The deep voice behind him was very familiar to Chen Pingan. He could often be heard during the daily missionary meetings. This is Zheng Chatou’s voice!

"Zheng Chatou."

Chen Pingan turned around and saluted quickly.

Zheng Chatou has a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a mustache.

"What's your name?"

Zheng Chatou frowned and looked at Chen Ping'an quite unhappily.

"Reply to Zheng Chatou, boy Chen Ping'an."

Chen Pingan said in fear.

However, he felt extremely calm in his heart. In addition to his excellent character, he is also confident after entering the second level of Qi and Blood. Inner peace is a natural reaction and is not deliberately maintained.

With the golden finger panel, he has enough mentality to look straight at or even look down at Zheng Chatou.

Of course, in terms of mentality and appearance, he still needs to stay humble for the time being.

"Chen Pingan?" A trace of thought flashed across Zheng Chatou's face. "Is it from Chen Tianan's family?"

"Exactly." A trace of panic flashed across Chen Ping'an's face and he responded quickly. Chen Tianan is the name of his father, Lao Chentou.

There were other things going on today, and Zheng Chatou had no intention of getting too entangled with Chen Ping'an. In addition, Chen Pingan's attitude was quite satisfactory. Apart from his actions just now, there was nothing else that was out of line and worthy of criticism.

"In the Town and Fu Department, everything must be done according to the rules. No one will like those who do not follow the rules."

After Zheng Chatou scolded Chen Ping'an, he ignored him and walked straight into the Zhenfu Division.

According to the rules of the Town and Fu Department, the sergeants should come earlier than the chiefs, and the temporary sergeants should come earlier than the regular sergeants. There is no reason for a temporary officer who is not registered to be a regular officer to wait.

"What Zheng Chatou taught me is that Chen Pingan understands." Chen Pingan lowered his head, his eyes were calm, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Although he left home late today, he hurried and hurried all the way and was still not late, but...

It's not important anymore!

Because Zheng Chai came earlier than him, and that was enough!

Then he is late.

"Zheng Chatou!"

"Zheng Cha has a bad head."


From time to time, greetings were heard from the Zhenfu Department. These were the officers showing their goodwill to Zheng Chatou.

Chatou is only a middle-level member of the Fusi in Nanquanlixiang Town, but he has power and authority that others cannot imagine.

"It's so bad..."

Chen Ping'an stood there with his head lowered and waited until about ten breaths after Zheng Chatou entered the door before he walked in.

What happened just now at the gate of the Zhenfu Division was seen by many officers.

Seeing Chen Ping'an coming in, some officers were gloating about his misfortune, looking like they were waiting for a good show. There are also police officers who are indifferent, and there are also officers who show sympathy.

Walking to the old place, not only the monkey head and the mountain are there, but also the rare Qin head.

"Qin Tou."

Chen Pingan said hello first.

Qin Tou nodded slightly as a greeting.

"Ping An, are you okay?"

Monkeyhead asked with concern on his face.

"It's okay." Chen Pingan waved his hand slightly, indicating that he didn't need to worry.

"Ping An, what happened today? Why are you here so late?" Dashan said dullly.

"Well, I just happened to run into something in the morning and I was a little late when I left the house." Chen Pingan replied, seeing the concerned expressions of Heitou Dashan and the other two, and then added: "However, the matter has been resolved satisfactorily. Don't worry."

"Is it solved? Hey! The chance of me, Hericium, to help is gone. Ping An, you know that I, Hericium, am the most warm-hearted." Heitou said in an exaggerated manner.

Chen Ping'an knew that the other party was deliberately being funny to divert his attention.

In the eyes of a normal police officer, being reprimanded by a chatou, especially Zheng Chatou, is no small matter. At the very least, it will take a few days.

If you offend the manager in other professions, you can still change your profession and still get ahead. But in the Zhenfu Division, it is absolutely impossible! If you offend a bad person, you will either have to apologize until the bad person is satisfied, or you will be crushed into dust.

However, Chen Ping'an's behavior today was not just because he offended Zheng Chatou. It just means that it left a bad impression on Zheng Chatou. It's not like there's no room for change.

But, even so, it's still not a good thing.

"Speaking of which, why did Zheng Chatou come so early today? Also, how many other Chatou are here too?" Chen Ping'an looked around and found that besides Zheng Chatou, Yan Chatou, Li Chatou , Huang Cha and the other three are also here.

Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi has five heads, but four of them came today.

"Yeah, weird?" The monkey head also showed a puzzled look. "Is there anything special happening today?"

"Qin Tou, do you know this?" Hou Tou asked.

"We'll find out later." Qin Tou grinned, showing deep wrinkles.

While several people were exchanging words in low voices, another person walked in from the door of Zhenfu Division.

"Is Liu Chatou here too?" The monkey head was startled.

If you include Liu Chaotou, all five chaotou are here. What happened today?

All five errands were present, except for the errand meeting that was held only once every two months, which was extremely rare. As for the errand meeting, counting the time, it hasn’t arrived yet.

In the Zhenfu Division, apart from the monkey-headed Chen Ping'an, there were also many officers who were so doubtful.

According to reason, the pre-mission meeting should have begun by now. However, the five officers stood on the high platform, and no one came forward to speak.

On the high platform, several officers faced the gate of the Zhenfu Division, and no one sat down. Under the high platform, the officers waited quietly.

"Could it be..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Pingan had a flash of enlightenment in his mind.

He looked at the monkey head beside him and found that the other party's face also had a look of understanding.

"It seems that there is something important today." The monkey head whispered.

Chen Pingan nodded gently.

There are probably only two officers in the Nanquanlixiang Zhenfu Division who can make several officers wait like this.

Nanquanlixiang Officer, Mr. Lu Bingren. Deputy Officer, Mr. Tian Fuliang.

In the Zhenfu Division, five officers and hundreds of officers waited quietly.

Under the attention of the crowd, a person walked into the door of the Nanquanlixiang Zhenfu Division.

The man was wearing a dark fish-scale suit, a goose-feather knife on his waist, and leather boots, and every step was firm and powerful.

The fish-scale suit was dark, as if it was fished out of the deep sea. The scales on it were carefully crafted by skilled craftsmen. Under the sunlight, the scales shone with a deep light.

In the entire Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division, only two people were qualified to wear fish-scale suits.

"Meetings, Lord Tian!"

An overwhelming voice rang out in the Zhenfu Division. As the voice rang out, all the officers bowed and bowed.

Amid the bows and greetings of the officers, Tian Fuliang walked up to the high platform with a calm face and sat on the big chair in the center.

"Everyone get up." He said lightly.

He was greeted by an overwhelming unison.

"Yes, Lord Tian."

The officers stood up, including Chen Pingan.


PS: Happy May Day, all the adults. Please vote~

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