As he spoke, he pointed the scepter in his hand, and a laser exploded. A car rose into the sky with the flames of the explosion, and hit the ground heavily. For a moment, everyone was frightened and knelt down.

Looking at the people who were kneeling down, Loki showed a satisfied smile.

"How simple it is. This is the essence of human nature. Your hearts long to be conquered, because servility is engraved in your bones. In the end, as long as someone stronger than you appears, you will kneel down and surrender. Just like This is it now.”

While Loki was giving his speech, the gray-haired old man stood up and looked at Loki with contempt.

"Even if this is the case, then we will not surrender to people like you."

Loki smiled and shook his head.

“There’s no one like me, I’m unique.”

The old man retorted stubbornly.

"No, there are careerists like you everywhere, but you are destined to fail."

The smile on Loki's face suddenly disappeared.

"It seems that you are planning to be the rebel, so watch out for the ants, and I will let you see the price of resisting God."

As he spoke, the scepter in his hand lit up, and a laser shot towards the old man.

At the critical moment, a blue figure fell from the sky and blocked the laser with the shield in his hand.

Steve, who was wearing a classic blue and white uniform, looked at Loki and said.

"You know, when I came to Germany last time, I saw a man who trampled others under his feet. We ended up facing each other with swords, but the oppressor was finally overthrown by us."

Loki saw Steve and laughed.

"Soldier, a has-been, what are you doing here? Promoting your humanitarianism and liberal democracy?"

Steve said calmly.

"Maybe I'm a bit outdated, but not just anyone can come to Earth and say they want to rule everything."

A black high-tech fighter plane hovered in the air, turning on all its weapon systems and aiming at Loki.

Black Widow shouted to Loki through the loudspeaker on the fighter plane.

"Loki, put down your weapons and raise your hands to surrender."

"Haha, it seems it's time for you idiots to see the power of God!"

Loki raised his hand and fired a laser towards the fighter plane.

Of course, Steve didn't look at it, and threw the shield in his hand directly. The shield came first, and the people followed.

Following the shield, Steve rushed forward, and suddenly the square was in chaos.

Chapter 338: Loki is captured and Thor comes

On the square, Steve stood up and fought with Loki with all his strength.

Every move was made with all his strength. Maybe it was because he had been sleeping in the ice for too long, or maybe it was because he hadn't participated in a battle for too long. Even if Steve possesses the Super Soldier Serum, he is still a step behind Loki from Asgard.

But if Mu En was present and saw the two of them fighting, he would definitely complain.

Hey, Loki, why do you, a mage, have to fight in close combat with Steve, a super soldier?

Over the square, Natasha was flying a fighter plane. She wanted to shoot in support, but Loki was too fast, and he was still fighting with Steve. If he fired rashly, he would probably be killed. Accidental injury to Steve.

Loki waved the scepter in his hand and struck Steve's shield with a sharp blow.

Steve held the shield in one hand and pushed away the scepter.

Seizing the gap where Loki had no defense, he threw the shield directly.


With a muffled sound, the shield hit Loki's chest hard, and the whole person was knocked back.

Steve chased forward with a vigorous step, caught the bounced shield, and wanted to make up for it again.

But how could Loki give him a chance, pretending that there was no buffer to show the enemy's weakness, and taking advantage of Steve's moment of relaxation, he used his scepter to smash the shield away with his backhand.


Steve was startled, obviously not understanding Loki's cunning enough.

But Loki would not be merciful, and directly drew out his scepter and hit Steve on the chest.


It flipped over with a muffled sound.

"Soldier, you are old. The last thing you should do when you treat your enemies is kindness."

A dazzling light bloomed from the scepter, and Loki locked onto Steve's heart. He wanted to get rid of this troublesome guy.


Steve roared angrily and rushed forward. The laser fired by Loki flew past Steve's back.


The two people collided, Steve grabbed Loki's shoulders, raised his foot and kneed him in the chest.

The anger in Loki's eyes seemed to swallow Steve up, and he broke free from Steve's restraints and fought back with all his strength.

Punch for punch, Loki took the opportunity to punch Steve in the temple.

Suddenly, Steve felt a buzzing in his head and let go of Loki.

Seizing the opportunity, Loki knocked him to the ground with a scepter, and pressed the scepter in his hand on the back of Steve's head.

