Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 253 60, Efilar VS Luo Jia

The Saint threw her spear to the ground, and the blazing storm it set off expanded in the ranks of demons and traitors, bringing destruction to all blasphemers equally.

She wielded the sacred sword, unstoppable; the red flames dispelled the haze in the soldiers' hearts and brought courage.

Saint Ephilar descended here, and the demoralized Imperial army almost instantly regained its fighting spirit.

When the girl chosen by the Warmaster appeared, it was as if the Warmaster himself had come.

"The time of your destruction has come." The Saint declared.

She burst into angry disaster fire, and the sword in her hand was also burning.

Some demons who tried to approach her turned into charcoal in the anger of their hearts.

Even the demon primarch Lorgar had to be wary of her existence at this time.

The Primaris Space Marine who was tortured by Lorgar took advantage of this gap to quickly escape and save his life.

Seeing this scene, the loyalists cheered together. They raised their weapons and aimed at the demons and fallen warriors, launching a counterattack charge.

Any blasphemer who dared to harbor malice towards the Empire was knocked to the ground.

With burning wings, the saint pierced through the tide of demons by himself, and it was effortless, as easy as a hot knife cutting through cheese.

The demons who were defeated one after another for a while actually retreated in fear.

The role of the saint on the battlefield was so great that it almost reversed the situation of the entire battlefield in an instant.

But even seeing such power, Lorgar was still not afraid, but showed a vicious smile.

Saint Efilar noticed this smile, and the mist of the mind flowed out of her eyes. She secretly vowed to make this complacent demon primarch pay the price, and personally took off the head of the traitor and presented it to the warmaster.

In the fierce battle, no one noticed that hundreds of thousand-year-old veterans of the Word Bearers were hiding in the tide of demons.

In such a grand battlefield, even the Word Bearers who have been wreaking havoc in the galaxy for more than ten thousand years seem insignificant.

These Word Bearers built a huge altar together, and then chanted an ancient spell together. They had prepared for a long time, just for this moment.

Lorca raised his scepter above his head, and the air also uttered the tune of chanting, in coordination with the chanting of hundreds of Word Bearers.

The blasphemous spells overlapped with each other, and they became louder and louder until they became a majestic sound that eclipsed the entire battlefield.

The violent psychic energy that covered the sky and shook the world gathered in the chanting, and the thunderous explosion was like the last sigh of the destruction of the universe.

The sick thunder crossed the sky at this moment, as if splitting the sky with a terrible scar, the breath of the gods spread, and the whole world fell into madness.

Purple, green, blue, blood, the four-color mist gathered into a vortex and enveloped the saint.

The saint stood at the center of the vortex, the barrier of the mind isolated the infiltration of the mist, and the flames on her body did not go out, but became more intense at this time.

The negative energy of the warp was boiling and churning in the flames, and countless demons were burned and wailed in pain.

Pure white mental energy burst out from Efilar's eyes and lips.

The sticky mist of the plague was dispersed by this energy, the blood hound's spine was broken, and the crystal crystal cracked.

As a girl chosen by the warmaster, if Shivara is the most powerful life magnetic field user in the heart network, then Efilar is the most powerful mind practitioner.

The saint's heart is as flawless as her appearance.

Even the power of the gods seems to have little effect.

Even Lorca, who released the spell, thought that this plan would end in failure.

But at this moment, a purple veil came over. This soft veil was far less fierce than other visions, but it easily broke through the mental barrier and wrapped Efilar in it in an instant.

Under the cover of the veil, all kinds of blasphemous illusions appeared in front of Efilar.

The saint's burning wings were spread out, and the scorching flames frightened countless demons.

But this flame could not burn the purple veil. No matter how she struggled, she could not break free from this seemingly soft veil.

All kinds of blasphemous scenes still emerged, no matter how powerful she was.

Realizing that the saint was in danger, the loyal warriors collectively fell into violent anger, and they roared and rushed towards Efilar's direction.

The soldiers waved their weapons in their hands, trying to rescue the saint.

But the demons that were forced back by the saint before, now surged again, blocking their steps.

The red pillar of fire shot up into the sky. The saint resisted the annoying illusion and stood up again.

