Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 21: Too weak! Too weak! Too weak!! (1)

On the runway of the military airport, Du Jiao, Leng Hong, and Shen Dong stood aside and talked and laughed. Only when they saw Li Anping on the side, they would sneer. But when Du Jiao and Leng Hong didn't notice, whenever Shen Dong looked at Li Anping, his eyes would always dodge. There was also a box at Li Anping's feet, which contained his high-frequency knife.

Li Anping ignored the three people. He took out his mobile phone and called Li Qian.

"Hello, I'm at the airport. Have you called Xia Yunyun?"

"I have called, and I have asked him. I can see it at any time." This is Li Qian's way of preventing the phone from being tapped, implying that she has used her ability to monitor Xia Yunyun. Although Xia Yunyun is a third-level ability user, Li Qian and Xia Yunyun know each other, so asking a few more questions will not arouse suspicion at all.

This is also what Li Anping told her to do. As long as Xia Yunyun is monitored every day, he can protect her.

Li Qian asked softly, "When will you be back?"

"It's four o'clock in the afternoon now. I'll probably be back before twelve o'clock at night. Don't worry, it's just like having dinner."

What Li Qian didn't know was that in many ways, Li Anping's trip to the True God Church to kill people was no different from having dinner for him.

"Yeah, okay." Knowing that Li Anping didn't like to be long-winded, Li Qian hung up the phone without saying a few words.

At this moment, the poisonous dragon beside Li Anping also came up.

"Boy, I'm the captain of this operation. All plans must be carried out according to what I say. Do you understand?"

Li Anping glanced at the man with a face full of flesh and said nothing.

The poisonous dragon didn't care. People with abilities are superior to ordinary people. How many of them don't have a little arrogance?

He just continued, "We will use the assault boat to land directly at the base of the True God Church. You just need to stay where you are. We will take care of the rest. If you dare to make a move, I will break your legs."

Li Anping looked at Du Jiao coldly. When he was considering whether to break his hands and feet, Shen Dong came up.

"Okay, Brother Jiao, there is no point in being so rude to such a guy. Look, the plane is coming. Let's go directly." After saying that, he pulled Du Jiao away and looked at Li Anping carefully, as if he was afraid that the other party would attack.

"Old Shen, what are you doing? Don't pull me. I haven't finished talking yet."

Du Jiao was pulled onto the plane by Shen Dong. Although he was the captain in name, it was only because Shen Dong had just been transferred to Song Bang. Otherwise, Shen Dong should have been the captain regardless of his qualifications or strength.

The four of them got on the plane directly. After a roar, the plane flew directly along the runway and flew high into the sky, flying towards the Blue City in the northeast.

The cabin is divided into two sides, with a total of twenty seats.

Each seat is wrapped in an egg-shaped structure. When Li Anping sat on it, a hole opened directly under his feet, and a cabinet with clothes rose out.

"Please put on the combat uniform immediately."

Listening to the voice on the radio, Li Anping took out the combat uniform. This is a set of black and gray clothes. You can feel a piece of hard armor on the chest, abdomen, and other weak parts of the body. The whole body except the head is wrapped up.

What Li Anping didn't know was that this combat uniform is not only cold-resistant, heat-resistant and breathable, but also resistant to chopping, blunt impact and cuts, and can even resist shooting from small-caliber rifles. There are also communication systems, positioning systems and more than twenty tactical pockets inside.

Even in the Daxia army, only the ace special forces can wear it. Although it is not as good as the mind defense of high-level ability users, it is also a very good prop.

Not only Li Anping, but also the poisonous dragon, Leng Hong and Shen Dong in the cabin all put on combat uniforms. No one will think that they are safer.

Then Li Anping followed the instructions on the radio and plugged the headset into his ear and put the special contact lens into the surface of his eyeball.

A few seconds later, a series of broken images flashed by, and then a piece of information appeared in Li Anping's sight. At the same time, a voice came from the headset.

Several people's heads appeared in front of Li Anping.

"The first young man with green hair is Qing Chan, the current leader of the True God Church. This violent terrorist attack was also planned by him."

"The remaining three men and one woman are the four great messengers of the True God Church."

The doctrine of the True God Church believes that the world is composed of the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire, and the four great messengers representing the four elements are second only to the leader in the church. They lead the armed organization of the True God Church, the Holy Alliance, and directly obey Qing Chan.

