Steve immediately put on his mask and picked up his shield.

"I gonna go see!"

"hen shin!"

As soon as the red light appeared, Stark put on the suit again and directly opened the hatch on the back of the fighter plane, and a strong air flow suddenly swept in.

"what do you want to do!"

Before Stark could return, a sturdy figure landed on the deck. He was wearing a silver fighter from European mythology, with a red cloak floating behind him, and holding the extraordinary hammer in his hand.

The visitor is none other than Thor, the God of Thunder.

"Is it you Mu En?"

Thor looked at Stark, who was wearing a red armor, and asked with slight confusion.

"No, it shouldn't be. My friend's armor doesn't look like this, and he's not as weak as you."

Stark became angry when Thor said he was weak.

He raised his hand and wanted to give Thor a shot.

Thor was also ruthless and didn't say much. He just threw the hammer in his hand.

Stark underestimated the power of the hammer, just don't knock it to the ground.

"Thor! This is a misunderstanding!"

Steve wanted to persuade Thor, but Thor glanced at him and didn't recognize Steve. He stepped forward and carried Loki away like a chicken.

Stark stood up from the floor and frowned when he saw Thor flying out of the cabin with Loki.

"Who is this?"

"He is Thor, Loki's brother."

Before Steve could finish his introduction, Stark said directly.

"No matter whose brother he is, if we don't recover Loki we will never find the Tesseract."

"Stark, don't be impulsive we need a plan!"

Before Steve could finish his words, Stark flew out for a long time.

Looking at Stark Steve disappearing into the night sky, he was also a little helpless.

He grabbed the parachute on the side and carried it on his back.

Natasha saw this and spoke to persuade.

"Let's just watch the battle, captain, they are all guys from myths."

Steve put on his parachute and picked up his shield and said.

"Can't I just watch like this? Please help me contact Dean Pastor of Valentine. Maybe he can help us."

With that said, Steve jumped directly from the deck.

Looking at Steve disappearing into the night sky, Natasha shook her head helplessly.

"Are these people so impulsive? But why are these extraordinary guys related to the director of the welfare home?"

Although she was confused, as an agent, Natasha still reported the situation to Nick Fury. The relationship behind it was still a headache for him. He only needed to be responsible for carrying out the mission.


New York.

"I understand. You should postpone your return for now. Monitor their current situation from a distance and don't join the battle easily."

After giving the order, Nick Fury hung up the communication, and his dark face darkened a few more times.

"Is it Shepherd again? Colson, does the team responsible for monitoring Valentine have the latest intelligence feedback?"

Coulson returns.

"Director, the latest information sent back by the team is that Mu En has taken leave from school and has not left the orphanage in the past two days."

Nick Fury frowned and rubbed his chin.

"What on earth is this guy thinking?"

He knew that Mu En would not be a person who could sit still. Judging from the available intelligence, he would appear wherever major events occurred.

The original vampire was like this, and so was Stark, and so was Banner. He was even found as far away as Mexico, but now he has fallen silent, and this behavior makes Nick Fury feel even more worried. Confuse.

"Is he planning some big plan?"

After thinking for a moment, he made a decision.

"No, maybe I should go talk to him again."


In the base, Mu En was not idle. He sat in front of the test bench and analyzed the Stone of Eternity with Kurim.

According to current research and discovery, although this special stone contains powerful power, there is no way to utilize this power yet.

But that's not to say that there are no research results. At least after research, it was found that carrying this stone with you can enhance your physical fitness to a certain extent.

So Kurim's suggestion was to make the stone into a pendant without damaging it, and let Mu En carry it first.

"Master, Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to see you."

"Black braised eggs?"

Mu En raised his head in confusion. Why did he come to find him if he didn't take someone to find the Cosmic Rubik's Cube at this time?

While Mu En was puzzled, Izzy received a voice message from Nick Fury.

"Dean Mu En, I know you are in the orphanage. The situation is urgent now. I hope you can come out and have a chat."

Listening to Nick Fury's words, Mu En raised his eyebrows.

"Mu En, why don't you go out and meet me?"

Kurim on the side spoke to persuade.

"Okay, I also want to see if this black braised egg can tell you some flowers."

Mu En took off his lab coat and hung the Stone of Eternity around his neck.

Entering the reception room, Mu En saw Nick Fury sitting on the sofa.

"Hey, isn't this the famous Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Why did you come to me?"

Nick Fury looked at Mu En.

"Stark told me you wanted to interview me."

