Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 68 Tiger Run Casino (Please read on~)

Just when Chen Pingan, Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hu were at war with each other, Zeng Jiujiu ran back from the errand room.

"Tou Chen, we are in dire straits!"

There was a time when I was crying and sad.

"What's wrong? Where are you assigned to?"

Chen Ping'an was already prepared for this. As soon as the matter of donating money from Conle came out, he knew it would not be easy. To put it bluntly, they were the little shoes Zheng Chatou from the Zhenfu Division gave him to wear!

Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hu looked at each other with gloating expressions.

They had long known about the distribution of Le Donation Silver from Zheng Shiyong. When I first realized that they were mourning like they had before. However, Zheng Shiyong had already promised that as long as they obeyed his orders, he would solve their troubles.

With Zheng Chatou backing him up, they would naturally believe Zheng Shiyong's words.

"Tiger Run Casino!"

I used to look depressed. This Hupao Casino has always been the most difficult place to collect donations! According to the practice of previous years, such forces are led by the most senior official officers to collect them.

Even so, I can't collect it even after taking it once or twice!

"It turns out to be the Tiger Head Gang!" Chen Pingan nodded with a calm expression.

"Tou Chen, aren't you surprised!?" Seeing Chen Pingan's appearance, Zeng Jiji became curious.

"It all depends on man-made things! There's nothing surprising!" Chen Ping'an waved his hand: "Oh, by the way. Where is the collection voucher?"

Naturally, it is not easy to collect donations at will without any rules. There is a fixed amount every year, which needs to be determined according to the collection voucher.

"It hasn't been given yet, it's said that it won't be given to us until tomorrow morning!" Zeng Qiang became even more depressed when he said this.

The guards in other classes all got their collection vouchers. There are only a few companies that haven't received it yet, and they are among them!

Where does this make sense?

"How many days are the collection deadlines?" Chen Pingan asked.

"Three days." Zeng Jiji responded.

"Yeah." Chen Pingan nodded and fell silent.

It’s a good idea!

Le Tianyin's collection period was only three days, but the collection certificate was not given until the day, which was equivalent to a waste of his time. It is self-evident what the meaning of wasting another day is in Hupao Gambling House, which is already relatively difficult to seize.

However, it doesn’t matter!

Chen Pingan felt calm.

Not to mention anything else, his current martial arts realm of the fourth level of Qi and Blood has given him great confidence and confidence.

With the fourth level of qi and blood, courage comes naturally!

"Tou Chen, what should we do next?" Zeng Jiujiu asked.

"Is there any patrol duty today?"


"That's not bad!"

Chen Pingan nodded.

"In that case, let's go to Hupao Casino first!"


Once upon a time I happily agreed.

After that, the two of them were about to set off. However, Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hu stood lazily, with no intention of moving.

"You two?" Chen Pingan frowned.

"Officer Chen, we brothers will not go if we have something to do later!" Cheng Yuan stretched out.

"What can be more important than collecting the donation money!?" Chen Ping'an asked.

"Officer Chen, didn't you hear what Xiao Zeng said just now! The collection voucher will not be available until tomorrow. What does going to Hupao Gambling House today have to do with collecting the money donated by Le?" Cheng Yuan asked.

"Okay! If something happens, don't regret it!"

"If you don't regret it in the future, don't bother Officer Chen."

Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hupi said with a smile.

After glancing at the two of them, Chen Pingan turned around and left without talking nonsense to them.

"Bah! Mr. Zheng is right, this guy is a coward!"

Looking at the direction Chen Pingan was leaving, Cheng Yuan spat hard.

"This is still an official job! I can do it ten thousand times better than him!" Zhao Hu responded with jealousy.

A typical I-I-better mentality.


"Tou Chen, are we two really okay?" Zeng Zijie asked worriedly along the way.

"It doesn't matter."

Chen Pingan walked quickly with a calm expression.

"Chen Tou, Hupao Gambling House is the most important property under the name of Hutou Gang. It will not be easy to successfully collect donations from Le. Looking at the attitude of the two of them just now, there is a high probability that they will not come tomorrow. They will not come here tomorrow. If you don't come, you and I will be weak!"