With burning wings waving, the spear in Efilar's hand was thrown out with all her strength again.

The moment the spear was released, it penetrated a distance of more than ten kilometers. The red flame burned, leaving a hot track in the air.

At this moment, Lorgar in the distance roared in pain.

The demon primarch underestimated the saint's fighting power, and he also underestimated the weapon in the saint's hand.

The spear forged by Argent penetrated the demigod body of the primarch in just a moment, and Lorgar's chest was covered with spider web-like cracks.

The flowing demigod blood was evaporated by the flames carried by the spear before it dripped.

Lorgar did not expect that even if he had made sufficient preparations, the saint could still burst out with a terrible fighting will.

The demon primarch endured the severe pain caused by the spear and accelerated his chanting.

More veils came over, overlapping layer by layer to cover the saint.

Six layers of veils wrapped around the saint's body, and the only thing left in Efilar's heart that shouldn't have been there, the little possessiveness of the warmaster, was now unlimitedly magnified.

The lewd music sounded in her ears, and the illusion became more and more depraved.

The saint forced herself to ignore these, but the annoying desire and the thoughts that shouldn't have been there were like the veil wrapped around her body. The more she resisted it, the more she forced herself, the tighter the veil of desire wrapped her.

In the constant tug of reason and desire, the saint was shaken, and the pure and flawless inner fluctuations began to ripple.

The soldiers were grief-stricken when they saw this scene, and Asmodai clearly saw the unnatural blush on the saint's porcelain-like cheeks.

They didn't know what happened to the saint, and they didn't expect that Lorgar would mobilize the power of the gods and show the saint the image of Slaanesh on this bloody battlefield.

In the eyes of the loyalists of the empire, the saint must have encountered a terrible psychic curse, otherwise how could the flawless saint be flushed, trembling all over, and breathing heavily.

The saint's pain drove countless warriors crazy.

How could the spokesperson of the Supreme Warmaster allow the devil to harm him.

They charged desperately, and terrible energy flows burst out from the eyes of the psychics.

But the devil also launched a more fierce counterattack at this time, drowning the loyalists like a tide.

Chaos did not allow their plan to have any loopholes. As long as Saint Efilar fell, the Imperial Warmaster would lose a powerful arm before the war.

In desperation, a series of light and agile figures suddenly jumped on the battlefield.

They were dancing elves, turning killing into a performance with exquisite dance moves.

But their role is not limited to this. The dance of the Veil Walker seems to have some kind of magic. As she dances, the veil covering the saint is gradually blown away.

Lorgar waved his scepter, and the Word Bearers stepped forward, trying to tear apart these suddenly appearing Eldar clowns.

The demon primarch would never allow anyone to destroy his plan, but the clowns who came to support him danced one after another. They carried the oracle of the God of Laughter, Xilego, and even the weapons in their hands were blessed by the God of Laughter.

With swift steps and blessed weapons, even the fallen space marines would be easily chopped into pieces.

The magic of the clown began to work. The Veil Walker Sinland stepped barefoot on the ground, and her agile and beautiful dance carried countless points of light.

While the Eldar were being destroyed by Slaanesh for a long time, they also summed up a set of methods to deal with the evil god.

The veil on Saint Efilar was peeled off layer by layer. When the last layer of veil fell off her face, the Veil Walker saw the saint's cheeks like sunset and eyes like autumn water.

But the next moment, the saint suddenly stood up and rushed towards Luo Jia desperately.

The sword in her hand carried unimaginable energy, and it burst into dazzling flames like a scorching sun.


The saint's angry attack, Luo Jia didn't even have time to exit the spellcasting state, and was pierced through the shoulder by the flaming sword.

The overflowing energy hit the earth, like an earthquake, and the earth of the entire planet was shaking.

In the aftermath of the flames, all the creatures that stepped on the ground, whether they were powerful demons or Primaris Space Marines, were unstable and fell to the ground.

The earth was opened layer by layer, and deep and bottomless rifts were born on the surface of the planet.

The continents of Belia IV were changing rapidly.

But the saint still did not give up the attack, and she rushed into the fire with a sword in hand.

