Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 22: Too weak! Too weak! Too weak!! (2)

Just before the assault boat landed, in a hall in the center of the True God Church. A man in a white robe and green hair was sitting on the throne in the center, and four people were standing under his seat.

The man's face looked flawless, a face that was enough to make people feel ashamed. The handsome man was looking at the sky at this time, muttering: "They are coming."

"Your Majesty." A thing wrapped in rocks, looking more like a monster than a human, spoke a man's voice.

"Leave this to us, you are worth a lot of money, you shouldn't stand on the front line."

"Haha, it doesn't matter, Boulder. Daxia Longque doesn't know our situation at all. They will only be miscellaneous soldiers this time." The white-robed man smiled and said: "Kill them all."


The four answered at the same time, and then with a swish, they all disappeared. Only the white-robed man, or Qingchan, was left sitting on the throne.

When the assault boat hit the ground, the whole palace began to shake violently, and stones and dust kept falling from the ceiling, but the man didn't care at all, just looking at the place where the collision sound came from with a sneer on his face.

His mind energy almost filled the entire hall and protected the entire hall. It seemed that no matter how strong the vibration was, it could not destroy the hall. It gave people a feeling of divine power like prison and divine power like the sea. Even if a person without faith appeared here, he would have an illusion of feeling God.



Almost at the first moment after the assault boat hit the ground, Shen Dong had recovered and opened the hatch and rushed out. The assault boats of the other three people were more than ten meters away from him, in different rooms.

Shen Dong used his mind energy to sense it roughly, and immediately noticed the existence of Qing Chan. The huge mind energy that was not concealed was as obvious as the moon in the dark night, and it was impossible not to notice it.

"Level 4 peak?" Shen Dong seemed different from usual calmness in the battle, and carefully felt the situation of the other party's mind energy.

"The other four messengers didn't feel it, and there are still many small fish, all of them are level one and level two ability users, they should be soldiers of the Holy Alliance. Let's go check on Qingchan's situation first, and kill him if possible." Thinking of this, Shen Dong compared the map displayed in the invisible lens, and then took a step forward and the whole person floated up, and then stepped on the wall, and the whole body flew out like an arrow from a string.

This is his ability, weight control. He can freely control the gravity of his body.



As for Li Anping, he landed in the same place as Du Jiao and Leng Hong.

The whole house where they were had become a ruin. When Leng Hong rushed out of the assault boat, Du Jiao was already standing outside.

She looked at Du Jiao and said, "There are masters."

"Yeah." Du Jiao twisted his neck, looked at Qingchan's position and said, "I'll go first."

And Li Anping's assault boat, from beginning to end, let alone opening, did not even have a little reaction, Li Anping did not come out of it, and there was no sound of him in the headset. It seemed that he had lost consciousness.

The two did not ask about Li Anping's situation. In fact, when they were transported down by the assault boat for the first time, many first-level rookies would be frightened or knocked unconscious. After all, not everyone is so brave and has such good physical fitness.

After seeing the figure of the poisonous dragon disappear, Leng Hong looked at the broken walls and wreckage around her, and suddenly accelerated to run to the side.

As she ran away, a green figure followed closely, and a group of air currents wrapped him up, making it difficult to see his shadow.

The two chased and fled at a very fast speed, and in a blink of an eye, they had crossed a distance of hundreds of meters.

The figure chased Leng Hong and said, "You have a keen insight, but you can't escape. After I kill you, I will kill your accomplice, or maybe he has been killed by my companions now."

"Escape? You seem to have misunderstood something." Leng Hong suddenly turned around and stopped, looking at the green figure behind him: "The master we are talking about is not you, but him." Leng Hong pointed to Qing Chan's position: "Such an amazing mind energy is as obvious as the sun. It's hard not to pay attention."

"As for the poisonous dragon, he just doesn't bother to pay attention to the miscellaneous soldiers." Leng Hong waved his hand, and two figures suddenly rushed out of the shadows around him. One rushed towards the figure wrapped in air in the air, and the other took out a machine gun and shot at the figure.

A terrifying tearing sound rang out, and the person who rushed up was swept up by gray whirlwinds before he got close, and was torn into countless pieces. As for the person who fired the gun, the bullets hit the green figure and were all blocked by the high-speed rotating gale. Then it was torn into pieces by a whirlwind.

But when the figure in the air saw the broken body under his feet, he let out a roar.

The two people who suddenly appeared were dressed in the Holy Alliance.

Then one after another, "people" staggered around Leng Hong. They were all warriors of the Holy Alliance, but now they all had dull eyes and swollen muscles, looking more like zombies than people.

