Martial arts immortality, my practice has experience

Chapter 101 Power (please subscribe to the 100th chapter~)

There is only one leader of the Feisha Gang at his left and right, so Chen Ping'an doesn't have to make a trip in person. It's enough to send two guards over and bring the difference tokens.

Watching the two people leave in a hurry, Chen Pingan felt a sense of pride in his heart.

I don’t know since when, his words can make others do a lot of things with great effort!

Is this the prestige of Chatou?

However, the trace of pride in his heart was quickly wiped out by him.

Bad head! ? This power is far from enough...

When Chen Ping'an returned home, Aunt Zhang, who was staying at his home, was drinking hot water, and Chen Erya stood beside him.

"Master Chen."

Seeing Chen Ping'an coming back, Aunt Zhang put down the hot water and even came over to greet him.

"No...didn't it go well?"

Seeing Chen Ping'an coming back so soon, Aunt Zhang's hopes were somewhat dashed.

"Things are already being done. Aunt Zhang will be waiting for you." Chen Pingan comforted with a smile.

However, despite Chen Ping'an's comfort, Aunt Zhang's heart was still uneasy. Uncle Zhang has always been in her mind. Uncle Zhang is not young anymore. How can he withstand being beaten and detained again?

The old man has been doing his duty all his life, so why did he offend the evil star of the Feisha Gang?

You said those gang members could be ordinary people, but all of them are ruthless and ruthless, so ordinary people cannot offend them.

Old man...

The more she thought about it, the less at ease Aunt Zhang felt.

I couldn't help but walk around in the Chen family courtyard.

Just when Aunt Zhang couldn't wait any longer and wanted to go out to see the situation, a crowd of people came outside.

A dozen people swarmed to the door of Chen's courtyard.

These people were fierce-looking, tiger-backed and wolf-backed, and the swarm of them shocked Aunt Zhang.

"Fortunately, Chen Chatou lived up to his mission. The Feisha Gang's people are here, and Uncle Zhang has brought them back."

The two leaders were the sergeants of the Zhenfu Division.

"Yeah." Chen Ping'an sat on the stone bench in the yard without raising his head.

"Old man!"

At this time, Aunt Zhang also saw Uncle Zhang in the crowd. At this time, Uncle Zhang's face was bruised and red, and he looked a little embarrassed. But looking at the clothes on his body, they are all new.

"Mother-in-law!" Uncle Zhang shouted loudly when he saw Aunt Zhang.

"Don't let me go yet!"

A man standing at the front couldn't help but scolded.

Hearing this, the two people behind him hurriedly let Uncle Zhang go.

"Old man, are you okay?" Aunt Zhang hurriedly stepped forward.

"It's okay, it's okay..."

Seeing Uncle Zhang really appear before her eyes, Aunt Zhang felt an unreal feeling.

Old man, are you back now?

"Master Chen, I am Peng Liuliu, the deputy gang leader of the Feisha Gang. I really didn't mean any offense this time. It's all a misunderstanding."

Peng Liuliu was the leading man. He looked at Chen Pingan sitting in the yard and explained.

To be honest, his backside was wet all the way here.

He was happily drinking at the Feisha Gang station, bragging and spanking with his subordinates. But unexpectedly, his subordinates said that officers from the Zhenfu Division were coming.

Originally, he only saw two temporary servants, and he wanted to show off his arrogance and arrogance. But the two turned around and took out the difference token.

To be honest, when he saw the Chatou token, he almost peed in fear. It wouldn't be such an exaggeration originally, but...

The matter of the Hutou Gang is still in front of us!

Who dares to offend Zhenfu Division’s bad boss! ?

I hurriedly entertained the two of them, and after getting to know each other, I understood what was going on.

It turned out to be the trouble caused by one of his bosses!

A blind thing!

Thinking of this, Peng Liuliu was really angry.

"Master Chen, I have already brought you. It is this blind boy who kidnapped our neighbor."

Behind Peng Liuliu, a man was escorted out, tied up with a big five-flowered head.

"If you want to kill or behead me, please do as you please!"

Looking at the scene in front of her, Aunt Zhang was completely stunned.

She also suddenly discovered that these people were swarming outside, and no one dared to step into the courtyard. The leader, the deputy leader of the Feisha Gang, was looking at Chen Ping'an in the yard cautiously, waiting for his words.

The deputy leader of the Feisha Gang came to apologize in person, and the leader of the old man was detained and tied up. He was either killed or beheaded, it was up to him! ?

Looking at Chen Ping'an, who was sitting as firmly as a Diaoyutai, Aunt Zhang felt a little dazzled, as if she had met this person for the first time.


Uncle Zhang's matter was settled smoothly. Under Peng Liuliu's sincerity, the leader who was tied up by Wu Hua Da only received a few whips and let it go. Of course, this was also due to Peng Liuliu's sincerity. Chen Pingan did not expect that he would help Uncle Zhang and gain such an unexpected benefit.

A full fifty taels of silver!

Fifty taels of silver, according to his monthly salary, would take more than a year to get. Now it's so easy to get into your pocket.

Sure enough, after becoming a bad guy, there are more and more ways to make money.

Sometimes, there is no need to go out of your way to get money, the money will come to your door automatically.

Counting the three hundred li of silver he got from Zheng Chatou before, the silver he got from the profit after destroying the Tiger Head Gang, and some other miscellaneous things, he now has nearly five hundred taels of silver in his hand.

Speaking of which, Chen Pingan also took back the silver buried in the stone pestle after killing the ruffian Liuer a few days ago.

Five hundred taels, this is enough for him to live a very decent life in Nanquan Lane.

However, for Chen Pingan, this silver has more uses. In addition to daily expenses, buying martial arts skills and better weapons all require silver.


Chen Pingan took a look at his yard and the one and a half rooms.

This house is indeed a bit simple for him.

But... you can wait a little longer!

According to Mu Wanjun, he will find an opportunity to transfer him to the Nancheng Town Fusi later. With his progress in martial arts, he also believes that this day will come soon.

Instead of changing to a new house in Nanquan Lane, it is better to move directly to Nancheng Lane, the core of Nancheng District.

In terms of safety and living standards, Nancheng Lane is undoubtedly a level higher than the surrounding lanes.

In the next few days, Uncle Zhang brought his family to Chen Ping'an's house and thanked him repeatedly. He said frankly that if it were not for Chen Ping'an, he would probably have lost his life.

Uncle Zhang's son and daughter-in-law were also very grateful and even kowtowed to Chen Ping'an.

Even their little grandson, the little kid they saw at the beginning, said in a baby voice: "Thank you, Mr. Chen, for saving my grandfather's life."

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