Once upon a time, Chen Pingan thought that Chen Pingan had misunderstood him. What he wanted to express was that it was just the two of them, and it was very troublesome! Although this Tiger Head Gang is not a dragon in a tiger's den, it is not that easy to get benefits from them!

In particular, Cheng Yuan, the only one among the four who has mastered martial arts, may not go yet!

If the Tiger Head Gang really wants to kill them, they will send out a few minions to give them a drink. If things really get serious, the Hutou Gang will just say something casually and blame the temporary workers for the problem, completely abdicating all the responsibility.

"Didn't Zheng Chatou just say it! This matter of donating money is of great importance. If there is a mistake, we will not tolerate it! Even if Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hu don't go, we still have to handle the matter!"

Chen Pingan said lightly.

Speaking of which, Le's donation of silver was a matter for the four of them. If things go wrong for Chen Ping'an here and Shangyue's donation is confiscated, Cheng Yuan and Zhao Hu will be inseparable!

Even so, they are still so confident. Zheng Shiyong must have given them some promise.

Hey, this little Zheng is really willing to give up!

Hupao Gambling House is located on Hupao Alley. Chen Pingan has visited this street several times before. Back then, when I was killing rogue Liu'er, I also came here at night.

Walking on Hupao Alley, it is still bustling with people coming and going. Here, in addition to gamblers, the largest number of gangs and gangsters are rogue boys. However, the two of them were wearing the uniforms of Zhenfu Division officers, and no one dared to come forward to provoke them.

There are many gambling houses in Hupao Alley, and Hupao Gambling House is the largest one among them.

"That's it, Chen Tou." Zeng Jiji said, pointing to the plaque of the gambling shop in front.

On the plaque, there are a few big words written, Tiger running gambling house!

There were several boys standing at the door of the gambling house. Although they were wearing gambling house clothes, they looked like rogue gangsters from the Tiger Head Gang.

Several boys looked at Chen Ping'an and Zeng Jijie standing at the entrance of the gambling house, and were about to come over to greet them. I saw one person in official uniform turning around and leaving. The other person was caught off guard until he realized what he was doing and followed him closely.

"Why are the officers from the Zhenfu Division coming to our place?" a younger boy asked curiously.

"It should be a matter of donating money." The older boy said with a smile.

"Happy donation of silver?"

"Yes. It happens once a year. Counting the time, it will be these days this year."

"I see."

"But it's strange, why are there only two people here this time? In previous years, at least four people should come! If things don't go smoothly, it's normal for a dozen or so servants to come!"

"Why don't you just come over and take a look? I see they've left again."

"It should be like this. You stay here and I'll go in and report first. I think I'll be here in the past two days."


As soon as the few boys communicated with each other, a more senior boy ran in and reported to the leader what had just happened.


"Tou Chen, why are we leaving?" Zeng Jieyi was a little confused.

"Do we have a receipt of receipt?"


"Then why are you staying there?"

"This..." There was a time when I wanted to say something, but couldn't. He thought that Chen Ping'an came here specially to inquire about the house first and make preparations for tomorrow's Le Donation Bank collection. Unexpectedly, they didn’t even get through the door! Even so, what are they doing here! ?

However, Zeng Jiuji soon knew why.

"Xiao Zeng, we have also been to the Hupao Casino. Since the Zhenfu Division has no patrol missions scheduled today, let's go back first!"

"Chen Tou, where are you going?" Zeng Jiu asked with a blank look on his face. He felt a little out of step.

"Go home! Where are you going?"



Tomorrow will be the time to collect the donation money. Shouldn't they do more preparations and think more about plans today to lay a solid foundation for tomorrow.

But Chen Tou...

Such a good state of mind! Not nervous at all! ?

It’s a bit casual!

By the time he came to his senses, Chen Ping'an had already gone far.

If you have this little time, why not go home and practice martial arts and spend time with your sister!

As for Zheng Shiyong and Zheng Chatou's plot, he didn't take it to heart at all.

Conspiracies and tricks seem a bit ridiculous in the face of absolute strength!

He just needs the right opportunity to solidify his reputation as a martial arts genius.

Isn’t this an opportunity?

Everything depends on tomorrow!

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