On the third day after Chen Ping'an arrived at Wufeng Mountain City, a blockbuster news about an auction held in the important town of Beicang spread again.

This auction has extremely high standards. News came out long before the Long'an Trade Road was in operation.

Now, with the opening of Long'an Commercial Road, the time and location of the auction have finally been finalized.

"The auction will indeed be held in the important town of Beicang!"

Chen Ping'an listened to his subordinate's report with a calm expression.

"One and a half months is just enough time for the news of the auction to ferment and to warm up and build momentum! However, the information about this auction is really well hidden. I only know that the specifications are extremely high, but what exactly is there? The items will be auctioned, but no news has been released yet!”

"It is organized by Fusi, Canglong Prefecture Town, and hosted by various chambers of commerce headed by Ruyibao Pavilion. It is also to celebrate the operation of Long'an Trade Road. No matter how low the specifications of this auction are, it will not be any lower! Nothing else. Dare to say, there will definitely be a magical inheritance auction at this auction! In this case, I have to join in the fun and see if I can add another magical skill!

The pair of swords seized from Guan Yuping before, the long sword harvested by the Yinjie Sword of Tianluo Church, and some bits and pieces, just enough to clear out the inventory! "


After listening to the report and dismissing his subordinates, Chen Pingan thought quietly in the room.

The scale of this auction is huge, and with enough time for warm-up and publicity, I am afraid that it will cover not only the forces in Canglong State, but also the forces and experts in the surrounding areas!

He wants to buy a magical inheritance at the auction, which may be difficult!

He is not short of gold and silver now, but he is short of Yuan Jing! Some high-standard items and treasures require Yuan Jing to be auctioned, and silver and gold are not accepted.

"According to previous calculations, if all foreign objects are cleared away, I should have a net worth of sixty or seventy yuan crystals! This net worth is not bad, but it is far less than some senior masters, let alone those Powerful!"

"It seems that we still need to find a way to get some Yuanjing!" Chen Ping'an's eyes flashed with light. "However, before that, the more important thing is to make further progress in cultivation!"


When it comes to professional matters, they must be handled by professionals. For this auction held in the important town of Beicang, the warm-up work and publicity work were done extremely well.

Relevant hot spots and content are revealed layer by layer to ensure that the news about the auction always attracts everyone's attention. The first wave of publicity was the announcement of the time and place of the auction.

The second wave of publicity unveiled the first finale item.

The realm-breaking treasure pill, Sanyangyun Shenwan!

It is extremely difficult for people in the middle realm of Xuan Guang to step into the high realm of Xuan Guang and reach the realm where Xuan Guang penetrates everything and the armor is not lost. It hinders the vast majority of practitioners.

But this Sanyang Yunshen Pill can increase the possibility of breaking through the realm by 50%!

50% possible, which doesn’t sound like much.

But for some practitioners with a solid foundation, coupled with the 50% possible blessing, it is a breakthrough that is almost 100% sure!

Once you reach the high realm of Xuan Guang, your combat power will be doubled. In addition, if you reach the high realm of Xuan Guang, your lifespan will be one hundred and eighty years!

The improvement of realm and the temptation of longevity, the two are superimposed, and no ordinary person can bear it.

This first auction item alone moved countless people. If it were only a county in Weishui County, Xuanguang Middle Realm would be enough to be regarded as a famous master. But when the visual angle is on the thirty-seven counties of Canglong Prefecture, or even the surrounding areas of Canglong Prefecture, the number of Xuanguang Middle Realm is much greater than imagined!

And a large part of these masters are casual cultivators! These masters of casual cultivation rushed to the important town of Beicang after hearing the news.

Not only the casual cultivators, but also some forces with sufficient foundation are also planning to take action to add more foundation to the family!

If this treasure elixir can be photographed, it means that when the family has a perfect practitioner of the Xuanguang Middle Realm, with the help of the treasure elixir, it is very likely to create another supreme master and add to the family heritage!

There are probably several routes leading to the important town of Beicang. One of the more convenient routes is to pass through Wufeng Mountain City. After a short rest in the city, go through the entrance of the merchant road and arrive at the important town of Beicang.

With the continuous warm-up and publicity of Beicang Auction, Wufeng Mountain City has become extremely lively. Some people and casual cultivators who are rarely seen on weekdays are gradually appearing in Wufeng Mountain City. In addition to these people, there are also some caravans going to the Long'an Trade Road to rest on the way, and they will also be stationed in Wufeng Mountain City.

In short, Wufeng Mountain City is full of ghosts, ghosts and gods from all walks of life!

Generally speaking, a small town like Wufeng Mountain City cannot attract so many experts. But because of the Beicang Auction, so many experts gathered. But while the masters gathered together, Wufeng Mountain City did not have the corresponding force to deter them. This makes these people in the world quite unruly.

In the absence of reverence, when there are many people, it is easy to cause chaos.

Especially these gangsters, all of them are used to being free and wild. They talked to each other, boasted and spanked. It often happens that we get into unpleasant conversations, like getting into a fight over a disagreement.

There were also some independent cultivators who happened to meet people with whom they had previous grudges. When they met, they were extremely jealous. They did not care about the occasion and started fighting. Every fight was noisy and affected innocent people around.

For a time, the public security in Wufeng Mountain City began to decline sharply.

At the beginning, since there was still a long time before the official start of the Beicang Auction, the operation of the Long'an Trade Road had just started not long ago, and the number of caravans coming and going was still very limited. In addition, there were other routes to share the burden, so even if there were temporary fights, the overall situation in Wufeng Mountain City was still within control.

Some frictions and fights that broke out were not too frequent. Even if they broke out, they were mostly warriors in the Qi and Blood Realm. With the help of the chief officers of the Zhenfu Division, they could quickly suppress them every time they encountered riots.

However, as time went on, the number of frictions and fights began to increase, and the Wufeng Mountain Town Zhenfu Division was a little exhausted. When conflicts broke out in multiple places, it was often impossible to take care of both. The public security order in Wufeng Mountain City began to collapse rapidly.

Under such circumstances, Chen Pingan sat cross-legged in the hut in the backyard of the Zhenfu Division, and a gold finger panel appeared in the void in front of him.

Name: Chen Pingan

Realm: Xuanguang-Xuanguang Chewu

Martial Arts: Vajra Indestructible Divine Art Great Success (1078/1600), Three-point Human Tribulation Finger Small Success (640/640), Great Vajra Palm Perfection......


After days of uninterrupted hard practice, Chen Pingan finally accumulated the practice experience of breaking through the realm of the divine art Three-point Human Tribulation Finger.


PS: Got the boutique badge. Since the end of the last book, I have been dreaming about this day, thinking about what to say if I achieve it. Now that it has really been achieved, I don’t have much to say.

The process is tortuous, but the result is beautiful.

In short, you all make adults awesome!!! It is your support that has brought this book to this point. Thank you~

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