Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 43 Locust Stone (Please read on~)

"Brother, you're back~"

Not long after Chen Pingan climbed over the wall, Chen Erya came out of the house.

It was obvious that the little girl had been observing the situation in the yard.

"Nannan, you haven't slept yet." Chen Pingan bent down to take off his shoes: "Help me get a pair of shoes."

"Ah, brother, you..."

Chen Erya covered her mouth, and she saw the blood on Chen Pingan's shoes.

"Are you okay?"

The little girl didn't go to get the shoes, but ran up to take a good look at Chen Pingan.

"It's okay!" Chen Pingan patted his chest: "Brother is strong! You know brother's strength."

"Then this blood is..." The little girl was still a little worried.

"There was a little episode, but it's okay, brother has solved it." Chen Pingan patted Chen Erya's little head and said with a smile: "Go get the shoes."

"Yeah." Chen Erya nodded and quickly took out a pair of shoes from the room.

Chen Pingan took the shoes and put them on, then he walked into the kitchen with the bloodstained shoes.

He threw the shoes under the stove and skillfully lit the fire with a flint. The flames under the stove gradually turned into flames.

"Go to bed quickly, it's late." Chen Pingan turned to Chen Erya and said.

From just now until now, the little girl has been looking at him. She is very curious about what happened to her brother, but if her brother doesn't say it, she won't ask.

"Wait for my brother."

"You girl..." Chen Pingan showed a doting smile on his face.

He didn't avoid Chen Erya and took out the black cloth bag and dagger from his arms. Facing Chen Erya's puzzled eyes, Chen Pingan smiled and explained: "This is my brother's trophy! On the way back, I was spotted by a fool and I sent him away."

Chen Erya's eyes flashed with a hint of complexity and nodded gently.

Chen Pingan didn't mention the details of the process, and the little girl didn't ask. This is the tacit understanding between the brother and sister.

Chen Pingan opened the black cloth bag, revealing some loose silver and small coins. He took it out and counted it, and found that there was a total of one and a half taels plus fifty-two small coins.

Chen Pingan's eyes were slightly happy.

It was close to his two-month salary. With such a sum of money, there was no need to worry about meat for the next period of time.

Next, he set his sights on the dagger.

The dagger was seven or eight inches long and looked like a sword. Chen Pingan pulled the dagger out of the sheath, revealing a hint of coldness. The dagger was double-edged and sharpened. Although it was a bit worn out and had experienced the brilliance of the years, it was still sharp.

"An unexpected surprise!"

Chen Pingan played with the dagger lovingly, and the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he was.

Although the style of the dagger was ordinary and a bit worn out, it was still sharp and easy to use. With such a guy, he felt more confident when he went out.

At this time, the shoes under the stove were almost burned, and the flame gradually weakened until it went out.

After confirming that there was no problem, Chen Pingan walked to the yard, fetched a basin of water, took off his clothes and wiped his body.

"Brother, I'll help you." Chen Erya volunteered to come over.

Chen Pingan did not discourage the little girl's enthusiasm, and smiled and responded.

With the help of Chen Erya, Chen Pingan quickly wiped his body, and the two went into the room together and got into bed to sleep.

Obviously, the little girl was very sleepy. With Chen Pingan by her side, she felt at ease. After a few words, the little girl fell asleep deeply.

"This girl!" Chen Pingan smiled.

It was late at night, but he was not sleepy yet. Although it was not the first time he killed someone, he was still a little uneasy.

The miserable state of the man in the bamboo hat still appeared in his mind from time to time.

The world is like this, don't blame others for your skills!

Chen Pingan sighed for a long time.

If there is a choice, who doesn't want to live peacefully and steadily in this world! ?

He has no choice!

If you want to live well and live with dignity, you must make some choices. This is the rule of this world! No one can break it!

Anyway, I couldn't sleep, and I just got a book on locust throwing, so Chen Pingan thought about reading it again.

It's good to have a golden finger. This attack method has been included, so if Chen Pingan wants to read it, he only needs to move his eyes slightly, and the content of the whole method will be revealed in front of him. Even if he closes his eyes, it can be presented in his mind.

"It saves a lot of lamp oil." Chen Pingan laughed at himself.

The beginning is the introduction of the locust stone.

The locust stone is the most convenient and economical hidden weapon. It is available everywhere. You don't need to spend money to buy it, nor do you need to spend time to polish it. It is inexhaustible and can be picked up and fired at will...

In the mountains and fields, you can find hard stones. Bluestone is the best, followed by hemp stone, and yellow stone is the worst. The stone you take should be slender, sharp on the top and plump on the bottom. As for the shape of its four sides, it is slightly like a locust, so it is called a locust stone...

When traveling, you wear a bag around your waist. The way to wear the bag depends on the hand that the person is used to firing stones. If you are used to firing stones with your right hand, the bag should be hung below your left waist...

Chen Ping'an flipped through it carefully and was quite impressed.

"Although the locust throwing method is common, there is a lot of knowledge in it. After learning this skill, there are three ways to use it. One is to use it as a hidden weapon, and suddenly attack the enemy when they are not prepared. The second is to explore the way, using the stone to probe down or forward to see if there is any danger. The third is to make a feint to the east and attack the west, using the long-distance throwing method to cause a sound in the distance, so that people nearby can go to investigate.

The so-called locust stone is mysterious!"

The convenience of the locust stone is as mentioned above, and its practice is not very difficult. It is roughly similar to the hand-throwing dart, but it uses the force of throwing and not the force of pushing.

The setting of the target...

When throwing the stone, most people use the Yin hand. First, raise your hand upward, turn your wrist downward, and throw it forward with force to catch it. This is the one who hits the target. If you are hitting a target on the side and you are using your right hand to throw the stone, you should stand sideways, with your left shoulder facing the target, hold the stone in front of your right hand, and raise it to the right, then turn your wrist and use force to flick it to the left to get the target. These two methods are the correct skills of the flying locust stone, both of which use the Yin hand.

When a person using the flying locust stone strikes the enemy, he should first hit the head and face of the enemy, because there is no cover, and the eyes, nose and other parts are extremely fragile and most vulnerable to injury. On the other hand, it is advisable to hit the wrist and ankle joints, because these two joints are the least painful. If you hit the wrist bone, the person's weapon will fall, and if you hit the ankle bone, it will be difficult to walk for a while...

With continuous inspection, Chen Pingan gradually mastered the practice of the flying locust stone. Although he has not officially started practicing, with this foundation, he only needs to try a few times tomorrow to practice smoothly.

"Okay, I will start practicing the flying locust stone tomorrow!"

The practice of the flying locust stone is clear in his mind, and Chen Pingan is very calm, and he gradually falls asleep.


PS: It is a critical moment on Wednesday, please read it. Xiaopu Street thanks all the big guys~

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