According to the observation of the Daxia Dragon Bird team members in Lan City, the four messengers should all be level three ability users, and the leader Qing Chan is a top level four ability user.

It is worth noting that the True God Religion has a very deep foundation in Daxia. This time, the four great messengers and the leader are gathered together. They must be killed at the fastest time. Otherwise, if there is only one person left, the number of True God Religion followers is enough to set off a storm in Daxia.

When Li Anping finished reading the information, the voice of the poisonous dragon sounded from the headset: "Then let me take care of that Qingchan. Four messengers, Lao Shen, you and Leng Hong can each take two."

Leng Hong said lightly: "No problem."

Shen Dong subconsciously glanced at Li Anping, and then said: "I have no problem either."

Li Anping ignored the three of them, closed his eyes and went to sleep. Seeing his "cowardly" appearance, Leng Hong and Du Jiao showed a disdainful smile. He is even more convinced that the other party is letting others take advantage of him because his backer has disappeared.

Only Shen Dong's heart was full of contradictions. He didn't expect that he would be sent together after he said in Song Bang that he could easily suppress Li Anping.

"How could this happen? How could this happen? Why are you with this monster?"

Shen Dong secretly looked at Li Anping sleeping, and his mind was in a mess: "We must not let others know that this Li Anping is better than me. We must not let him have a chance to take action.

But is he really better than me? I fainted like this last time. Could it be that I accidentally hit him? After all, his ability level is only level one. Is his ability of the first order? "

After thinking about it, Shen Dong's eyes gradually became firm: "No matter what, for the sake of safety, don't give him a chance to take action. Use the fastest time to kill Qingchan and the four envoys. We will find opportunities to test him in the future." ”

Until this moment, none of the people present had taken the ability users of the True God Sect seriously.

Two hours later, under darkness, the plane finally arrived over the Blue City, and the radio sounded in the cabin.

"We have arrived at our destination. Please prepare. The assault boat will be launched in five minutes."

"We have arrived at our destination. Please prepare. The assault boat will be launched in five minutes."

There was a hint of weirdness on Li Anping's face. He was still high in the sky. Although he felt that the plane was gradually descending, what did it mean to launch the assault boat in five minutes?

Seeing Li Anping's confused look, Du Jiao sneered, "Silly boy, we're going to go down later. Don't be so scared that you pee your pants. By then, Daxia Longque will be completely embarrassed by you."

Leng Hong on the side also laughed sweetly after hearing this.

Only Shen Dong looked serious. He would take action as soon as he landed, complete the task as quickly as possible and kill all the target people.

A few minutes later, the plane shook and the seats where the four people were sitting began to sink gradually. The original egg-shaped structure was covered with a layer of metal, and then some blue liquid was filled into the egg-shaped sphere.

Looking at it as a whole, it is a black metal egg filled with liquid, and Li Anping and the four of them are in this liquid.

"The buffer in the assault boat does not affect breathing. After landing, the buffer will evaporate within a few seconds when it encounters air. It will never affect the user's combat."

Following the prompts in the headset, Li Anping took a deep breath in the liquid and found that there was no problem with breathing.


Li Anping felt his body sink, and a strong sinking feeling spread. Looking from the outside, four dark metal eggs were thrown down directly, falling towards a giant palace on the ground like black meteors.

Viewed from mid-air, the palace below is about the size of an ordinary town, with more than 100,000 followers of the True God Sect gathered here. It has been a holy place for the True God Religion for hundreds of years, and tens of thousands of believers come here to worship every day.

After falling from an altitude of several thousand meters, more than ten seconds later, the speed of the assault boat exceeded 100 meters per second. The entire cabin vibrated at a crazy speed. A frightening whistling sound could be heard in Li Anping's ears, which was the sound of an assault boat cutting through the air.

"Wow!!" The poisonous dragon's scream came from the headset: "You brat, you didn't pee because you were scared, did you?"

"If you pee, stay in the assault boat and don't come out, or I'll beat you to paralysis!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Amidst the wild laughter of the poisonous dragon, four metal giant eggs fell from the sky and hit the palace of the True God Sect on the ground like meteorites. After a series of shocking loud noises, a large area of ​​buildings began to collapse, causing people to scream and scream.

In the midst of this chaos, three powerful men full of malice set foot on this sacred land.

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