Mu En shrugged.

"I'm sorry, you misunderstood. I didn't want to have an interview with you. I wanted him to tell you. If you have any ideas, come to me in person instead of letting this person or that person pass the message.

What's going on? If nothing happens, please come back. "

As he spoke, Mu En prepared to see off the guests.

After several confrontations, Nick Fury basically understood Mu En's character.

"I know, let me just say it straight, the Cosmic Cube has been stolen."

"Hmm, so what?"

Mu En sat back on the chair, he wanted to see what other tricks Nick Fury could come up with.

Seeing that Mu En was unmoved, Nick Fury took out his phone and opened the video.

"You should take a look at this first."

Above the video is the scene of Loki attacking the S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

"This man claims to be a god, and he came to the earth through the Cosmic Cube. If we don't recover the Cosmic Cube, then he is very likely to summon more aliens to the earth. By then, for the earth, this will It's a disaster.

I know you don't like SHIELD, but for the sake of Earth, I hope you can help. "

Looking at Nick Fury who spoke righteously, Mu En had to admire him. He was worthy of being the king of agents. These high-sounding words could really incite people's hearts. Unfortunately, Mu En had already seen through everything.

"So? Does this have anything to do with me?"

Mu En smiled indifferently.

"Who do you think Loki was able to open the space door of the Cosmic Cube because of? If the Cosmic Cube stayed on the seabed of the North Pole, would they still be able to open the space door and come to the earth?"

The atmosphere in the conference room became tense for a while.

Mu En's words directly pulled out the root of the problem.

He looked at Nick Fury's dark face and smiled.

"If someone who was greedy for the power of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube hadn't gathered a group of people to study the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and activated him, allowing some ambitious people in the universe to receive the Cube's signal, do you think this thing would still happen, Director?

Nick Fury, who tried to have power beyond his control, eventually caused a lot of problems, and now in the name of protecting the earth, you let others wipe your ass. I can only say that it is you who deserves it. "

Mu En's words were like a slap on Nick Fury's face.

Nick Fury's dark face became even darker, but he still spoke in a high-sounding tone.

“We study the Cosmic Cube to better protect the earth!

The earth today is no longer the earth it once was. All kinds of super criminals and mutated monsters have appeared on the earth. However, we do not have the power to effectively fight back.

Are we just going to watch humanity go extinct like this? Or do we expect you to have someone as loose and arrogant as Stark, who ignores all rules, to protect the world?

People who do not follow the rules are a threat in themselves. It is absolutely impossible for the government to leave the world to a group of guys who are not bound by the law to protect it! "

Listening to Nick Fury's words, Mu En smiled.

"So? Have you followed your so-called rules again?

It's obviously you who, in the name of rules, have crushed the rules to the point of being worthless time and time again.

How else could Hulk be born?

How could weapons produced by Stark Industries appear on the battlefield in Afghanistan?

How did Sokovia turn from a peaceful country into a battlefield filled with artillery fire?

Now you actually talk to me about rules?

Nick Fury, don't you think it's funny? "

Nick Fury frowned. Although he knew that Mu En was difficult to deal with from the beginning, he did not expect that it would develop to this extent.

He could even feel that Mu En hated not only SHIELD, but also the country beneath his feet.

This has raised the level of danger of Shepherd to a new level in the eyes of Nick Fury. He is a being with extraordinary power who hates the United States. No one knows what will happen in the future.

"Okay Nick Fury, if you really want to protect this world, wait until you resolve the remaining internal issues before you talk to me."

Mu En's words were like a bolt of lightning, piercing the cloud of confusion in Nick Fury's heart.

he stood up and said.

"I understand, but Dean Mu'en, I hope you won't go astray. Although you can't cooperate, I don't want to see you standing on the opposite side of us."

Mu En smiled.

"Then it depends on what position you insist on?"

"My position is naturally to maintain peace on earth."

After that, Nick Fury turned and left, stopping when he reached the door.

"By the way, Captain and the others are in trouble. They are..."

Chapter 340, Stark VS Thor

In the mountains and fields, Thor is preaching to his younger brother Loki. The two have a deep love. Thor has grown up after experiencing the exile incident. He is admonishing his younger brother, hoping that he will not go astray.

However, a stream of light passed through the air and directly knocked the unsuspecting Thor away.

Stark carried Thor all the way to the forest and slammed him down.

Under the impact of the impact, Thor's tall body broke several large trees before stopping.

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