Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 3: Against the Current Chapter 47: Kill Them All (4)

Within Daxia, there is a distant command center.

Wilson, the top management of Violet Bacteria, was looking at the huge screen in front of him with a livid face, but the screen was already covered by a large snowflake. It was this screen just now, which had been broadcasting the entire battle live through Tom's electronic eyes.

"The connection has been completely lost." A subordinate on the side said: "The communication system has no feedback signal. Lord Tom should be dead. This level of explosion center, even the transformation of the Doom Slayer, is unbearable."

"Li Anping...Li Anping." Wilson murmured to himself: "Compared to Jennifer's report, this Li Anping's value far exceeds it, right?"

The subordinate said with lingering fear: "Yes, according to our calculations, the experimental target's bench press strength exceeds 20 tons, his punching speed is close to the speed of sound, and the structure of his muscles, internal organs, and nerves are also different from ordinary people, resulting in his ability to resist blows." It can be compared to ordinary tank armor. This may not be his full strength. It is obviously beyond the theoretical limit of the human body. We suspect that... he is probably not human. "

"Haha, not a human being?" Wilson sneered: "Is this your conclusion? He is a person with super powers. Nothing is impossible for him with super powers. What do you think is the possibility of his survival under the attack of a cloud bomb? How much?"

The man thought for a while and said: "After the cloud bomb exploded, the core temperature reached 2500 degrees. It is impossible to survive solely relying on the body. Unless he has other abilities, he will be dead."

Wilson nodded and said: "Send a team to check. Tom's remains need to be recovered. As for Li Anping... his body is of great research value. If you want to see a person alive, you must see a corpse."

In the valley, the fireball has disappeared, but the dust blown out by the shock wave is still walking in the air.

Fang Qi squatted on the ground, looking at the large scorched earth in front of him, a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes.

"It must be a cloud bomb."

"But who detonated it? Why did it detonate here?"

"And where did that pretty boy escape to?"

Fang Qi had doubts one after another, but no one answered them for him. He had no choice but to walk towards the center of the explosion, hoping to find the answer there.

As Fang Qi approached step by step, he could only see large areas of scorched earth, and the originally lush woods had disappeared. Nothing else.

After walking a few hundred meters, Fang Qi tightened his eyes and walked forward quickly. In his field of vision, a wreckage finally appeared.

It was a piece of metal that had turned completely black. From Fang Qi's direction, it seemed to be part of some equipment. He walked up and found that the metal block was still emitting an astonishing high temperature, and it was obviously heated by the explosion just now.

At this moment, rustling footsteps sounded from behind Fang Qi.

"Who?" Fang Qi turned his head and looked behind him.

Amidst the smoke and dust in the sky, a figure was walking towards Fang Qi.

"Speak, who are you?"

The man didn't answer, but walked towards Fang Qi step by step.

The black scales on Fang Qi's neck stood up one by one, and he looked at the direction of the figure with a wary face.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew away the smoke and dust in front of his eyes, revealing the appearance of the person coming.

It was a man with a bald head, no eyebrows, and no clothes on. The man's face was extremely pale, and his lips had no trace of blood. The strangest thing is that his skin is white and rosy, and looks as delicate as a baby's.

"It's you!" After watching for a while, Fang Qi suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, and then laughed the next moment: "It should really be said that it's your misfortune. I might have been unable to catch up with you, but I didn't expect this explosion. I brought you here too.”

Fang Qi's right hand emitted electric light, and the blue electric light made his smile even more ferocious.

"Although I don't know why you changed your appearance, I still want to subdue you first and then I'll ask you. You think about it..."

Before Fang Qi finished speaking, Li Anping had disappeared. Then a huge force hit him from the back of his head, and Fang Qi fell to the ground like a dog. He wanted to stand up, but found that the other party's foot stepped on the back of his head, and the frightening force pressed his head into the soil inch by inch.

Sand and gravel filled his mouth, and if he hadn't closed his eyes, there would have even been dirt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm in a bad mood right now." Li Anping's voice came from behind him: "So whatever I do to you next is just pure venting."

Then Fang Qi felt a force ten times stronger than before pressing down on the opponent's feet. He slapped the ground with all his strength and raised his neck, but the opponent's feet were pressing down on his head like a mountain. His head was pressed under the soil, and even his skull and scales began to gradually deform.

A whining sound sounded from Li Anping's feet. It was the sound of struggle coming from Fang Qi's mouth, but because his mouth was covered with dirt, Li Anping couldn't hear what he said clearly, and he didn't want to hear it.

A creaking sound came from the back of Li Anping's head. Fang Qi's hands grabbed the ground hard, and his thick fingers dug ten long scratches on the ground.

Then electric light appeared on Fang Qi's body, and the blue electric sparks were instantly transmitted to Li Anping's body, but it was enough to electrocute a whale. It only made Li Anping frown slightly, and the power under his feet slowed down.

Just when Fang Qi thought he had succeeded, the next moment, a more ferocious and unreasonable force came from Li Anping's feet, and the back of Fang Qi's head was broken.

With a puff, just like a watermelon thrown on the ground, Fang Qi's head finally exploded. His body twitched unconsciously for a few times, and then stopped moving.

I'm afraid his mood when he was stepped on was quite complicated. From the anger and violence at the beginning, to the shock of Li Anping's strength later, and the disbelief when he found that he couldn't resist anyway, until he felt despair, absurdity and inexplicable in the end.

Who is this guy? How could he be so strong? I was stepped on to death like a cockroach?

Wasn't he running away all the time? !

I am Fang Qi, the leader of the Qilin Group, the man who inherited the blood of the Baiyue royal family and unified the dark world of Emerald City, but was stepped on to death by an unknown little white face like a cockroach? How is this possible?

Until the last second before his death, Fang Qi still found this fact unbelievable and absurd.

But the fact was so real in front of everyone.

Regret filled Fang Qi's mind, but it was too late.

When Liu Xian led the rest of the Qilin Group to the explosion site, he saw this fact. Fang Qi, who had the strength of a quasi-fourth-level ability user, Fang Qi with the ability of Qilin blood, Fang Qi who defeated Liu Jun and the Four Heavenly Kings, was trampled into the mud by someone.

The other party was even naked, with his hands on his chest, looking at himself and his people slowly. That contemptuous expression was as if he had just stepped on a cockroach.

"How are you going to die?"

"I..." Liu Xian only said one word, and the other party frowned impatiently. The next moment, Liu Xian only saw a shadow passing by, and the people around him had fallen down covered in blood.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you." Li Anping's bloody hand stopped in front of Liu Xian, and the bright red color, like a flower, bloomed on the collar of Liu Xian's chest.

"You are Liu Xian."

"I am." Liu Xian answered stupidly, without any thought of resistance in his heart. The strength shown by the other party has completely exceeded his cognition.

"Okay." Li Anping held Liu Xian's neck, as if holding a basket, and walked towards the villa.

"You will pass the position of the leader of Zhongyi Hall to someone later."

Liu Xian just nodded blankly, and he didn't know whether he reacted or not.

Li Anping's muttering came to his ears.

"How come he died after a few steps? It's really troublesome."

After killing multiple ability users in succession, Li Anping's current physical fitness has reached 6.1 in strength, 5.0 in speed, and 6.9 in physical fitness.

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