Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 28 Qi and Blood Second Level (Please read on)

It was dawn.

Nanquan Lane, Lihua Lane, Chen Family Courtyard.

Chen Pingan, with his upper body naked, kept rolling in the gravel pile. The extremely sharp gravel kept contacting and stimulating Chen Pingan's skin.

The gravel rolled, and the blood and qi churned.

This continued for a long time, and a +1 experience symbol appeared in Chen Pingan's sight.

"It's done!"

Chen Pingan smiled and stood up from the gravel.

Name: Chen Pingan

Realm: Qi and blood level 1 perfection

Martial arts: Iron Shirt Minor Success (40/40)


Six days have passed since Zheng Shiyong was announced to enter the martial arts. Just two days after the announcement of Zheng Shiyong's entry into the martial arts, his official job was decided.

Night shift duty at the Zhenfu Division.

The division of labor in the Zhenfu Division of Nanquan Lane is very detailed. Ordinary jobs can be roughly divided into patrolling, arresting, guarding, and pen-sticking.

The duty of guarding is much better than patrolling. On-duty, as the name implies, means on-duty in the Zhenfu Division. This job is responsible for the dispatch and summary of various affairs, and reports directly to the heads of the division. Not only does it not need to patrol the streets every day, it is not exposed to the wind and sun, and it can also frequently contact the heads of the division. It is really a good job.

Let alone the heads of the division, even the high-ranking division chief and deputy division chief in the Zhenfu Division of Nanquan Lane have a good chance to see them.

Even if you can't say anything, it is a very beautiful thing to be remembered by the division chief or deputy division chief by showing up so often.

Don't underestimate such a small thing as being remembered by the division chief. At a critical moment, it can determine a person's future.

There is only one quota for inclusion, but there are several people who meet the requirements of merit and qualifications. How to choose!

It's still the division chief who has the final say.

Familiar and unfamiliar people will naturally be treated differently.

This is not mentioned in the rules of the Pacification Division, but it is a rule that has been agreed upon openly and secretly.

Generally speaking, only formal officers can take up the duty of guarding. Even a small number of night shifts are temporary officers who have entered the martial arts world with very long experience.

Although Zheng Shiyong is an entry-level martial artist, he has little experience and it is not his turn no matter how he rotates. If there is no shadow of Zheng Chatou in the middle of this job he finally decided, no one will believe it.

However, others are others, and what happens to others has nothing to do with Chen Pingan.

These days, he eats meat every day to nourish his body. He practices iron shirt every day, strengthens his body, tempers his blood, and accumulates experience in cultivation.

Until this morning, he finally accumulated 40 points of experience in cultivation.

"Come on!"

Chen Pingan smiled, his spirit concentrated, and clicked on the plus sign that was faintly visible behind the iron shirt.


On the panel, 40 experience points stirred instantly, turning into starlight and flowing towards his brow.

The starlight entered his brow, and it was still a familiar feeling.

All kinds of extremely complicated information about iron shirt practice, understanding, actual combat, and thinking kept emerging in Chen Ping'an's mind.

These information were not copied rigidly, but through an extremely mysterious way, allowing Chen Ping'an to constantly understand and digest them. With the moment the starlight entered the body, these things were no longer external objects, but Chen Ping'an's own experience, which was accumulated and summarized bit by bit every day.

Iron shirt is perfect! The skin is like cowhide, and it can hit ordinary swords.

Although it will still be injured after the shock, it can reduce the injury to the minimum.

Martial arts practitioners of the upper middle level need to spend more than ten years of hard work and practice tirelessly every day to reach this level!

Not only the iron shirt is perfect, but Chen Ping'an's blood and qi have also entered a new stage under the mysterious guidance.

Qi and blood level two, the realm of training the flesh!

Qi and blood level one is for refining the skin! Qi and blood level two is for refining the flesh.

Qi and blood level two, plus the iron shirt of the great success level, means that Chen Pingan can deal with five or six adult strong men with knives by himself.

If he is more radical and adopts a fighting style of exchanging injuries for lives, he can even beat seven or eight strong men with knives.

Of course, if he fights like this, his own ending will not be too good!

After all, although the iron shirt is an external hard skill, it is only a low-level skill, and it cannot really ignore the sword.

Now, if Chen Pingan's strength is revealed, he will be a well-known figure in Nanquan Lane and many gangs. Even in the Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division, among the official officers, his strength can be ranked in the top ten.

He is young and vigorous, and his blood and qi are strong, which is not comparable to those old and weak official officers.

Chen Ping'an's eyes flickered, and his gaze was on the panel that appeared in front of him.

Name: Chen Ping'an

Realm: Qi and Blood Level 2

Martial Arts: Iron Shirt Great Completion (0/100)


"Qi and Blood Level 2!"

Chen Ping'an was excited. This means that he has entered a new stage.

"After Great Completion is Perfection. Do I need 100 experience points to practice Iron Shirt Perfection?"

Chen Ping'an thought so.

However, since he still had to go to the next level later, he didn't spend too much time thinking about these. Now, he has just broken through the realm and is in good condition, so he can continue to practice Iron Shirt twice.

He knew early that he could accumulate enough experience today, so he got up earlier than usual today. Therefore, he had plenty of time.

He rolled into the sand and gravel and continued to practice the iron shirt.

After the iron shirt was fully developed, the sand and gravel had less irritating effect on his skin.

"It seems that I need to change to stones."

During the practice, Chen Pingan thought in his heart.

In his sight, the +1 experience symbol appeared twice in a row. But Chen Pingan found that he could continue to practice.

"Do you want to continue!?"

Chen Pingan hesitated.

He got up early today, and the time left was indeed plenty. But if he continued to practice, the time would be a bit tight.


After hesitating for a while, Chen Pingan finally made a decision.

"Time waits for no one, not a single bit can be wasted, come again!"

When the +1 experience symbol appeared again, Chen Pingan simply wiped his body and put on his clothes hastily. He said hello to Chen Erya and ran out of the courtyard gate directly.

The practice time this morning was a bit long. It was almost time for the training, so he had no choice but to run.

Although it was late, Chen Pingan was in a very good mood.

The iron shirt after the completion was enough for him to gain 3 experience points at a time. Even if he couldn't get 4 experience points at night, he could accumulate 6 experience points a day.

In this way, the iron shirt was perfect. It was just around the corner!

Just like that, Chen Pingan ran to the door of the Zhenfu Division excitedly. Looking at the time, he was not late yet.

Chen Pingan breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he was about to step into the gate of the Zhenfu Division, a deep voice sounded from behind him.

"What's the matter with you being so impatient?"

Hearing this, Chen Pingan's face froze.

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