Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 3: Countercurrent Chapter 20: A few seconds of fighting

In the cave, mud splashed and the air exploded in an instant. Kano had already flown out and crashed into a pile of rubble.

But before Mo Qiuyan could make the next move, four hostile voices came from behind him at the same time.

The four people, Suomi, who had just stood behind him, had already attacked him.

The first one to take action was Suomi. He was the strongest and had the fastest reaction among the four. Within 0.5 seconds of Kano being knocked away, he had already activated his ability.

He kicked his feet and rushed up. What was even more amazing was that his upper body muscles swelled violently, and he actually tore his clothes into pieces, and then he grew lush black hair, and even his entire head deformed, with prominent cheekbones and thick hair, and he turned into a half-human, half-beast appearance, and punched Mo Qiuyan's back of the head.

This is Suomi's ability "animal transformation". In this state, his strength and explosive power are doubled, and he is not afraid of pain, and he is not afraid of death.

At the same time, within 0.1 seconds, another person beside Suomi threw a needle towards Mo Qiuyan's vest. The needle was so fast and powerful that it was no less powerful than a bullet.

What's more terrifying is that this needle did not fly in a straight line, but moved in an arc under human control, making it difficult to dodge.

After the needle and the punch, two equally fierce attacks broke out behind Mo Qiuyan.

Within a second, four of Kano's bodyguards, all of whom were capable people, launched an attack on Mo Qiuyan at the same time, and Mo Qiuyan had just turned around at this time.

If ordinary people faced this kind of attack, they would probably die before they could even react. But they were facing Mo Qiuyan, who was a powerful capable person who was far superior to them, and had received systematic training and Daxia Longque training, without any shortcomings.

Although he was very angry about what Kano did, Mo Qiuyan did not lose his composure. However, before he threw that punch, he had already expected that the four people behind him would definitely attack. Suomi and the other four were loyal to Kano. Seeing their master being beaten, how could they not fight back?

At the same time as the four attacked, he also began to fight back.


Among the four attacks, the first to arrive was the flying needle. Although Suomi's reaction was faster, it was obvious that his sprint speed was far less than that of the flying needle controlled by others.

The person who controlled the flying needle was named Lal, and he had some ability to control metal. However, he could neither deform the metal nor control too much metal. He could only move some small objects. But this ability used on the flying needle, combined with the throwing technique, has already had amazing power.

Facing the needle shot at him, Mo Qiuyan actually stretched out his hand. He wanted to catch the opponent's flying needle with his bare hands. What was amazing was that his hand was so fast that he blocked it in front before the flying needle shot.

Lal had not expected that someone would catch his flying needle with bare hands. A hint of pride flashed in his eyes. With a thought, the flying needle turned and suddenly stabbed upwards towards Mo Qiuyan's forehead. He had absolute confidence that even if Mo Qiuyan used his mind to block his forehead, this needle could still pierce his brain.

His flying needle had pierced the glass of a bulletproof car and killed the target. He did not believe that Mo Qiuyan's mind would have a stronger defense than this.

But the next moment, he opened his eyes in disbelief.

I saw that Mo Qiuyan's hand speed suddenly increased and caught the flying needle. Lal's heart moved and he was about to let the flying needle break free from the opponent's hand, but in an instant, a strong force came from Mo Qiuyan's hand, and he actually held the flying needle in his hand.

Then he punched forward and directly hit Suomi's fist.


After a hard fight, the half-beast Suomi felt numb all over his body, and felt that the opponent's fist contained great power, and it seemed that his body was about to be broken apart. His ears were buzzing one after another, and he was almost suffocated by Mo Qiuyan's punch.

You have to know that Mo Qiuyan is just an ordinary person's body, and Suomi has been transformed into a beast, and his strength is not as good as the opponent in his normal state.

After a punch, Suomi knew that it was not good, but it was too late. Mo Qiuyan did not give him a chance at all, and pushed his body and rushed towards Lar.

'Among the four people, the one who used the flying needle is the most dangerous to me, kill him first. '

Mo Qiuyan thought so and did so. He hid behind Suomi's body and rushed towards Lar, but a strange color flashed in his eyes, because his waist and the back of his head were punched and kicked at the same time.

It was Bezos and Carl, the remaining two of the four bodyguards. They did not use their abilities, but directly punched and kicked Mo Qiuyan with their mental energy. It might be that their abilities were not suitable for fighting, or they might be afraid of causing accidental injuries.

Although the two did not use their abilities, the punches infused with mental energy alone, if hit on a person's body, especially a vital part, would be enough to kill a person instantly.

At this time, Mo Qiuyan still did not retreat. He actually let the two punch and kick him, and still took Suomi to collide with Lal who was shooting flying needles.

Boom! Boom!

Even though Mo Qiuyan had gathered his mental energy at the back of his head and waist, he was still hit by these punches and kicks, causing his abdomen to churn and his body to tremble.

But his impact was still fierce, and Suomi in front of him was now tall, with swollen animal-like upper body muscles and thick hair, which made him three times the size of an ordinary person. His line of sight was completely blocked, and his dodge route was also blocked.

It can be said that the opponent's offensive is used to the extreme.

There was a roar, and before Lal could react, the three of them had already collided with each other. Then Mo Qiuyan walked around Suomi, who was collapsed on the ground, and pointed out a finger like thunder, hitting Lal's head, causing the other party to collapse. He fell down and lost consciousness.

