Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 252 59, Asmodai's Repentance

The flames burned the planet's atmosphere, and the bright beams of light passed across the sky. The entire Belia IV planet fell into the smoke, and the cumulus clouds carrying sick thunder rolled and boiled.

The twisted energy tore through the void, covering the entire planet in blasphemous flames.

The rolling dark clouds swept across the sky, as if being pulled into a huge vortex, tearing the sky into layers of twisted ripples.

From time to time, bright light would overflow from the center of the vortex, and every flash of light would outline more weird outlines.

Countless demons were sent to this world, they let out sharp howls and joined this war that could be called a meat grinder.

One after another, red meteors slid down the atmosphere, and each meteor was full of the unwillingness of the warriors, but in the end, under the influence of the planet's gravity, they fell to the ground helplessly.

The terrible explosion swept across the earth, throwing the debris mixed with blood and minced meat into the air.

From time to time, a ring-shaped explosion would sound, suddenly lighting up in the dim wilderness. The short light was so dazzling in this world.

In the dim light, people could see countless screaming, roaring, and monsters with strange bodies.

The power of chaos was different, but they all showed the same cruelty.

In the roar of eagerness to tear everything apart, the behemoth opened its fang-filled mouth, and the foul-smelling saliva dripped from the corner of its mouth.

The dense demon flies were like a black storm, making a harsh buzzing sound.

The whole world has been covered by the tide of demons, and countless demons roared and rushed towards the giant city built with temples.

The army of the empire clung to the ruins of the Eldar, relying on the remains of the ancient race to block the demons.

"For the Emperor!" The giant in iron armor, like an indestructible dam, shouted slogans in a hoarse voice.

Asmodai fought a bloody battle with the traitors who surrendered to Nurgle. His bolter had long been scrapped due to overload, and the chainsword in his hand was completely worn out due to excessive slashing.

But he still slashed at the enemy without retreating a step.

In the trench where Asmodai was, everyone except him was a mortal. Although the Empire now has more than one million Astartes, most of the Astra Militarum have never seen any of them in their entire lives.

For the vast galactic battlefield, the number of Space Marines is still extremely rare.

Compared with the number of fallen warriors, Asmodai is weak.

Fortunately, after the Primaris surgery, he has far more power than the traitors.

With the sound of whistling, a fallen warrior of the Plague Legion was beheaded by him.

Asmodai did not stop, and the corpses of demons and fallen warriors were piled up beside him.

He stood on the mountain of flesh and blood, leading the mortal soldiers to resist the surging demon tide.

Asmodai roared and tore a demon to pieces. After killing the enemy, he did not have the slightest time to rest.

Because more demons and fallen warriors rushed up, and beside him, the Astra Militarum fought with demons with their fragile mortal bodies.

Seeing the soldiers fall, Asmodai felt a little guilty. The reason why the battle situation fell to this point was all the result of his willful behavior.

It was he who first proposed to pursue the demons and deviate from the original mission trajectory.

Even Efilar, the commander, agreed to his proposal only under his guidance.

He blamed himself for the death of the soldiers. In the bloody fight, he gradually understood why the Lion King alienated him.

"Did your far-sighted eyes see that I would cause a disaster, father?" Asmodai asked the Lion King silently in his heart.

The Emperor and the Primarch reshaped the bodies of ordinary people like them and gave them unparalleled power, but he did not know how to use it well.

His hatred for the traitors buried his rationality, causing the saints to be dragged into danger by him, and even the Warmaster could be ambushed by Chaos.

In such a guilty heart, Asmodai made a tragic discovery that if everything turned to the worst result, even if he was killed ten thousand times, he could not atone for his sins.

His willful behavior this time almost extinguished the hope that mankind had just found.

Asmodai knew that he was unable to bear the consequences, so he could only treat himself more harshly. Every day, he fought and fought without pause. Only by immersing himself in the battle would he not feel sad for the tragic future that might come.

"For the Emperor, for the Warmaster!"

Every time he killed a blasphemer, he would pray silently in his heart.

Because he had fought in the fog of plague for too long, his throat had almost completely lost his voice, and he could no longer use sacred prayers to weaken the enemies of mankind.

With a crisp sound, a fallen warrior slashed the rusty blade in his hand at Asmodai's heavy armor.

