Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 309 If you are not willing to contribute, then the Wei family...

Looking at Wu Tianqi's miserable face, being dragged and pulled, Chen Pingan looked calm.

Wu Tianqi's threatening words were a little too funny for him!

I can't bear the wrath of the Wu family! ?

Making trouble in Wufeng Mountain City where I am in charge, not repenting, and trying to use the Wu family to suppress me, telling me that I can't bear the wrath of the Wu family? I would like to ask, can the Wu family bear my wrath! ?

Indeed, there is no doubt that the Wu family has top masters in charge! But Chen Pingan's current background, ordinary top masters are no longer in his eyes! Even if it is the top top, he can win! Even if the plan is in place, the top top may not die in his hands.

And this Wu Tianqi actually wants to use the Wu family, the top of the Wu family to suppress him! ?

It's ridiculous!

Chen Pingan sneered in his heart. Looking around, the Moulin Rouge, under the control of the officers of the Zhenfu Division, has begun to end in an orderly manner.

As a commander, he naturally didn't need to intervene in such trivial matters. Chen Pingan retracted his gaze and focused on the Earth Crocodile Golden Flame Knife on his waist.

"This exquisite treasure is really good!" Chen Pingan praised slightly.

This Earth Crocodile Golden Flame Knife is really a fine treasure. In the previous knife, he only used a very small part of his strength. The reason why he could burst out such a terrifying power, in addition to his own solid foundation, is also because of the Earth Crocodile Golden Flame Knife.

From his current perspective, the power of the previous knife has already entered the realm of the Xuan Guang middle realm!

Otherwise, it would not be able to kill a practitioner of the third level of internal energy with one knife.

Fine treasure, first experience, Chen Pingan expressed great satisfaction.

He only used a very small part of his strength to activate it, and it had such power. If he used all his strength and relied on the power of the fine treasure, I am afraid that he would not need to use the Vajra Indestructible and Three-point Human Tribulation Finger, and his combat power would be able to stand firmly at the top among the top masters!

From this point of view, his name of Mang Dao is well-deserved!

"With swordsmanship alone, I have now reached this level! If..." Chen Pingan's eyes flashed.

He used the Three-point Human Tribulation Finger and then used all his strength to activate the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art. I wonder if he can compete with Xue Kunsheng, the deputy garrison commander of Bei Cang! ?

Chen Pingan's thoughts flew, combining various intelligence information and constantly analyzing. As the deputy garrison commander of Bei Cang, Xue Kunsheng has a lot of records and intelligence on the market!

Xue Kunsheng, Vajra Subduing Demon Chain! Xuan Guang's top master...

Based on all kinds of information, Chen Pingan finally came to the conclusion that in his current situation, the probability of beating Xue Kunsheng is extremely small!

Every master who can stand on the Dragon and Tiger List is not an easy person to deal with. They are all real swords and guns, and they have killed their reputations in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Not to mention the apparent strength, whether it can be defeated. Even if it can be defeated, who knows what kind of trump cards the other party has hidden! ?

Especially Xue Kunsheng, who is ranked 233rd on the Dragon and Tiger List, it is even more difficult to deal with him!

Even if all the cards are out, Chen Pingan is not too sure about defeating Xue Kunsheng. Moreover, most of his ideas about the masters on the Dragon and Tiger List are imagined in his mind based on the situation.

So far, he has not fought with a top master with real swords and guns!

"Books are always shallow!" Chen Pingan put his hands behind his back and raised his head slightly. "Strong and weak, victory and defeat, you have to fight to know!"

"I am not too sure now, but if the Vajra Indestructible God function enters perfection and achieves the indestructible realm of the golden man! Then I wonder if I can suppress Xue Kunsheng with all my strength?"

Chen Pingan's eyes condensed slightly, and a gold finger panel appeared in his sight when he looked up.

Name: Chen Pingan

Realm: Xuan Guang-Xuan Guang Che Wu

Martial Arts: Vajra Indestructible Divine Art (1327/1600), Three-point Human Tribulation Finger (185/1600), Great Vajra Palm......


"1327 o'clock! Almost there, almost there......"

Chen Pingan stood tall and straight, watching the officers of the Zhenfu Division busy. During this time, an officer brought a big chair and wanted Chen Pingan to sit down, but Chen Pingan waved his hand and refused.

"Brothers, you are still busy, how can I enjoy it alone?"

After Chen Pingan finished speaking, the eyes of the officers around him became even more fiery.

After a busy period, the things in the Moulin Rouge also came to an end. Those who should be arrested were arrested, those who should be tried were tried, and those who should be released were released.

"Sir, this time..."

Zhong Shanyong clasped his hands and came to Chen Pingan, reporting all the matters in detail.

Chen Pingan nodded slightly, and asked a few questions from time to time when he heard something interesting.

Zhong Shanyong naturally did not dare to hold back on this and answered reluctantly.

After reporting the matter, Zhong Shanyong stood in front of Chen Pingan with a respectful and humble look.

Chen Pingan closed his eyes, wondering what he was thinking about.

Chen Pingan did not speak, and Zhong Shanyong did not dare to disturb him, so he just stood there quietly.

"Sir..." A worshiper in the inner energy realm, after finishing the finishing work, ran out excitedly and wanted to come over to report. Then he saw Zhong Shanyong raised his hand and signaled him to be quiet. The inner energy worshiper only saw that Chen Pingan's eyes were closed at this time, and his voice was cut off. He approached Chen Pingan in silence and stood respectfully with Zhong Shanyong.

Seeing the two adults acting like this, the surrounding officers gradually became quiet. Among the people who were arrested, there were some who couldn't open their eyes and wanted to howl loudly, but were slapped on the mouth by the guard on the side.

The officer's eyes widened and he made a silent gesture.

For a time, the Moulin Rouge, which was known for its liveliness, became extremely quiet. And the core source of all this is because of the figure standing in the middle.

I don't know how long it took before Chen Pingan slowly opened his eyes.

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. For the stable life in Wufeng Mountain City, apart from me, the Zhenfu Division, all the big and small forces in the city are responsible! Zhong Shanyong!"

"Here!" Zhong Shanyong responded and came out.

"Draw up a charter. List clearly how many people each family in the city will send out and how to send them out! These people they sent out will be integrated into a group by our Town and Fu Division as a new patrol team to join the city's security. maintenance!”

"Yes, sir!" Zhong Shanyong responded loudly.

But later, he bowed his hands and said to Chen Ping'an in a low voice: "Sir, the situation in the city was tense before, and these forces are indeed outstanding. But the Wei family did not nod, and these forces were mostly perfunctory. There are only three or two big cats and kittens here, and they have limited effect on the overall situation! Sir, if it is convenient for you, go to the Wei family and ask them to take pictures of elites to participate in order maintenance. I think they will give you this face. "

"The Wei family doesn't need me to come forward, so just pass the word on and tell them it was me who said it, and they will do something of their own! If they still refuse to do anything..."

Chen Ping'an raised his head and glanced at Zhong Shanyong: "Then the Wei family doesn't need to exist anymore! Our Wufeng Mountain City doesn't need such a family!"

Chen Ping'an's voice was calm, without too many ups and downs. But what he said made everyone present feel trembling.

Zhong Shanyong lowered his head, not daring to say anything more, and respectfully obeyed his orders at the moment.

"Let's go, it's time to go back!"

Chen Pingan smiled, took steps towards the outside of the Moulin Rouge.

Zhong Shanyong and others followed, and then a large team of police officers detained the perpetrators and walked out.

Outside the Moulin Rouge, many people had already gathered. Seeing Chen Ping'an coming out, they all made way.

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