Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 44 Progress (Please vote~Please read~)

Early the next morning, Chen Pingan got up early and practiced locust stones in the yard.

His energy and blood were full, and although he didn't sleep for long, he was still full of energy. He stood in the house, staring closely at the courtyard wall not far away. Suddenly, he raised his hand upward, turned his wrist downward, and moved forward with force. The stone in his hand flew out and hit the courtyard wall.


The stone hit the courtyard wall and made a loud noise.

Looking with Chen Pingan's eyes, he found a small white spot in front of the hospital.

"The strength is almost meaningless."

Chen Pingan carefully understood the process of exerting force just now.

After realizing it for a while, he picked up the stone and continued practicing.


In less than half an hour, a +1 experience symbol flashed in front of Chen Pingan.

Name: Chen Pingan

Realm: Perfection of Qi and Blood

Martial arts: Iron cloth shirt is perfect, locust stone is not yet started (1/5)


"The practice method is right!"

Chen Ping'an looked happy.

Now that he has perfected both Qi and Blood, he is extremely powerful and still has enough energy left to practice the Locust Stone. He deliberately got up early today. He looked at it and saw that it was still early before the time to go up, so he continued to practice the locust stone.

Practice again and again.

The +1 experience symbol appeared again, and the 1 on the golden finger panel also changed to 2.

Chen Pingan also stopped practicing this morning. Chen Erya prepared breakfast for him early, and after he ate it hastily, he left the yard.

"Nanny, brother is on a mission."

"Well, brother, go slowly." Chen Erya smiled and watched Chen Pingan leave.

She walked into the yard and looked to one side. The front of the yard was covered with dense white spots.

These are the marks left by Chen Ping'an when he threw stones.

"Brother, has he started practicing new martial arts skills?" Chen Erya thought as he tilted his head. "Brother is really a genius."


This day's trip was still uneventful. However, there was an episode. When Chen Pingan and Heitou came back for dinner at noon, Zheng Shiyong, wearing the official uniform of a police officer, came to hang out in front of them and gave Chen Pingan a slightly provocative look.

Chen Pingan ignored it.

This girl is sick!

The monkey on the side also felt confused, but after looking at Chen Pingan, he became a little worried.

"Ping An, did you offend him somewhere?"

"Probably not."

Chen Ping'an replied to Houtou's words, but in his heart he was thinking that he didn't go to trouble Zheng Shiyong, but he was jumping around in front of him.

Is this because you don’t want to die quickly enough?

"Ping'an, this Zheng Shiyong is highly regarded by Mr. Tian. Even some senior official officers in the Zhenfu Department are extremely polite to him. It would be okay if you didn't offend him. If you did... Do you want to find a way? Go relax."

The monkey head considered the words and made suggestions.

Even though Monkey Tou makes a lot of noises on weekdays, he is far more careful than ordinary people when it comes to these things.

"He's not a bad guy, and I'm not next to him. It's okay." Chen Pingan's expression was indifferent.

This is the confidence that the change in strength has given him.

He has now found a way to continue practicing. As long as he continues to practice Locust Stone, he will surely be able to steadily enter the third level of Qi and Blood.

By then, his martial arts strength will have reached the Chaotou level.

Even if Zheng Shiyong is an official sergeant, so what! ?

What a pity...

His martial arts strength cannot be exposed to the sun.

"We can only wait and see if we have another chance!" Chen Ping'an sighed slightly in his heart.


Back home, Chen Erya had already prepared dinner.

Today’s dinner: a large bowl of chicken, a plate of pork head, a bowl of steamed eggs, a plate of stir-fried vegetables, and white rice.

"It smells so good. Nanny, your craftsmanship is getting better and better."

Before entering the courtyard, the aroma hit his nostrils, and Chen Ping'an couldn't help but praise it.

"No way, it's all because of my brother's praise." Chen Erya was a little shy. It's not that I'm really shy, I'm just happy to be praised by my brother like this, but I'm embarrassed to show it.

Chen Ping'an had a good appetite. He ate three large bowls of rice in a row and ate all the meat until he was eighty full.

Although Chen Pingan's body shape has not changed much since he started practicing martial arts. But in fact, his body, energy, and blood were completely incomparable to what he had originally.

Even his appetite is extremely amazing. He needs to eat a lot to provide his body with a steady stream of energy.

At night, he ate quite satisfactorily. But at Zhenfusi at noon, although he ate a lot of food, it was mostly clear soup and little water, so he was not particularly satisfied.

"If my martial arts realm continues to break through like this, I will have to eat extra lunch by myself. Otherwise, I won't be able to eat enough!"

After finishing cleaning up with Chen Erya, Chen Pingan stood in the yard, touching his stomach and digesting his food.

When it was almost time to digest, Chen Pingan continued to practice the locust stone.

The yard was not open enough, so Chen Pingan stood in the house and started throwing to ensure a certain distance.




The sound of stones hitting the courtyard wall continued to echo in the courtyard.

The stones Chen Pingan chose for practice were not large, so they did not cause much damage to the courtyard wall, only leaving white marks one by one.




As the practice progressed, Chen Pingan found that the progress of the locust stone was unexpectedly smooth. Unconsciously, he had practiced for 3 experience points.

In Chen Pingan's sight, a panel appeared in the void, and the experience behind the locust stone changed from 2 to 5.

Without much hesitation, Chen Pingan clicked on the plus sign behind it.


The experience on the panel was stirred, and the flashing starlight entered his brows. A familiar feeling came over him, and a lot of combat experience and throwing skills about the locust stone kept appearing in his mind.

Everything seemed to come from his hard practice for several months, without any falsehood or water.

As the locust stone entered the door, a stream of blood and qi emerged from Chen Pingan's body. The blood and qi wandered around his body, as if it was about to break through a thin film, but it was still a little short and failed to break through.

Feeling the changes in his body, Chen Pingan was not angry but happy.

"Using the locust stone to advance the martial arts realm, this method is feasible!"

According to his body's induction, if the locust stone can be practiced to a small success, he will most likely be able to enter the third level of Qi and blood.

The third level of Qi and blood, Yijin!

If you enter Yijin, the muscles of the whole body will be connected as a whole. Therefore, the power that bursts out in the Yijin realm is far more exaggerated than that of perfecting the flesh. Not only strength, but also speed and agility have been greatly improved.

In a shorter bungalow, a martial arts expert who has entered Yijin can stand on the ground and jump directly onto the roof with a light jump.

Without external objects, the ability to jump more than ten feet high is already an incredible level for ordinary people.

Standing in an open area, jogging for help, even a small river can be jumped over.

This is the third level of Qi and blood, the realm of Yijin!

And with Chen Ping'an's current practice progress, he can enter the realm of Yijin in three days at most!

A bright future is ahead.

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