Although Asmodai killed the opponent immediately, his power armor was still damaged.

The screen inside the helmet showed an error in the energy transfer pump, and the armor immediately became heavy, making every movement of his more strenuous.

Endless fatigue surged into his body, wearing away every cell of his body. Another demon jumped on him.

The nails with mold and tumors attacked his helmet, trying to lift his mask and leave him with a fatal blow.

Asmodai grabbed the opponent's body in his hands, and then suddenly exerted force to tear it apart.

The demon roared, but it was of no use. Its shoulders quickly cracked, and the disgusting flesh and muscles were disconnected one after another, and eventually even the bones were broken.

Asmodai tore the demon's body in half and threw it on the ground. Without any time to rest, a new demon appeared in front of him again.

He hasn't rested for a long time since the enemy attacked.

The noisy battle sound was like an endless chorus, almost breaking the eardrums. After an unknown amount of time, the enemy finally began to retreat.

But this is not because humans have defeated them, but because the devil's purpose has not yet been achieved.

Anger appeared on Asmodai's face. He knew that he had become bait, and what the demons wanted to really kill were the reinforcements who came to rescue them and the supreme commander of the empire.

"Rest where you are." Asmodai commanded the mortals, "Stay vigilant."

Even though he is the interrogation priest of the Dark Angels, he has commanded many difficult battles in the past, and now he can command mortals with equal ease.

He arranged his defensive ranks and moved the seriously wounded soldiers to the rear.

After hearing Asmodei's order, the soldiers relaxed and fell to the ground like deflated rubber balls.

The endurance of mortal soldiers was only enough to support them in several hours of fighting. Fighting beyond their limits caused their muscles to spasm.

Asmodai also sat down at this time and took a short rest. Even his muscles were twitching uncontrollably.

Excessive fatigue was like paste, sticking to every muscle in his body.

A feeling of soreness spread all over my body.


"Loving father."

A heretic Astartes with only half his body left, crawling hard in the mud with stinking pus and blood.

The evil and powerful warrior looked embarrassed at this moment, but he still tried to shout and praise the gods he believed in.

With the blessing of his loving father, he possesses extraordinary vitality. Even though most of his body has disappeared, this terrible human traitor is not dead yet.

Asmodai looked down at him mercilessly, and the soothing potion and the life support system of the power armor were pumped into his body to soothe his damaged muscles.

"Sevenfold Curse! Sevenfold Blessing"

The Plague Marine suddenly shouted, but before he could finish his last words, a power sword cut off his head.

The stinking corpse was still twisting restlessly.

Mortal warriors sat next to Asmodai.

"Political commissar." Asmodei greeted him.

"Sir." The political commissar also saluted the tall warrior.

They came together in this war and fought side by side until now, without even knowing each other's names.

The political commissar seemed to be confused and confused. He wanted to ask Asmodai something, but it was difficult to speak.

But finally, he mustered up the courage to ask.

"Sir, will the Warmaster come to save us? I learned from some generals that our operation was not authorized by the Warmaster, but was a private operation."

heard the political commissar's inquiry.

Asmodai was silent, and the other party's words once again aroused his self-blame.

He digested this emotion uneasily,

"I don't know. Are you afraid of death? Soldier."

"No, I'm just worried that my death is meaningless." The political commissar shook his head slowly, his eyes becoming more and more confused.

"I fear that if I die, I will be despised by the Warmaster. Then I will have no face to return to the throne, alongside those beloved warriors."

There was pain in the commissar's tone.

If he knew that this action was not allowed, he would definitely ask his superiors for details.

But at this point everything is irreversible.

They are trapped in this world and will probably die in it.

The soldier is not afraid of death, but every time he thinks that his death is meaningless, uneasy cracks appear in his strong heart.

Asmodai patted him on the shoulder, "This is not your fault. Follow the will of the Emperor and the Warmaster. As long as you shoot bullets into the body of the enemy of mankind, you will be forgiven wherever you bleed."

His words made the political commissar feel better.

Accompanied by the rapid sirens, the dark wilderness once again emerged with distorted outlines.

A new battle is about to begin. Looking at the political commissar walking back to his position,

——The person who really shouldn’t be forgiven is me.