Facing the extremely angry saint, if Luo Jia hadn't run fast enough, she might have died here today.

The Saint burst out with a power that made all dark beings tremble, and the demon army had to retreat temporarily.

When the storm of fire dispersed, people witnessed the flawless Saint with burning wings, holding a spear and a sword and standing proudly under the sky.

People cheered, but the next second, Efilar fainted, the wings constructed by flames extinguished, and fell from the sky.

The outbreak just now was not without cost, and it was not easy to defeat a well-prepared demon primarch, and her power was overdrawn too seriously.

The sisters caught the Saint together, and under the escort of the warriors, sent Efilar to the rear.

Although they won a short victory, they also paid a price.

Many compatriots died on the battlefield, and their desperate fate has emerged. Without the important fighting force of the Saint, countless demons will devour them.

Their bodies and souls will also be desecrated, and everything is so desperate.

With the fall of Efilar, the loyal warriors urgently need a powerful elder to lead them.

In this critical moment, Asmodai from the Dark Angel took the initiative to take on this heavy responsibility. His self-blame spurred him on and he volunteered to devote all his strength and talents to this war.

He was strong enough, famous, and experienced, so the command center quickly agreed that several think tanks would help him develop the most effective war strategy.

What Asmodai needed to do most at the moment was to use his talents to ignite the fire in the hearts of the loyalists again, so as not to let the soldiers fall into despair.

But even if he dedicated everything to the war, it was still difficult to change the bad situation of the war.

The demons of Khorne broke through the last line of defense and entered the core area of ​​the Temple City.

The unclean flames spread to every part of the Eldar ruins. The loyal warriors used all their heavy firepower, and dense artillery fire exploded continuously.

The demons also dispatched terrible war engines.

The heretic Astartes such as the Fallen Warband, the World Eaters, and the Death Guard also invested heavily in the war at this time.

The elite among these traitors dealt a heavy blow to the loyal soldiers. The entire Temple City became a terrible meat grinder, and the two sides fought hard.

The abandoned spirit bone buildings collapsed one after another, and the statues of the Eldar gods were ignited by the flames of war. The terrible aftermath of the war wiped out all traces of civilization.

The Eldar clowns, led by the Veil Walkers, actively wandered on the battlefield and did their best to help the human empire.

Sinland knew very well that in order to gain the recognition of the warmaster favored by the Mother Goddess, they must actively show their value.

The voices of officers at all levels resounded in the communication channel. Heavy laser weapons and destroyer cannons kept blaring. According to the instructions, the coordinate points were saturated with attacks.

The loyalists did their best to vent their anger on the blasphemers.

However, the disparity in strength still made them retreat step by step. The temple was divided and the artillery positions were captured by the demons one by one.

The hell beasts of Khorne roared into the imperial camp, biting every living thing madly.

Nurgle's magic flies were everywhere, spreading the gift of blessing on the battlefield.

The unclean ones of Slaanesh blasphemed everything, they laughed happily and enjoyed the fun of fighting.

The crystal flying saucer hovered in the air, throwing balls of warp fire at the imperial line.

Asmodai fell into the tide of demons and was besieged by countless demons.

Countless warriors had tied hot melt bombs to their bodies, and the fighting brothers gave each other their last blessings.

Even if they died, the Emperor's soldiers would not succumb to chaos.

Just when all hope was almost extinct.

A huge golden sky eagle projection suddenly enveloped the entire galaxy, and the dark color of the sky was instantly replaced by sticky golden light, and the salvation of the Supreme Warmaster descended on the battlefield.

In the core area of ​​the Eldar city, a brilliant light suddenly burst out, and a huge star gate appeared in the sky.

Thousands of imperial warships, with huge rams carrying unparalleled power, emerged from the star gate.

One after another, the huge warships suddenly jumped to the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and the scale was so huge that all existence trembled.

Thanks to the blessing of the webway, the time it took for the empire to reach the world of Belia IV was shortened by more than half.

The first to land on the ground battlefield were millions of Catachan soldiers equipped with destruction armor.

The flames were across the sky, and the rain of fire swept away the darkness, illuminating the battlefield in one fell swoop.

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