This is Leng Hong's ability - mental virus. She looked at the shadow in the air and said, "From your appearance, you are the wind messenger. During the movement just now, I gathered a little bit of toys, and now I can play with you."

"Hmph." The wind user snorted coldly and controlled a breeze to spread his voice.

"Everyone, please stay away from here. I will deal with her alone."

The next moment, terrifying fluctuations came from the wind user's body, as if the apocalyptic wind filled the surrounding three hundred meters of space.

Leng Hong's expression also changed drastically at this moment.

"Level 4 ability user!"

The place where the three assault boats originally landed was now surrounded by combatants from the True God Religion. Some of them were ability users of the Holy Alliance, and some were ordinary people who were fully armed.

A man wearing a body armor and holding a submachine gun knocked on the assault boat where Li Anping was, and asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Why hasn't this egg been opened? Is there anything inside?"

"It can't be bad, right?"

"Would you like to find a saw to cut it?"

While they were discussing a solution. A strong man walked slowly in the darkness. It may not be right to say that he is a man, because his body is covered with a layer of fine black scales, even his head, and he no longer looks like a human being. If there are knowledgeable people here, they will be able to recognize that this is the royal ability of Baiyue Kingdom, Qilin Blood. And it looks much stronger than Fang Qi's. Unfortunately, no one in the group of people present knew Qilin Blood.

"Who are you?"

"Stop! Otherwise we'll shoot!"

Faced with the threats from these people in front of him, the man just looked at them contemptuously, and the next moment he rushed into the crowd.

Death, screams, and blood bloomed in an instant. It's like a wolf rushing into a flock of sheep.

The machine gun was ineffective, and ordinary bullets could not penetrate the man's scales. Those ordinary first- and second-level ability users are useless. They can't even compare to a machine gun to make the attacker take a few steps back.

The man in black scale armor just casually broke their necks and tore open their chests. It took less than two minutes to kill all the more than thirty people present. Blood spread all over his body, slowly flowing down from his scales.

Then, he showed a troubled expression and looked at the assault boat where Li Anping was.

‘According to the intelligence, there are four people coming to attack here, and Li Anping is one of them. ’ He thought: ‘My mission this time is to kill Li Anping and avenge Fang Qi, but why does this guy keep hiding in the assault boat?

This assault boat was brought down from an altitude of several thousand meters without damage. It is not ordinary strong. The shell made of this kind of super alloy can hardly be damaged even if it is bombarded by a tank's main gun. I can't get him away by myself. Do you want me to take him away?

How about trying electric shock? Burning? But where can I find the equipment here? ’

The man approached Li Anping's assault boat, knocked on the surface of the assault boat, and shook his head unoptimistically. But after thinking about it, he still punched it a little harder.

There was a bang, and the man felt a shock force that made his hands numb. There was not even a trace left on the surface of the assault boat.

‘This thing is just a block of steel, it cannot be broken open by brute force. Are all the people in Daxia Longque crazy? Use this thing for air strikes? ’ The man stroked his swollen hand angrily, and then thought in his mind:

‘With such a thick armor, even if it is roasted with fire, I don’t know how long it will take to kill the people inside. Have to think of other ways. ’

The man walked around the assault boat and suddenly thought: 'You should look for the door. If there is a door, then he is not in one piece. Maybe I can use my ability to control the current and stimulate the assault boat's door valve to open the hatch. ’

Thinking of this, the man immediately walked to another Leng Hong's open assault boat and observed the position of the open door on the assault boat. Because when the door of this assault boat is closed, it looks like it is formed in one piece, and there is not even a single gap in the position of the door. Therefore, it is difficult to confirm the location of the hatch based on appearance alone. I need to find one that has been opened to compare.

So the man confirmed the location of the door by observing the other two assault boats, and then walked back to the assault boat where Li Anping was.

After looking around, the man finally determined the approximate location of the assault boat door. There was a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Li Anping must be so unlucky. The door fell to the ground. No wonder he couldn't get out." ’ Then the man smiled again: ‘Now I just need to push the assault boat to expose the door, and Li Anping himself will probably come out. ’

Thinking of this, the man took a deep breath and his muscles bulged.

‘I will definitely not be able to break this assault boat open, but if I push it, this assault boat weighs about seven or eight tons, and it is streamlined. Although it is stuck in the ruins, I should be able to push it. ' Thinking of this, the muscles on the man's body swelled again, and strength kept accumulating in his body.

But just when the man's strength reached its peak, he was about to push his hand towards the assault boat.

There was a terrible tearing sound, and then in the man's disbelieving and panic-stricken eyes, a pair of arms tore apart the hull of the assault boat, and then stretched out.

"How is that possible!" the man yelled.

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