Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 299 Young people should have lofty ambitions and compete for glory in the vast sky!

The news of the official operation of Long'an Trade Road spread to all counties and cities in Canglongzhou in a very short time.

For a time, all parties were shocked!

When Long'an Trade Road was opened, some well-known forces in Canglongzhou had already paid attention to it. For the opportunities and challenges brought by the operation of the trade road, various forces had already gone through a series of deliberations and analyses.

For some families or chambers of commerce that have reached a bottleneck period, the emergence of Long'an Trade Road is an excellent opportunity for development.

In this regard, some forces have already formed suitable caravans and made layouts and arrangements in advance.

As soon as the news of the operation of Long'an Trade Road came out, caravans set off one after another! Through Long'an Trade Road, across the Canglong Mountains, leading to Qinglingzhou, they exchanged what they have!

In addition to the forces on the surface, some side doors, evil ways, and magic ways have news from time to time. They began to act one after another. They intended to take advantage of the opportunity to create chaos and seek benefits!


Not far from the Wufeng Mountain station, there is a small hill. On one side of the hill, there is an extremely sturdy tree. Under the lush canopy, on a branch, a young man sat cross-legged.

"It's been so many days, why haven't you come back yet?"

The young man opened his eyes and looked forward. With his strong eyesight, he could vaguely see the scene of the Wufeng Mountain garrison from his position.

This man is the elder of Tianluo Sect, the disciple of the old man Qi Jue, Li Pingjiang!

Since that day, he has been waiting here for Chen Pingan to come back. I thought that this mission should be completed soon, but I never thought that after waiting for more than half a month, I didn't even see Chen Pingan.

"I really didn't expect you to stay in Weishui County City for so long. If I had known this, I would have gone to Weishui County City to block you! Why would I sit here for half a month!"

A trace of annoyance flashed across Li Pingjiang's face, but it disappeared in an instant.

"But... now that the Long'an trade route has officially started, all kinds of monsters have begun to show up, and there are disturbances around the trade route. As the outer patrol envoy of the trade route, you, Chen Ping'an, should be in charge of one side, and it's time to come back! I think it will take only two days!"

A light appeared in the depths of Li Pingjiang's eyes, and a hint of murderous intent emerged.

"You are so lucky that you can live a few more days! But, Chen Ping'an, you will die after all!"

On the tree branch, Li Pingjiang slowly closed his eyes and waited quietly.



Several horses galloped on the official road in front of Wufeng Mountain City, rolling up a dusty ground.

A guard was about to step forward to stop them, and then heard a voice.

"The commander is about to arrive at Wufeng Mountain City, why don't you hurry to welcome him!"

The commander is about to arrive?

Here comes Chen!

Hearing this, the guards of the city looked stern, looked at each other, and saw solemnity on each other's faces.

Some clever guards began to report quickly and passed on the news layer by layer.

Several riders reported the news first, so when Chen Pingan arrived at Wufeng Mountain City, the city gate was already full of people.

"Welcome Mr. Chen back to the city!"

After leaving Weishui County City, Chen Pingan received the news that Long'an Trade Road was officially in operation when he was still halfway. If Long'an Trade Road is in operation, then his burden will be even heavier!

However, Chen Pingan was naturally prepared for this. In addition to his identity as the outer patrol envoy of the trade route, he also served as the commander of Wufeng Mountain City.

He was basically familiar with the Wufeng Mountain garrison. On the contrary, he was a little unclear about the specific situation of Wufeng Mountain City. Now that the trade route is in operation, he is in charge of one side, so naturally he has to take stock of his own assets. In this way, he can do his work better.

Therefore, after leaving Weishui County City, Chen Pingan did not choose to return to Wufeng Mountain Station, but chose to come to Wufeng Mountain City.

"Everyone get up!"

Chen Pingan rode on a tall horse and entered Wufeng Mountain City in awe. When entering the city, he simply observed the people present. In addition to the high-level officials in Wufeng Mountain Town Fusi, there were also some forces in the city. As the representative of the Wei family, the first family in Wufeng Mountain City, he was naturally among them.

Chen Pingan just glanced at them and stopped paying attention. Those who came to greet him were basically in the inner Qi realm. This is already an absolute core high-level in the power of each family in Wufeng Mountain City.

In the eyes of ordinary people, anyone present is enough to dominate their life and death. They are all unattainable and top-notch figures!

But such people, with humble and flattering smiles on their faces, stand respectfully at the gate of the city and welcome Chen Pingan into the city.

Unlike the situation when he first took office in Baishi City, with Chen Pingan's current status and position, he has no constraints in Wufeng Mountain City.

Let alone the internal energy realm present, even the first master of Wufeng Mountain City, Wei Zhixing, the ancestor of the Wei family, a practitioner of Xuanguang Realm, dare not be rash in front of him.

On the one hand, he has the record of killing Xuanguang Realm Tianjiao Soul-breaking Spear. On the other hand, it is the identity he represents.

It can be said that as long as Chen Pingan wants, Wufeng Mountain City is his one-man show. He can completely dominate Wufeng Mountain City.

Many people will respond to his casual words. What he wants to do, someone will do his best to help him achieve it.

Such temptation is not something that everyone can resist!

Before taking this position, no one would think that they would be addicted to it. But when you really take this position, you will find that the facts are not as simple as you imagined.

In the flattery and flattery of the crowd, you will gradually lose yourself until you are corrupted.

The same level, but the feeling of being in charge of one side is very different. Guan Yuping made a lot of efforts in the opening of Long'an Business Road at the beginning, and it was considered a great success. But when he was in charge of one side, he gradually became addicted to power.

On the first day when Chen Pingan arrived in Wufeng Mountain City, many forces sent generous gifts, and Wei Zhenheng, the head of the Wei family, went to Wufeng Mountain Town Fusi to meet Chen Pingan in person.

Such treatment is indeed easy to make people addicted. But at this time, Chen Pingan was calm!

He is no longer the Chen Pingan who would say that a real man should be like this when he saw the power of the chief.

The ups and downs of the Fusi have been two years, and his current pattern and vision have been completely opened.

Although he concurrently serves as the commander of Wufeng Mountain City, his vision is not limited to the city. His eyes are on Weishui County City, Long'an Commercial Road, and Canglong Prefecture!

Young people should have lofty ambitions and compete for the wind in the vast sky!

On the day of arriving at Wufeng Mountain City, Chen Pingan declined the invitation of the Wei family and began to practice in seclusion in the hut in the backyard of the Zhenfu Division!

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