Although the bodies of these three guys are dead, their souls may not disappear.

There are many hells in this world, and their souls may be in one of them at this moment.

But... the masters of those hells are not easy to talk to.

The images of Mephisto, Hela, etc. flashed through Wu Yuyu's mind. He decided to let them go for the time being.

Well, it's definitely not because he can't beat those lords of hell now!

Coming to Fury's side, Wu Yuyu looked down at Sanduo, who had lost his breath.

Although his eyes had been closed by Fury, his face still maintained the hideous expression of death.

"Now, I'll leave these three to you, Lu Dan, uh... Director."

Realizing that he had let the cat out of the bag, Wu Yuyu forced himself to change the address.

He rubbed his stomach.

After working for so long, he was a little hungry now.........

Last time at the restaurant

""Puff, cough cough!"

Although Wu Yuyu had forcibly changed the name.

But none of the people present were simple.

So, Barton looked up the corresponding things according to the words Wu Yuyu said.

At first, he was a little unresponsive.

But when he flipped down, he saw the picture of a peeled boiled egg.

In just a moment, he turned into a spray bottle and sprayed out all the beer he had just drunk.

Noticing the attention being attracted by the surroundings.

Barton smiled at them embarrassedly, and quickly cleaned up the traces he had caused.

Then he sat back in his seat

"You know how to use metaphors!"

He gave Wu Yuyu a thumbs up. Lu

Dantou, he was so smart that he could think of this.


"I feel like I can no longer look directly at Fury's head, goose goose goose~"

Patton covered his eyes, and the more he thought about it, the wider his mouth became.

In the end, he turned into a big goose.

"What on earth made you react so strongly?"

Barton's reaction made Natasha curious.

She reached out to take the phone.

After a quick look, she froze in her place.

Barton did not close the picture, so the first thing Natasha saw was the one that made Barton turn into a spray bottle.

Boiled egg = Fury's head.

The two originally unrelated things were instantly equated in her mind.

The most important thing is that there is no sense of disobedience and they can be completely replaced.

Now when she thinks of Fury, her mind unconsciously replaces his head with a boiled egg.

That picture...

She feels that she will never be able to look at Fury directly in the future.

Wu Yuyu looked at the two thumbs in front of her and sighed.

Fury has worked hard to maintain his image for so long, but he destroyed it so easily.

It's really a sin~

Although Wu Yuyu thought so in his heart, if someone asked him if it was intentional or accidental? Then he would have only one answer - intentional and accidental!

With his hands on his hips, he was justified!........


On the other side, Fury looked at the picture of the boiled egg on his phone and slapped it on the table.

Although it did look like it, how could he maintain his dignity in front of his subordinates in the future?

Wu Yuyu is really not a good son!

But no matter how irritated Fury was, it could not affect Wu Yuyu's mood.

At this moment, he had brought Natasha and Barton to Tony's villa.

"Welcome, Mr. Kurobutama"

""Thank you."

With Jarvis's welcome, Wu Yuyu opened the door with ease and led the team straight to the basement.

As soon as he walked down the stairs, he ran into Tony, who had a sour face.

"You just pushed the door open and came in so casually. Do you think this is your home?"

Wu Yuyu shrugged and spread his hands like a little bear.

"I always show up at the door in a proper manner. If you don't give me permission, can Jarvis open the door for me?" He pushed Tony, who was blocking the way, aside.

In his unhappy eyes, Wu Yuyu found the Coke in the wine cabinet with ease, took a big gulp, and squinted his eyes comfortably.

"Tsk, ha~~~"

"Although I am a magician, please don't treat me as a primitive man." Tony glanced at Wu Yuyu with disdain.

He turned his eyes to the two unfamiliar people.

"Who are they? You really think this place is your home, don't you? Bring everyone here!"

She hooked her hand around Tony's shoulders, ignoring his struggle.

Wu Yuyu waved her hand in front of Natasha, who had a dazed look in her eyes.

"Come back to your senses, you can't run away, I'll see later"

"She really is!?"

Natasha came back to her senses and was a little excited, which was completely different from her usual way of interacting with others.

‘It seems that the girl lying on the bed inside has some kind of connection with her.

Not only Barton, but even Tony, who met her for the first time, has already seen this.

Wu Yuyu let go of Tony and patted Natasha on the shoulder.

"Calm down, Yelena is still receiving treatment."


Hearing this name, Natasha closed her eyes, and the scene of her childhood appeared in front of her again.

Without disturbing her, Wu Yuyu signaled to Tony that the two of them

"Now, you guessed it, right? She is Yelena's sister Natasha, and the one next to her is Barton, both of them are agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After briefly introducing the identities of the two, Wu Yuyu turned around and pointed at Tony.

"I don't need to introduce this playboy."

"Of course, we all know Tony Stark's name.

Although Barton was a little worried about Natasha's condition, he still reached out to Tony.

"Here, for you."

Wu Yuyu stuffed a can of Coke into Barton's hand, pushing Tony aside and pulling the slightly confused Barton, and walked straight to the underground laboratory.

"Natasha, let's recall it later. First, come and see the surprise I prepared for you!"

After taking two steps, Wu Yuyu returned to Natasha and dragged her away.

Seeing that he didn't take him seriously, Tony threatened him unhappily:"Hey, I am the owner of this villa. It is considered breaking into a private house without my permission!"

However, there was only a middle finger raised behind him, which counted as���Wu Yudama's reply to him

"Okay, okay, Mr. Tony is generous and will not mind your impolite behavior."

"According to the analysis, you are not angry. There is a word called tsundere on the Internet, which fits your reaction very well.

Jarvis' electronic voice made Tony give an order in a rage.

He told Jarvis not to connect to the external network without his permission.

"The external network connection has been disconnected."

Listening to Jarvis' electronic voice, Tony nodded with satisfaction.

A mere artificial intelligence dared to turn against the heavens and complain about its developer.

After successfully suppressing Jarvis, Tony also walked into the laboratory...

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