Asmodai said to himself in pain.

He picked up the weapon in his hand, his heart filled with self-blame and anger, and he did not dare to ask for the War Commander's forgiveness.

And in the giant city of temples.

Efilar is discussing strategy with the Eldar Harlequin.

As the supreme commander here, she has no wavering in her heart.

She never blamed Asmodai, all she could think about was how to defeat the powerful enemy.

Although the Eldar are aliens, Efilar has to admit that their arrival has solved an urgent need.

The Eldar brought a large amount of supplies to the Imperial army, enough to sustain the consumption of a long war.

But beyond the Eldar's expectations, they also fell into this world and could no longer leave.

Countless demons are watching, and once they retreat into the Webway, the demons will surely follow.

Not only will they die, but the Webway will once again be destroyed by demons.

Therefore, the Eldar could only stay on Belial IV, waiting for the arrival of the Imperial Warmaster with Efilar.

No matter how hard the Imperial Army tried, the situation in Villa IV continued to deteriorate.

All front-line positions were slowly falling, and every position gully was hit by demons.

The loyalists retreated to the core of the temple city and defended with the special terrain.

The tide of demons, cultists, and human traitors were attacking continuously.

Horus dispatched troops to continuously break through the Imperial defense line.

Asmodai received another mission, this time he was responsible for leading the clergy to retreat into the core area.

It was at this time that a worse situation appeared.

The news of the appearance of a demon primarch spread rapidly.

The Great Bearer of Words, Lorgar, stepped into the battlefield in person.

The addition of a fallen demigod made the battlefield situation collapse even more severely.

Even the powerful Primaris Space Marines had no chance of competing with the other side.

Lorgar easily defeated the Imperial soldiers on the battlefield with his terrifying psychic sorcery.

Even the Primaris Space Marines were like weak puppets in front of his psychic sorcery.

No one can stop the Great Speaker.

Like a lion breaking into a sheepfold, the opponent slaughtered the Empire's troops.

A Primaris Space Marine tried to challenge the fallen demigod and make him pay.

But even after the Primaris surgery, he seemed extremely weak in front of Lorgar's power.

With just a slight swing of the giant stick in his hand, the warrior was knocked to the ground.

A vicious psychic spell was released, and the warrior's brain was immediately pierced by countless needles, making him feel miserable.

Even the Primaris Space Marine couldn't help but scream at this time.

"Submit, warrior, no matter whose heir you are, you are not worth mentioning in front of me."

The warrior's forehead was dripping with sweat, and the terrible pain tortured his soul and body.

The Great Speaker could not only torture his body, but also easily poison his soul.

The accumulated pain in his heart turned into torture for the warrior at this time.

But his heart was still firm, and the common ideals of mankind turned into an indestructible wall in his heart.

The power of pursuing beauty gave him the will to fight against the demigods.

"Submission?" The Primaris Space Marine gritted his teeth and sneered, "Compared to you gentlemen, you are nothing!"

Hearing the words of this warrior.

Lorca was stunned at first, and then laughed in anger,

"Then die, idiot!"

More vicious power gathered in the hands of the fallen demigod.

Lorca tortured the warrior in an even more severe manner.

Accompanied by huge screams, every inch of the warrior's flesh and blood suffered severe damage.

Countless imperial soldiers looked at this scene in despair, and the demons blocked their steps to rescue.

They could only watch all this happen.

Another noble warrior is about to return to the throne, and sadness permeates the hearts of the soldiers.

At this moment of despair.

Everyone heard a melodious hymn, which was extremely sacred, touching the purity and beauty in people's hearts and inspiring the purest courage in everyone's hearts.

The beautiful singing was like a girl singing a hymn to courage.

Everyone raised their heads and looked up at the sky.

The red flames shone like the sun, a pair of burning wings waved, and the saint stood in the fire, holding a sword, representing the purest courage of mankind.

The spokesperson of the warmaster, the saint walking in the world, Efilar, held a spear and a sword, and brought the endless flames to this battlefield.

The terrible flames made countless demons wail, like darkness dispelled by the flames.

Efilar raised his spear high and threw it to the ground, setting off a terrible explosion. The red flames swept everything, turning countless demons into ashes in the wailing.

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