When Wu Yuyu threatened Xiao Bai (Green) Hua,

Fury was repeatedly experiencing the experience of being scratched by the orange cat in the illusion.

You know, this matter has been hidden in his heart.

Even Coulson, whom he trusted the most, thought that he was heroically injured in the battle with aliens.

In the future, he changed his story and told Captain America that he had trusted someone wrongly, which led to the loss of this eye.


"Oh! Damn it!"

At the moment when Fury was distracted, the orange cat - Yuanshio scratched Fury's left eye with its claws.

He had experienced this kind of pain dozens of times in a short period of time.

Even though he knew it was fake, he could still feel the pain of his eye being scratched.

After a while,

Fury was able to do it while distracting himself to think about how to break this illusion.


Another paw

""Fuck you!"

Fury covered his eyes, and the touch from his hand made him react, and he was back to reality.

Noticing the strange looks of the people around him,

Fury calmly retracted his hand covering his eyes, as if nothing had happened.

He looked at the Skrull who had returned to his original appearance.

Fury stood up and touched his aching head with some confusion.

Wasn't he always being scratched by the eyes by the Devourer?

Why did he feel pain in his head?

Touching the bumps on the top of his head, Fury's eyes swept over the faces of the people around him.

Not to mention the two agents Natasha and Barton.

Even the Skrull is already an experienced actor.

Of course, Fury wouldn't see any clues.

So, Fury could only blame himself for his bad luck.

He turned around and went to visit his old friend, Alexander Pierce.

He didn't notice at all that after he turned around, the others began to communicate with their eyes crazily……........

Wake up the unconscious Pierce.

Fury drags a chair over and slowly sits down in front of him.

His dark face makes it hard to tell what his current mood is.

"Pierce, my old friend and boss. When I knew there was a problem in SHIELD, I suspected everyone, but you."

At this moment, Fury's eyes were heavy, as if he was immersed in the memory of fighting side by side with Pierce.

There were even a few tears in his eyes... infected by his emotions.

Past scenes also emerged in Pierce's mind.

His heart softened unconsciously.

But it only lasted for a short moment.

Then he sneered disdainfully.

Looking at Fury's eyes full of ridicule

""Don't act in front of me, Fury. In your heart, emotions are the least valuable. You want to impress me with something you don't even care about?"

Fury closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes had returned to their previous calmness.

All the tears and deepness were gone. Fury looked at Pierce quietly for a few seconds. He nodded slightly.

"You're right, I shouldn't have tried to impress you, but unfortunately, you probably won't get to see the footage of those Hydras being arrested.……"

After saying this, with Pierce's eyes wide open,

Fury stood up and walked in front of Wu Yuyu.

"Even though he is your trophy, can I get the authorities to stop investigating his disappearance in exchange for some insignificant information from you?"

"Besides, this isn't a threat, this is a deal"

"You can't do this, I need to be judged by law!!!"

For Pierce's roar, both Fury and Wu Yuyu ignored his thoughts.

They just stood opposite each other and looked into each other's eyes.

In the end, Barton couldn't stand it anymore and went forward to help him fall asleep.

This restored the room to peace.

"I agree, but this alone is not enough to exchange information from me."

Wu Yuyu probably guessed Fury's idea.

Anyway, he couldn't stop Pierce from being killed, so he might as well go with the flow and get something from him. He is indeed a black-hearted honeycomb briquettes!

Fury hesitated for a moment, not quite sure what Wu Yuyu was eyeing.

"What do you want?"

She stretched out three fingers, and a bright smile appeared on Wu Yuyu's face.

"Three pieces of 084, I choose."

He twitched inwardly.

In Fury's eyes, the Wu Yu Yu in front of him had turned into a lion, opening its mouth wide at him.

How dare he ask for a price...

He shook his head and rejected Wu

Yu Yu's outrageous request. He retracted his outstretched finger and whistled.

"If you don't agree, forget it. But I don't know anything about the Avengers or the New York nuclear bomb."

The more he spoke, the lower his voice became.

If Fury's hearing wasn't good enough, he really couldn't hear what he said next.

But it must be said that Wu Yuyu really grasped Fury's lifeline accurately.

The Avengers alone had already made Fury's heart begin to waver.

Not to mention the upcoming New York nuclear bomb.

The one-eyed man stared at Wu Yuyu, and the bumps on his head began to ache again.

Touching his head, Fury squeezed out a few words from between his teeth,"Okay, I agree!"

"Wise move!"

Wu Yuyu snapped his fingers.

The three men, who were in a coma, suddenly opened their eyes wide, and their eyeballs seemed to pop out of their sockets.

A force that came from nowhere almost made them break free from the restraints on their bodies.

But they only struggled for a moment.

The three men lay back in their original positions again, and there was no movement.

And their eyes never closed...

Noticing the movement here, Fury looked at Wu Yuyu in front of him.

He walked forward slowly and felt the pulse of several people.

The body paused.

Sure enough.

Although it was unclear what they had experienced, they did lose their lives.

As a former comrade-in-arms, Fury stretched out his hand in front of several people and helped them close their eyes.

"What did you do to them?"

Hearing Natasha's question, Wu Yuyu glanced at the three corpses lying there.

He sighed with some regret.

"It's nothing, I just invited them to experience the 126-day tour of the 18 levels of hell, but who knew they had so much fun that they died of excessive excitement. There are still many things that I haven't experienced.……"


The Skrulls beside him didn't understand why, but they also let out a"hiss".

Natasha and Barton looked at each other and made the sign of the cross on their chests.

They had a little understanding of Eastern culture and knew what the 18 levels of hell represented.

126 days, which means 7 days in each level.

No wonder they couldn't bear it so quickly...

Looking at Wu Yuyu's expression, they shuddered at the same time. They silently said,"May there be no Wu Yuyu in hell!"……"

"Eh? Good idea!"

Hearing the two people's murmurs, Wu Yuyu's eyes lit up instantly!

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