He said proudly with a victor's tone.

"Kneel down, maybe I can give you a chance to be loyal to me."

"Don't even think about it!"

Steve regained his composure, turned over with a kite, kicked Loki with a roundhouse kick, and then distanced himself.

"Good opportunity, shoot!"

The agent on the side shouted excitedly.

Natasha wanted to shoot but had no chance at all. Loki was too fast, and in just an instant he rushed towards Steve again.

Just when they thought they could only watch Steve being blasted by Loki, a familiar voice sounded.

"Agent Norman Love, did you ask me?"

A stream of light flashed across, with a sultry BGM, and Stark descended from the sky wearing a steel suit.

Steve and Rocky were stunned when they heard the loud music.

However, Stark seized this moment and kicked Loki away with a flying knight kick.

Then he put on a super classic hero appearance, the BGM ended, and Stark stood up and showed off various weapons, large and small, to lock Loki.

"I've got you Bambi, do you want to experience the feeling of high-temperature sterilization?"

When Steve saw this, he stood up, picked up his shield and stood next to Stark.

At this moment, the two giants of the Avengers officially met as superheroes for the first time.

Seeing this, Loki took off his cloak and helmet, raised his hands, but still kept the uncomfortable smile on his face.

Seeing Loki admit defeat, Stark also put away his weapons.

The panting Steve glanced at Sterk, who was wearing a cool suit next to him, and spoke with a slightly doubtful tone.

"Mr. Stark?"

Stark nodded.

"It's my captain."


On the fighter plane, two superheroes escorted Loki back.

Stark also released his transformation.

"Okay man, take off your ridiculous mask."

As he spoke, he patted Steve on the shoulder.

Steve also took off his mask.

Looking at the familiar face in front of him, Stark was also stunned.

"Steve?! Why is it you?"

He had previously known that SHIELD had dug up Captain America from under the ice, but he never thought that he had met the old popsicle who had been frozen for seventy years before Valentine.

Suddenly he remembered that when they first met, Mu En asked him to call him Uncle Steve with a smirk on his face. It turned out that he already knew Steve's true identity at that time.

Steve smiled at Stark's expression.

"Surprised? I said a long time ago that I was Steve Rogers."

Stark touched his sexy mustache.

"I thought you were called that name just because your father is a Super Captain fan."

But after thinking about it, he felt that it didn't matter anymore. At least Captain America was someone he knew, which was easier to accept than a stranger he didn't know.

Loki looked towards him, his face full of honesty, but there was always a hint of cunning in his eyes.

"Any questions?"

Steve asked in Stark's ear.

Stark shook his head.

"I don't know, but this rock star is a little too honest, which makes me feel weird. Would he give up so easily?"

Steve also agrees with Stark's point of view.

"It's not that simple. He is quite strong."

"That's right, but it's not easy for you to be so good at popsicles after you've been making popsicles for so many years at your age."

Steve had already seen Stark's venomous mouth, and said it unceremoniously.

"That's natural. After all, I'm a soldier. It's really not easy for a tech nerd like you who always overindulges to be so good at fighting."

Just when the two started to bicker, a thunder flashed outside the plane, and the rolling thunder roared in their ears.

Black Widow looked at the console in confusion.

"Where did the thunder and lightning come from? There are no thunderstorm clouds shown on weather satellites."

Seeing the thunder and lightning outside, Loki's expression changed slightly.

It happened that Stark saw this scene and couldn't help but laugh.

"What's wrong? Is Bambi still afraid of thunder and lightning?"

Loki returned disdainfully.

"Tch, I just don't like the freebies brought by Thunder and Lightning."

However, Steve felt something different from the thunder and lightning.

"Wait a minute Stark, there seems to be something unusual about this thunder and lightning."

Soon he remembered that he had felt the thunder and lightning there.

"It's Thor! That's right, Mu En said that Loki is Thor's younger brother!"

Chapter 339: Hammer and Iron Shield, Nick Fury meets Mu En again

On the route back to SHIELD headquarters, dark clouds suddenly appeared in the originally cloudless sky.

Dark clouds mixed with thunder surrounded the fighter plane. Riding the storm and lightning, a strong figure landed directly on the top of the slash.

Everyone in the cabin also heard the strange noise.

"There's a situation!"

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