At this time, Suomi finally came to his senses. He roared angrily and punched Mo Qiuyan with both fists, forcing him to retreat. Standing side by side with the other two, staring at Mo Qiuyan with red eyes.

The series of attacks and defenses just now were too fast. After Mo Qiuyan knocked Kano away, the four of them attacked Mo Qiuyan one after another, but Mo Qiuyan took the opportunity to kill one of them. In just a few seconds, the four of them even... Only had time to attack once.

This is the difference in strength between the two sides. They are both ability users, but they are different from the four Suomi who rely on instinct to fight. Mo Qiuyan, who had received rigorous training from Daxia Longque, had no shortcomings. Whether it is combat experience, mentality, skills, or physical fitness, they have been honed for a long time. Even if he does not use his abilities, Mo Qiuyan can kill the four Suomi by just relying on his own body and thoughts.

But just as Mo Qiuyan and the remaining three Suomi were confronting each other, a burst of applause broke out.


In the direction where Kano was hit, the smoke, dust and gravel from the original impact had dispersed. Kano, who had just been knocked away, was standing there intact, with no trace of injury from head to toe.

He looked at Mo Qiuyan and laughed and said, "You have good skills. It seems that your ability is due to your super physical fitness?"

Mo Qiuyan also looked at him coldly, the murderous aura on his body getting stronger and stronger.

"It's just some boxing and kicking skills. Ability is important, but physical training is also essential. I've seen too many people like you who rely on ability and don't work hard to exercise. Your body is not much stronger than ordinary people. .I will kill you one by one, slowly.

But only you, Kano, only you, I will not let you die, I will cut off your hands and feet, put you into the cesspit, I want you to regret living in this world forever. "

"Hahahaha." Kano opened his eyes wide, and his eyeballs were filled with bloodshot eyes from unknown time: "Why? Because of those girls? Haha, let me calculate, I paid tribute to the Black God, a total of 999 I am a woman, but I am also in the business of raising funds, and I have captured many women to sell. Your women in Daxia are very easy to sell, so don’t they give you some money? Hahahaha, trafficking is okay, but killing is not. ?

What a hypocritical police officer. You have no idea how powerful I am now. "

Kano looked at Mo Qiuyan, and as he spoke, a violent and ferocious aura emerged from his body. He continued: "You go out. Let me play with him."

"But..." Suomi and the other three were stunned and wanted to object. Although Kano's momentum was astonishing, after all, he was just an ordinary person before. After they fought with Mo Qiuyan just now, they deeply understood the terror of the other party. Killing one of them without using his ability is amazing.


Facing the hesitation of the three people, Kano frowned and waved his hand, and the three people were swept out by a force. They had no ability to resist at all. They were thrown out of the hole as if they were swatting flies.

This action made Mo Qiuyan's pupils shrink slightly, and he stopped chasing the three of them.

"You guys wait outside. I want to use him to test how far my power has reached." After saying that, Kano showed a cruel smile to Mo Qiuyan: "Are you ready to face hell?"

At the foot of the mountain, Li Anping was still talking on his cell phone boredly, but no matter how many times he called, the other party's phone was never answered. It made him more and more impatient.

Ye Wenbin on the side also looked pale, partly because his limbs were broken and in pain, and partly because he was getting more and more nervous looking at Li Anping's impatient look.

He doesn't even want to say a word now, for fear of getting angry and attracting the other person's attention. I can only keep praying in my heart, praying that the call will be answered soon.

"Why do you think they didn't answer the phone?" Li Anping asked Ye Wenbin on the side.

Ye Wenbin's face trembled and he hesitated: "Could it be because of the silent relationship?"

"It's possible." Li Anping nodded and said, "Does it hurt?" He pointed to Ye Wenbin's hands.


Both his hands and feet were broken by Li Anping. Almost a day had passed and they were already swollen. It hurts just to look at it. However, Ye Wenbin is indeed the person sent by Kano to manage the lone wolf business. There was a bit of perseverance, and even though his face was pale, he endured the pain.

However, he was afraid of angering many parties and did not dare to make too many demands. I just hope that after helping Li Anping lure Kano out, the other party can let him live. Even though he knew it was a long shot.

Li Anping nodded when he heard Ye Wenbin's answer, and then said: "Besides muting, there is another possibility. That is, he deliberately did not answer the phone, or threw the phone away. As for them, they have already escaped."

"Ah!" Ye Wenbin exclaimed and glanced at Li Anping worriedly. After all, whether he can seduce Kano and his party is related to his survival.

‘In fact, in addition to this, I suspect that the person is related to the special forces. They are in collusion with each other. Since the police and the special forces know about Lone Wolf and have received money from Lone Wolf, combined with the fact that they sent Jiangchuan to stop me. It is very likely that Kano has been taken away by the special forces before me, or he will be silenced? ’

‘Call again. If no one answers, there is really no way. I can only go back to Emerald City and go directly to the special forces to force them to call the person out. ’

But just as Li Anping finished making another call, a different voice came.

“The user you dialed has been turned off. Please call again later...”

“Turn off? Did you destroy the phone? Or is it for other reasons...”

Before Li Anping could figure it out, a burst of fire shot up from the direction of Black Dragon Mountain.

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