Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 69 Procrastination (Please read~Please vote~)

Before noon, Chen Pingan came back from business. This actually surprised Chen Erya at home.

When Chen Pingan came back, the little girl was reading a book, and she was reading very seriously.

The brother and sister chatted for a while, and then Chen Ping'an began to practice the flying locust stone and the Gongmen Thirteen Swordsman.

His normal practice rhythm is every morning and evening. Today, it was rare to have free time, so Chen Pingan started practicing as soon as he came back.

After entering the fourth level of qi and blood, his body became stronger and his recovery speed also accelerated a lot. Therefore, it can support his frequent practice.

In the small courtyard, there was the strong sound of sword skills.




Gongmen Thirteen Swordsmen and Locust Stone each accumulated 3 points of practice experience, which made Chen Pingan satisfied.

"Sure enough, the biggest obstacle to the progress of martial arts is the gap!"

If he could rest and bathe every day, his progress in martial arts would be at least one-third faster.

"Chatou! Once I become a Chatou, I will have a lot of free time! By then, my martial arts progress will be faster!"

Chen Pingan secretly set a new goal for himself.

If he can become a chap, although some aspects of his time are not as fixed as those of a chap, he will have a lot of free time at his disposal. These hours can be fully utilized by him and become the foundation for practicing martial arts.

After Chen Ping'an finished practicing the exercises, Chen Erya had already prepared lunch. After the brother and sister had a delicious lunch, they went about their business. In the afternoon, Chen Pingan and Chen Erya went out and bought a large beef leg from the Lihua Lane butcher shop.

After dinner in the evening, Chen Pingan continued to practice diligently!

If you want to become a master in this world, you can only study hard and practice hard!


On the second day, Chen Pingan arrived at Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi early. At today's regular meeting before missions, one less person attended than yesterday. It was still Zheng Chatou who spoke on behalf of the group.

The main core points are still about donating money. At the same time, we will pay close attention to the matter of donating money, and hope that everyone will be able to fulfill their mission and successfully complete the task.

As soon as the regular meeting before the errand was over, I went to the errand room to get the collection voucher. I thought everything was going smoothly, but after receiving the collection voucher, I went to Hupao Casino to start collecting donations.

From a distance, Chen Pingan saw Zeng Jiji running back with a grimace.

"What's wrong?"

"Tou Chen, Lao Fan from the errand room said that the stamp of the collection voucher has not been stamped yet, so let's wait! What the hell is this Lao Fan doing! I don't know that Le Donation only has three days! It's already been a day! "Zeng Jiu couldn't help complaining.

"Lao Fan from the errand room doesn't know how to do special things. This makes us a little anxious!"

Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hu said strangely on the sidelines. He looked as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

They thought that Chen Pingan would be anxious, but Chen Pingan behaved unexpectedly calmly.

"Oh, just wait!"

Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hu looked at each other, wondering what Chen Pingan was thinking.

It stands to reason that Chen Ping'an should be as anxious as an ant on a hot pot at this time.

Why is this different from what they thought!

"Tou Chen, I'll go see what's going on with Lao Fan!"

After waiting on the spot for about a quarter of an hour, Zeng Jiji couldn't stand any longer and ran towards the errand room again.

As a result, not long after, he ran back again.

"Tou Chen, you said it's not done yet! What the hell are you doing here!"

"It's okay, find a place to rest first!" Chen Pingan found a place to sit down, looking very calm.

"Chen Tou...hey..." Once upon a time, he was pacing back and forth but couldn't calm down.

Nonsense, who can be calm in this situation?

Once upon a time, I ran back and forth several times, but no good news came. There were several shifts of guards like them, so everyone had some company.

When it was approaching noon, Zeng Jiu ran again. This time, once upon a time came back, my mentality collapsed!

"Tou Chen, we got the collection vouchers from other classes! I asked where our collection vouchers were, and Lao Fan said he forgot to stamp us!"

"Forgot to stamp the seal?"

"Yes, this old fan is so damn unreliable! He is really going to kill people!"

That’s how it works! Interesting.

Chen Ping'an looked at the fire clearly, but his mood was calm. With the current situation, he was no longer in a hurry.

"It's okay. Let's check back later to see when our collection voucher will be ready!"

"Yeah." Zeng Jiejie looked anxious and didn't know what to do.

Chen Ping'an looked around, then at Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hu, and smiled softly.

"Xiao Zeng, I'll go out and take a look. Just wait here for news of the receipt of the voucher."

"Ah! Is Mr. Chen going out?"

"Yes." Chen Pingan nodded lightly, and then walked towards the door of the Zhenfu Division.

"Xiao Zeng, listen to your brother Cheng, stop working. It's not good to follow us directly! I see, he just gave up!" Seeing Chen Ping'an leave, Cheng Yuan sneered.

Xiao Zeng was still in the dark about the collection of vouchers. He knew it all too well. Behind this is naturally Zheng Shiyong's hands and feet. The later he gets the collection voucher, the less time he has left for Chen Pingan.

Things are already difficult, and the outcome can be imagined when time is further compressed.

"Yes, Xiao Zeng, you are busy here and there. When the time comes when you can't get the money, you will have to live with that Chen Ping'an. It's better if he is a formal servant. You are a temporary servant, don't In the end it was a huge loss!”

Zhao Hu also advised from the side.

Listening to what the two said, Zeng Jiji was indeed a little hesitant. If he just followed Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hu, with Zheng Shiyong's kindness, there should be a high probability that he could be exempted from punishment and put all the responsibility on Chen Pingan.


I hesitated for a while, but finally decided to follow my heart.

"Xiao Zeng, you! What can I say about you! Then don't blame your brothers for being unkind!"

"This Zhenfu Division, it's better to stand in line when doing things! You are still young, you will understand when the time comes!"

Regarding Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hu's words, there had been a time when they had turned a deaf ear and simply stayed away from them.


On this day, Chen Pingan returned home much earlier than usual, and he continued to practice martial arts. Compared with the normal upper and lower days, there is one more opportunity to practice. The brother and sister were laughing and joking, and the atmosphere was enthusiastic.

On the second day, Chen Pingan practiced martial arts in the yard! As the last knife fell, an extremely familiar symbol of experience emerged again.

Name: Chen Pingan

Realm: fourth level of qi and blood

Martial Arts: Iron Clothes Perfection, Locust Stone Great Success (35/100), Gongmen Thirteen Swordsman Small Success (25/40)


"If this progress continues, in two days, my Gongmen Thirteen Swordsmanship will be completed!"

Chen Pingan's heart was excited, and a trace of yearning arose.

After wiping his body and eating breakfast, Chen Pingan gathered his mood and rushed to Nanquanli Lane Town Fusi.

He did not find out whether he had obtained the collection voucher yesterday. However, if it was Zheng Chatou who was behind the scenes, there was a high probability that he would not be able to get the collection voucher yesterday.

It was already obvious that the other party's intention was to kill him.

When Chen Pingan went to Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi to inquire, it was true that he had not received the collection voucher.

It was under such circumstances that Zheng Chatou began to speak at Chaqian's regular meeting.

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