Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 3: Countercurrent Chapter 19: Anger

In the cave, under the flickering candlelight, the expression of the short man, the leader of the lone wolf, Kano, was gloomy. In order to complete the ritual of offering sacrifice to the Black God, he had been patient for too long and dormant for too long, and finally waited for this day.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, so he couldn't bear it anymore, he ordered people to send all the female slaves in a stronghold, and then killed them with the most cruel ritual. Only souls that are tortured, full of pain, resentment and fear are the favorites of the Black God.

Originally, it was once a month, with only a few girls at a time, but he completed the last dozens of girls within a month. So, the ceremony was finally successful.

On the stone statue of the Black God, his eyes emitted endless black light, and the black light shone on Kano. He felt that his body seemed to be filled with something, and endless power burst out of his body. He never felt that he could be so strong!

"Success! Finally succeeded!" Kano's face flushed, and he laughed excitedly: "I finally have this power! Ability, ability, I am finally no longer a mortal!"

In order to have ability, to no longer be a mortal, to have extraordinary power, Kano has really struggled for too long. Now that he succeeded, he couldn't help but cheer.

A huge amount of mind energy emerged from Kano's body, almost covering the entire cave, and even slowly rushed out of the cave.

The four men outside the cave looked at the huge amount of mind energy coming out of the cave at this moment. It was full of malice and chilling, like the breath in the deepest part of hell. They all showed fear in their eyes at this moment.

"What kind of monster is this!"

"I have never heard of such a thing. It should only be a natural ability, but the ritual of the Black God can really give humans abilities."

"The amount of this mind energy has far exceeded the second energy level, the third level... No, if it continues to grow at this rate, it may have reached the fourth energy level."

The four looked at each other, looking at the direction of the cave in disbelief, as if it was the entrance to the underworld.

Inside the cave, Kano's laughter finally stopped. At this moment, the stone statue of the Black God no longer glowed. Feeling that the power in his body stopped growing, he closed his eyes and slowly felt the changes in his body.

"Let me see what kind of ability it is."

The power flowed through his body, and inexplicable information flashed through his mind. A wave of mania and bloodthirstiness from the bottom of Kano's heart surged out. It was not until ten minutes later that he opened his eyes and smiled.

"Interesting... Really interesting..."

At this time, a big man outside the cave walked in. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Kano frowning. He just waved his hand in the air, and the big man was knocked out and hit the wall. He spit out a mouthful of blood and looked at Kano in disbelief.

'When was the attack just now? '

Kano looked at him and snorted coldly: "Didn't I say that you can't come in without my order?"

Somehow, Kano's eyes at this moment made the big man feel unspeakable palpitations. He replied, "I dared to come in only because I saw that your power had stopped growing. The main reason was because of a call from the special forces team. Mo Qiuyan was already at the foot of the mountain and wanted to see us."

"Oh? They really have been following me every month, but it's a pity that they can't find this cave." Kano laughed, and a burst of yin energy emanated from his short body: "Then bring him here."

"Bring... bring him here? But here." The big man asked in doubt.

Bang! !

Kano waved his hand again, and the big man was directly knocked out of the cave, and then he climbed up awkwardly with the help of his companions.

Kano's voice came from the cave: "Don't let me repeat my order a second time."



Mo Qiuyan waited at the foot of the mountain for almost an hour. Just when he was a little impatient and was about to make another call. Finally, a big man with a face full of flesh came out of the woods.

Mo Qiuyan squinted at the other party. He knew that the big man was called Suomi, one of Kano's personal bodyguards. According to the speculation of the special forces, he should also be a person with special abilities. However, his strength is average, probably between the first and second energy levels. After all, masters with mental energy are generally able to restrain their mental energy. Judging from their appearance, their strength can only be estimated.

Suomi waved his hand, said nothing more, and ran into the woods. Mo Qiuyan didn't say anything either, just followed closely. Suomi didn't go far either. When he saw Mo Qiuyan coming in, he began to lead the way forward. The two of them were only three or four meters apart, and walked towards Kano.

Speaking of which, the special forces team collects Kano's money every year, so naturally they will not give up monitoring him. They know that he comes to Black Dragon Mountain every month, but Black Dragon Mountain is shrouded in haze all year round, making it very difficult to search. The special forces team tried to track Kano and his group several times, but all ended in failure.

In this kind of terrain, unless the other party is determined to slow down for you to follow, or there is a person with detection abilities, it is impossible to track the other party.

The two walked step by step in the forest. As time passed, they walked further and further away. The field of vision was covered by fog. They could only see a few dozen meters away. In this environment, even Mo Qiuyan had a sense of direction. He found that Suomi was the same, but every few steps, he would stop and look, as if there was some mark.

No wonder, if such a place is not marked, even they themselves will get lost. And if they use the mind to sense the specific direction, at least Mo Qiuyan does not have such a large range of perception, and I don’t know who has it.

However, the mind is related to the spirit. If the other party is hostile to him, he can feel it even if it is hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters away, but he can’t sense the specific direction.

