"Chen Chatou!"

"Good morning, Chen Chatou."

"Hello, Chatou!"


Chen Ping'an walked into the door of the Nanquanlixiang Zhenfu Division, and was greeted by a series of extremely warm smiles.

It had been seven or eight days since Zheng Chatou died, and Han Li, who was sent by the Nancheng Chengfu Division to investigate, had also returned to report. Chen Ping'an was not sure about the final conclusion, but it was probably related to the Wanmo Sect.

This time, the Wanmo Sect took the blame for him.

After Zheng Chatou died, the six squads of errands under his command were divided up by several other errands very smoothly.

Now that the Hutou Gang has been destroyed and the new gang has not yet taken shape, there has been a short-term power vacuum in the locations of several streets and alleys such as Hupao Lane and Lihua Lane. How to fill the subsequent forces and how to divide the shares are closely related to the hard power under everyone's hands.

The Nanquanlixiang Zhenfu Division certainly occupies the majority of the benefits. But how to divide it further depends on the people under everyone's command.

With the death of Zheng Chatou, the Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division once again became a five-chatou division.

The three squads of runners under Chen Pingan were expanded to five squads, with a total of twenty runners. The other four squads of runners under Zheng Zhenwu were divided among the other runners.

The reason why Chen Pingan was assigned to two squads was that he had the least number of runners under him, and secondly, he had the support of Shen Shikang. In addition, with the destruction of the Tiger Head Gang, Chen Pingan was considered to have made great contributions, so the other runners did not stand up to oppose it.

The previous runner Xiao Chen had long since turned the page! Today, Chen Pingan, in front of many runners, is a genuine runner with great power.

The smiling faces in the Zhenfu Division are the best proof.

Chen Pingan has such power, and people like Houtou Dashan Zeng Jiji are also proud of it. They can now be regarded as Chen Pingan's confidants.

Neither Shen Shikang nor Tian Fuliang attended the pre-mission meeting, so it was presided over by the head of the police. After the death of Zheng, the most prestigious head of the police, the important task fell to Yan.

He was originally in charge of five squads of police officers, and now with the addition of one squad, he was as powerful as Zheng.

However, Yan was a little low-key. He ended the pre-mission meeting without saying a few words.

Before, he had the best relationship with Zheng, and was vaguely opposed to the other three heads of police. Now that Zheng was dead, he was isolated.

Apart from Yan, Li was the most powerful. He was supported by Huang and Liu.

As for Chen Pingan, although he had shown his edge, he had only been a head of police for a short time, and his strength had not yet entered the third level of Qi and Blood. In the eyes of others, he was still a little worse than the previous two.

However, there were many twists and turns here, and Chen Pingan did not pay much attention to them.

Now, in addition to handling some daily official duties, he has focused his mind on cultivation.

In the past few days, his Thirteen Taibao horizontal training has entered the stage of minor success. His skin is faintly glowing with a different luster. Just talking about the power of horizontal training, ordinary people holding a machete and chopping with all their strength will find it difficult to break his defense.

The minor success of the Thirteen Taibao horizontal training has also made Chen Pingan's martial arts realm move forward a lot. Now, he is already a relatively senior existence among the martial arts masters of the fifth level of Qi and Blood Refining Zang Realm.

In the entire Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division, I am afraid that only Shen Shikang can suppress him. Even the deputy officer Tian Fuliang may not be his opponent! After all, Chen Pingan's martial arts and practical experience all come from the gold finger panel, which has basically reached the perfect stage of theory.

After leaving the mission, Chen Pingan went home as usual. Before he approached, he saw a figure standing at the gate of his courtyard.

"It's Aunt Zhang!"

Chen Ping'an recognized the standing figure at a glance.

"What happened?" Chen Ping'an had a trace of doubt in his heart.

As soon as Chen Ping'an approached, Aunt Zhang also found him and hurried to meet him.

"Master Chen! Please help me!"

Aunt Zhang looked anxious and anxious.

"Aunt Zhang, don't get excited first, talk slowly."

"Master Chen, I really can't do anything, my kid..." Aunt Zhang couldn't help crying.

Chen Ping'an welcomed the other party into the yard, and after careful questioning, he learned that it turned out that Uncle Zhang had an accident.

Uncle Zhang was a laborer who moved sand, and he was honest on weekdays. But yesterday, I don't know why, he offended the leader of the Feisha Gang. I thought I could just bear it, but today, I went there and was beaten up, and the person was detained.

The streets where Uncle Zhang moved sand belonged to the territory of the Feisha Gang.

Being beaten by the leader of the Feisha Gang and detained, this is a big deal for ordinary people!

Uncle Zhang was detained, and his son and daughter-in-law were naturally very anxious. They tried to find a way everywhere, and they went to negotiate in the afternoon to see if there was any way to get their father back.

Aunt Zhang also went there, but the other party refused to give in. She was really forced to do nothing, and thought of Chen Pingan.

"So this is it! Aunt Zhang, don't worry, I'll understand the situation."

Chen Pingan carefully comforted Aunt Zhang's emotions.

When he practiced the iron shirt, he needed sand and gravel. Uncle Zhang helped him pick it up. Although this matter is not big, he has to admit it.

Hearing Chen Ping'an's words, Aunt Zhang sobbed and said, "I heard that the person my husband offended is a new leader. He is cruel and ruthless. Those who are detained by him will be beaten to death. This time, I want to trouble Mr. Chen to help intercede for him so that he can be released as soon as possible."

For a woman like Aunt Zhang, the leader of Feisha Gang is already a great figure for her. She thought that Chen Ping'an was a figure in the officialdom of Zhenfu Division. With his help, Uncle Zhang should be able to return home smoothly.

"Okay, I know." Chen Ping'an nodded. "I'll take care of this matter."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Chen." Aunt Zhang trembled slightly and thanked him repeatedly.

"Aunt Zhang, don't be so polite. Just call me the same way as before."

After that, regardless of whether Aunt Zhang heard it or not, Chen Ping'an walked out of the yard.

At night, the Zhenfu Division would also have officers patrolling. There are also special night patrols in Lihua Lane. After Chen Pingan left the yard and walked in Lihua Lane for a while, he met two policemen.

For the night patrol, it was not long since they started their work. The two were hiding in the corner and taking a break. They turned around and saw Chen Pingan. They were startled and immediately saluted respectfully.

"Hello, Chen."

Chen Pingan nodded slightly, took off the token from his waist, and threw it to the two: "Take the token, you go to Feisha Gang!"

The two took the token in a hurry, looking confused.

Chen Pingan briefly explained the matter, and the two understood it and bowed repeatedly.

Being able to help the police directly, this is an opportunity! If the matter is done properly and remembered by the police, it is simply a blessing.

At that time, being the confidant of the police will not be a good thing. You have to be tough when you go out and talk.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the two were shining.


PS: Always have hope and dreams. No matter how hard you try, you must finish the book.

Flop Diary: Little Flop, you must remember to write every chapter carefully. Even if your writing skills are not good, you must try your best. (These words are free of charge)

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