The incident at the Moulin Rouge, the power of Chen Ping'an's sword, Wu Lin's death, and the fate of Wu Tianqi, the Wu family's caravan, soon spread wildly in Wufeng Mountain City.

"Wu Lin is dead? Is it Wu Lin who is in the third level of inner energy?"

"Yes, that's him, the worshiper of the Wu family's caravan. I heard he was killed by Commander Chen with a single blow!"

"Killed with one knife!? How is this possible! How can the gap be so big!?"

"I don't know the details. But that's what's been said outside! I heard that Wu Tianqi also met a tragic end during this riot! After the interrogation is completed, he will be hung on the city wall as a warning to others!"

"Hung on the city wall? No way! I heard that he seems to be a direct descendant of the Wu family in Dihuo County!"

"We'll find out when the time comes."



In addition to the incident involving Wu Tianqi in the Wu family caravan, another incident occurred in Wufeng Mountain City. Wufengshan Town Fusi took the lead and collaborated with the major forces in the city, including the Wei family, to form a patrol team in the city to enhance the power to maintain public security in the city.

As the saying goes, every family is responsible for the peace of the five peaks! Public security in the city requires everyone to participate!

Once this matter was announced, some people originally thought it would be difficult to implement it. After all, letting the experts from the major forces, who have spent money and food to support them, be used to maintain public security in Wufeng Mountain City is simply an act of taking advantage of others. Which force in the city would be willing to do this?

But what is unexpected is that once this matter was launched, it came to fruition at an unimaginable speed.

Originally the powerful people were reluctant to do so, but the Wei family set an example and sent dozens of people with inner Qi realms and dozens of martial arts masters with Qi and blood level four or above. The scale of the work is staggering. The Wei family responded in this way, and other forces, whether active or passive, had no choice but to send experts to join in this work.

What puzzled others was what happened to the Wei family. How could they change their normal behavior and suddenly become a benevolent person in Wufeng Mountain City! ?

As everyone became curious and inquired, various inside stories came out one after another, and various rumors continued to emerge.

In the end, behind these insider remarks, they all point to a unified source, and that is Chen Pingan, who also serves as the commander of Wufeng Mountain City!

Rumor has it that Commander Chen didn't even show his face, and just a verbal message caused the Wei family's attitude to change 180 degrees. Even Wei Zhixing, the ancestor of the Wei family, strongly supports this matter. He was very happy and honored that the Wei family could contribute to the security of Wufeng Mountain City.

Naturally, these people in Wufeng Mountain City would not believe Wei Zhixing's words. But in this matter, too much information was revealed.

Just one sentence made the Wei family send out people to actively cooperate. Commander Chen in Wufeng Mountain City, Mang Daomang King Kong, did not seem to be as they imagined. I am afraid he is an extremely difficult person.

Two days later, news came out from the Zhenfu Division that Wu Tianqi, the leader of the Wu family caravan, was about to be hung on the city wall. A special person from the Zhenfu Division would count the charges to serve as a warning to others.

As soon as the news came out, the whole city was shocked.

On the same day, Meng Yude, a great master of the Xuanguang realm who had been famous for many years, came forward to visit Zhenfusi and beg for Wu Tianqi.

Meng Yude naturally knew about Chen Ping'an's killing of three levels of inner energy with one sword to practice Wu Lin. Compared to others, he will understand the situation more clearly.

It was precisely because he had a clearer understanding that he had a clear understanding of Chen Pingan's strength.

Although he has been in the Xuanguang Realm for many years, his Eagle Claw Skill is as pure as fire. But I asked myself that I would never be able to kill a practitioner of the Three Levels of Internal Qi with just one move.

If you want to achieve this level, the first level of Xuanguang is probably not enough, you need to have the combat power of the middle level of Xuanguang!

The middle realm of Xuanguang!

Meng Yude had long heard of Chen Ping'an's reputation. But from the bottom of my heart, I mostly looked down upon him. Even though he was naturally gifted and talented, he was still just a warrior in the inner realm. No matter how overestimated, its combat power is at best comparable to that of ordinary Xuan Guang!