After walking for about ten minutes, Mo Qiuyan suddenly stopped looking at the cave in front of him. When he stopped, Suomi in front of him seemed to feel it, and also stopped and turned his head to look at him.

Suomi’s eyes flickered a little: "Why don’t you go."

"Humph, it seems a little dangerous." Mo Qiuyan looked at the entrance of the cave with a mysterious look in his eyes.

If there are people with abilities above level 0 here, they can see where Mo Qiuyan is standing. As long as they take another step forward, there will be large patches of black mind, which are full of malice, looking at Mo Qiuyan like a beast with fangs and claws.

Suomi sneered: "Why, don’t you dare to come in?"

Mo Qiuyan smiled, stepped out directly, and walked towards the cave.

Mind energy is also a kind of energy. In addition to enhancing ability, it also has offensiveness from the third energy level. Especially for the one in the cave, both the quantity and quality show the strength of the opponent. It is even possible that he is a fourth-level ability user.

However, unlike those amateur ability users, Mo Qiuyan, as a real warrior, never equates the ability level of the opponent with strength. A high ability level is indeed very powerful and a great advantage.

But strength is not just about who has a higher level. Physical strength, physical skills, skills, speed, combat experience, special abilities or weapons can all affect the balance of victory or defeat, but they cannot be measured by simple ability levels.

So fighting is never just a simple comparison of who has more mind energy and a higher ability level. Only those ordinary people who have not been trained to become ability users will have such a simple idea.

And Mo Qiuyan has absolute confidence in his own strength. The master in the cave looks very strong, but he does not think that the other party can eat him to death.

In other words, he has long been accustomed to fighting any unknown ability user.

Mo Qiuyan entered the cave, and Suomi followed him, as if he was afraid that he would run away. Mo Qiuyan did not react to this.

The cave road was shorter than Mo Qiuyan imagined. After walking about 50 meters, he saw that the space gradually became larger, and there was a faint light shining in front of him.

A stone statue appeared in front of Mo Qiuyan. There was also a stone platform in front of the statue. At this time, a short man was standing in front of the stone platform with his arms folded, looking at Mo Qiuyan with a playful look, and giving a look like appreciating prey.

He was naturally Kano. There were three other bodyguards of Kano in the cave. After Mo Qiuyan came in, they blocked Mo Qiuyan with Suomi and blocked the way out of the cave.

The four people looked alert and looked at Mo Qiuyan with a covetous look. Unlike Kano, their faces were full of tension and scrutiny.

The man in front of him was known as the strongest ability of the Emerald City Special Forces. It was said that one person could match the combat power of a team of ace special forces. If it were normal times, Suomi and the other four would never dare to have any thoughts about him, and they would not even have time to escape. But now it was Kano's request, so they had to bite the bullet.

Just as the four were thinking, a murderous intent came over them.

"Kano, those girls behind... you'd better tell me they are all fake."

Mo Qiuyan's voice sounded in the cave. Unlike before, his voice was so cold that it seemed to condense the air. When Suomi and the other four heard it, they felt their scalps tingling and the hairs on their backs stood up.

"Hehehehe, Mo Qiuyan, you came just in time." Kano laughed. Facing the shocking murderous intent that burst out from Mo Qiuyan and the mental energy that surged from his body, Kano seemed not to see it.

"These heads were taken down one by one by my own hands. Before they died, they had to be tortured and humiliated constantly. Only with such souls would the Black God be satisfied. It really took a lot of effort to say it." Kano smiled and said to Mo Qiuyan: "But their deaths are worth it. They gave me god-like power. Now I..." "Die!" Mo Qiuyan shouted angrily and appeared in front of Kano. His fist wrapped in layers of mind energy hit Kano's cheek. Kano's cheek was squeezed and deformed a little bit by the fist, and then his head tilted, and the whole person was knocked out.




At the foot of the Black Dragon Mountain, Li Anping's eyes in the sports car seemed to look through the heavy rocks, grass, and haze, and looked in the direction of the cave. He seemed to have heard something just now.

But after listening carefully, he couldn't hear anything. Shaking his head, Li Anping looked at Ye Wenbin in the passenger seat and asked, "Has the call not been connected yet? I've already reached the foot of the mountain."

"Not yet... not yet, I don't know why, it keeps ringing but no one answers." Ye Wenbin was sweating nervously and looked at Li Anping for help.

Li Anping stopped the sports car, picked up the phone, and called again, but it still kept ringing but no one answered.

"If this goes on, I can only kill you, and then get off the car and go up the mountain to find them."

"Don't... don't kill me." Ye Wenbin said in panic, "I'm useful. You can't find them by yourself. They are in a very secret location on Black Dragon Mountain. No one knows except themselves. And there is fog all year round on the mountain. It's easy to get lost if you go in alone."

No one answered the call again, Li Anping sighed and could only call again. After trying several times, all with the same result, Li Anping was a little impatient.

But now, apart from this call, Li Anping has no other way to contact the other party.

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