Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 3: Countercurrent Epilogue

When the riot in Emerald City finally came to an end, thousands of kilometers away from the East Continent where Daxia was located, in the distant West Continent, something that would affect the direction of the entire human world in a few years was quietly happening.

On the West Continent, on the west coast of the Amest Federation. It was eleven o'clock in the evening. For some reason, the moon in the sky today had been emitting a pale light, which made people who saw it feel a little palpitating.

On the beach on the coast, two rows of strange footprints could be vaguely seen. They looked like horse hoof prints, but they were not as messy as those of four legs.

The tide rose to the beach and covered the hoof prints. When the sea water receded, the hoof prints on the beach were no longer so obvious.

The traces of hoof prints extended all the way to the woods beside the beach.

A smell of blood came from the ground. I saw a dead seabird on the edge of the woods. Half of the seabird's head was bitten off. It seemed that it was eaten by something, and the rest of the body was casually discarded on the ground.

Looking at the dark forest, the silence was a little weird, making people feel a chill coming up, as if something terrible was staring at you.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the depths of the forest, but the next moment the scream stopped, as if someone had pressed it back into the throat. Faintly, a strange chewing sound could be heard.

Going in the direction of the sound, you can see the corpses of various animals along the way, birds with their heads bitten off, and small animals with their stomachs cut open. All of them were thrown on the ground casually, as if they were toys that children were tired of playing with.

The moonlight in the sky became paler and paler, but it could not dispel the darkness in the forest.

Where the scream came from, a blond white body was lying straight on the ground, his chest had been broken open, and the blood-red internal organs were all over the ground. His face was completely terrified as if he had seen a ghost.

And two dark shadows were crawling beside him. In the dim woods, the black shadows were completely invisible. The bodies of the two black shadows seemed to be constantly emitting black smoke, as if they were darkness themselves.

One of the black shadows pulled out something that was not sure whether it was a tentacle or a claw from the white man's head, and a series of brains were brought to the ground.

Then, a strange human voice sounded, as if it was a baby who learned to speak for the first time. The voice was intermittent, but the tone itself was full of maturity, and it didn't sound like a child's voice at all.

"This... continent... is full of humans..."

"Need to... find... Black"

"Can't feel... him... asleep..."

"I... hide... find... need... report..."

The other black shadow shook, and then slowly walked towards the coastline, while the speaking black shadow reinserted the tentacles into the white man's brain.

The next moment, something surprising happened. With a strange rustling sound, the black shadow slowly became smaller and softer, and drilled into the white man's head little by little.

Five minutes later, the two black shadows had disappeared, and the dead white man suddenly sat up. Without blinking, he just looked in the direction of Daxia, with a strange smile on his face.

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