through the strong noise generated by the sea water, which was quickly detected by the sonar of many submarines.

The submarines of the American military received orders from Cape Wood to keep a close eye on the situation.

As soon as Mao Xiong reported it, it attracted Mao Xiong's attention.

Now that he's in a deserted place, Sauron can let go and have a fight with Captain Marvel!

With Man of Steel level strength, he didn't even know who to fight with to test his ability.

And Captain Marvel can achieve his wish.

Sauron bent his knee and kicked Carol in the abdomen. She only felt a terrifying force.

The whole person was pointing straight upward, breaking through the sea water, breaking through the ice, and flying high into the sky!

Sauron follows closely! A punch hit Carol's body. Carol, who was thousands of meters above the ground, flew towards the west!

Her body broke through dozens of times the speed of sound. Her body rubbed fiercely with the air, and her whole body was burning with fire!

A dazzling light flashed across the sky over the North Pole.

Then it hit the Arctic ice sheet near Novi.

Carol's battle suit was not damaged, but the amazing heat from her body melted a large amount of ice and snow.

She climbed up from the steaming puddle and shook her dizzy head.

Anger burst out in his eyes!

Looking at Sauron floating in front of her, she was full of fire!

Huge photon energy was released from her body, and her whole body exuded a dazzling light!

In an instant, she entered the super-light speed state!

Her Super Strength makes her fists extremely powerful, and with the addition of super-light speed, they are even more invincible!

Sauron's current super reflexes and Super Speed ​​have not yet reached the super-light level.

Before he could react, Carol punched him in the abdomen.

Sauron flew out instantly!

His body flies in the air, and the heat generated by friction at hundreds of times the speed of sound makes him emit light far brighter than the sun!

Then, at an extremely astonishing speed, it crossed the Mao Xiong family, the Dongfang family, and more than half of the ocean, and finally crashed into the sea water near the equator!

His smash was no less than the impact of a huge meteorite!

Huge amounts of dents were made in the sea surface!

The terrifying impact force turned into the kinetic energy of the sea water, and a tsunami hundreds of meters high formed!

Carol, who was following closely, frowned when she saw this scene. She fired countless photon energy cannons from her hands to dissipate the huge wave of 100 meters high!

In such a scene, the movement is really too big!

It is difficult not to be detected by satellites of various countries.

Then, the military satellites of many countries locked onto the figures of Sauron and Carol.

Sauron looked up and saw that the satellites were too conspicuous in his eyes.

"We can't let go here, let's go to Mars and have a fight!"

Sauron's eyes were full of fighting spirit!

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