As recorded on the rookie list, killing the Xuanguang Realm warriors and Gu Wu with the Soul-Destroying Spear were probably just accidental mistakes and achievements, not a reflection of one's own strength.

Therefore, when he was in the restaurant that day, he was very disdainful of Chen Ping'an's new ban, thinking that it was Haikou that young people were boasting about, and he didn't know how it would end later.

Who would have known that within a few days, things would happen to the Wu family caravan!

"This idiot!"

Every time he thought of this matter, Meng Yude couldn't help but curse.

As a veteran Xuan Guang, the relationship between him and Wu Tianqi is just an employment relationship and has no direct relationship. But Wu Tianqi was arrested. As a caravan leader, he naturally had to take some action.

However, Wu Lin's incident made him more afraid of Chen Ping'an. For a while, I didn't dare to make any move, and I was a little hesitant.

This situation lasted until Wu Tianqi was hung on the city wall!

He really didn't expect that Chen Pingan would really dare!

"Don't he know that doing this will seriously offend the Wu family!?"

Meng Yude was frightened by Chen Ping'an's boldness. Sure enough, he was called by the wrong name, but not by the wrong title. No wonder the title was Mang Dao!

Regarding Wu Tianqi, Zhenfu Siruo just detained him. When Wu Tianqi violates the law and makes mistakes first, the Wu family may not be willing to come forward. Even if the Zhenfu Division severely punishes Wu Tianqi, the Wu family may not pursue the matter.

However, hanging it on the city wall would be a naked slap in the face of the Wu family! If the Wu family does nothing, how will they gain a foothold on the trade route from now on!

The Wu family has been passed down for many years, and there is more than one top master in the family! No matter which one comes, Chen Ping'an probably won't be able to eat and walk around. Although Chen Ping'an may not lose his life with the Zhenfu Division as his backer, trouble will definitely follow.

However, the Wu family's revenge afterwards was just an afterthought. But for him right now, whether he likes it or not, the top priority is to come forward to get Wu Tianqi back.

Originally, under Chen Pingan's power, he was hesitant to come forward. But when Wu Tianqi was hung on the city wall, he had no choice.

In this situation, if he did nothing, then when the Wu family intervened afterwards, the anger would spread to him.

Between offending Chen Pingan and the Wu family, Meng Yude undoubtedly chose the former.

"What a fool. He knew the ban, but he still made trouble! Now that he's done, he still wants me to wipe his ass!"

On the way to Zhenfusi, Meng Yude was still scolding Wu Tianqi for his stupidity.

Although he didn't want to offend the Wu family, he also didn't want to offend Chen Pingan. I just had no choice but to make a choice. But facing this Chen Ping'an, who was suspected to have the combat power of the Xuanguang Middle Realm, he still felt a little scared.

But the matter has come to this, and the despair has returned. No matter how unhappy Meng Yude is, he can only take this step.

Before coming, he had already thought about it for many days. Combining various circumstances with reality, he made some analysis and found that he still had a lot of confidence in coming to ask for help this time.

Although Chen Pingan seems to be strong, he is still young and he still has many tricks at his disposal.

First, as a Xuanguang realm warrior, he put down his face and paid a visit in person, giving Chen Ping'an enough face. This is the first major benefit for him to come forward to negotiate.

Then, when he sees Chen Ping'an, he will be moved by affection, understand him rationally, and communicate with him easily. This is the second benefit.

During the communication process, when the right opportunity comes, he will pull the Wu family's tiger skin and put appropriate pressure on Chen Ping'an. With the Wu family's background, even though Chen Ping'an is a genius and has made rapid progress, it is impossible to say that he is not afraid.

This is the third benefit of negotiation.

Finally, when Chen Pingan was in a dilemma, he gave another step and provided a solution that had the best of both worlds. This was the fourth benefit of negotiation.

With the combination of many means and factors, there may not be room for change in this matter.

With such thoughts and considerations in mind, Meng Yude came to the gate of Fusi, Wufeng Mountain Town.

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