Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 27: History

Time and space become confused from this moment on. . All history is slowly changing.

The timeline of the entire universe seems to be wrapped in silver rays of light, or entangled in countless silver snakes. Four flying swords, a long flag, and a catalog are constantly trying to dispel the silver erosion. But their efficiency is much weaker than that of the silver snakes.

The probability of the entire universe is changing, because many forces at each point in the timeline are replaced by Li Anping's own power, causing the foundation of the entire world to change.

Li Anping replaced the four powerful forces with his own power, causing the parameters and laws of the universe to gradually change in various places, changing the flow of the entire timeline.

Except for the three Tianzun and Li Anping who can jump out of the timeline and detect this change, other living beings living in this world cannot know or perceive their history and their consciousness almost every moment. Changing all the time.

In the sky, Sun Wukong let out a series of roars, and the muscles all over his body exploded, which was enough to push the power of the Five Mountains. However, he could not delay the falling Wuzhi Mountain even a little bit. He could only watch with an angry face as he was quickly moved towards the earth. Press away.


The Buddha sitting high in the clouds showed a sneer, the magic power on his body surged again, and the speed of Wuzhi Mountain's fall increased again.

Just when this historical event was about to happen according to the established trajectory, a ray of silver light flashed from Sun Wukong's eyes, and then he saw his body soar to more than 20 meters in an instant, and his whole body was covered with hair in an instant. Silver hair.

A fist the size of a truck hit Wuzhi Mountain, making an earth-shattering noise. The entire Wuzhi Mountain exploded in the sky and turned into countless meteor showers falling to the ground.

"Hahahahaha!" The silver giant ape let out a series of wild laughter: "Tathagata! No one in the world can save you today!"

roar! After a roar, the giant ape came to the Buddha. At this moment, feng shui and earth fire, that is, electromagnetic force, strong interaction force, gravity, and weak interaction force, all dissipated in the giant ape's punch. Wherever the silver power goes, everything is either replaced or replaced. Return to nothingness.

A whole body of mana was eliminated in an instant. A look of astonishment flashed across Buddha's body, and his head had been turned into an exploding watermelon by a punch.

The next moment, the giant ape was about to punch again. Four sharp rays of light had strangled from the void. The entire sky was covered by red sword light. In the sky, the silver giant ape was caught in the red sword formation. He roared repeatedly, but still couldn't stop the ubiquitous red sword light from leaving blood marks on his body.

However, every time the sword light struck the giant ape's body, it would be tinged with some silver light. Let the operation of the sword formation gradually stagnate. Even with the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation and the deep cultivation of the Jade Purple Lingbao Tianzun, it would be difficult to completely stop the erosion of Li Anping's power.

The most important thing is that history has been changed at this moment. With the death of Buddha, countless timelines were cut off, and countless new parallel worlds were created.

But this was just something Li Anping and Lingbao Tianzun did casually as they passed by. Both Li Anping and Lingbao Tianzun knew about it. If you want to change the direction and quantity of the timeline to the greatest extent, you have to jump to the source of the timeline, the further forward the timeline is. The less effort you can make, the greater the change.

And historical events with major impact are Li Anping's main target.

Lingtai Fangcun Mountain and the Three Stars Cave with the slanting moon.

A monkey head knelt on the ground, looked at the silver figure in front of him and said: "Master, I want to learn the method of immortality!"

The figure glanced at him, raised his head and created an ancient book. He threw the ancient book to the monkey and said, "By cultivating this electromagnetic drive method, not only will you gain immortality, but you will also be able to travel around the world with ease."

"However, given your qualifications, it would take too much time to practice. I would like to give you a helping hand."

The next moment, infinite electric light enveloped the monkey, and along with the shrill roar of the beast, history was changed again, countless new parallel worlds were born, and countless old timelines were cut off.

On Juelong Ridge, Master Wen was suddenly suffocated when he was surrounded by the Heaven-reaching Divine Fire Pillar made by Yun Zhongzi. He escaped with a ray of silver light and changed his fate of death.

At the foot of Chentang Pass, Nezha, the third son of Li Jing's family, was able to go to heaven and sea as soon as he was born. He knew astronomy and geography. It was said that a silver stranger taught him the Dharma in his mother's womb.

On Qilin Cliff, Jiang Ziya, who was studying the art of war, suddenly felt something in his heart. When he looked up, he saw a flash of lightning filling his vision. Lots of knowledge that did not belong to this world suddenly entered his mind. He felt like he was I have lived in another world for a lifetime, and now I am awake.

History is constantly being changed, but both Li Anping and Lingbao Tianzun are still jumping towards the past, but it is no longer just rough fighting and killing. Li Anping's methods of changing the timeline are becoming more and more subtle and increasingly difficult to restrain.

He began to look for the most critical nodes, trying to leverage history with the least amount of force to make the entire timeline go the way he wanted.

Both Lingbao Tianzun and Original Tianzun frowned after discovering this. Originally hiding behind the scenes, they govern and rule the entire universe through countless small changes in probability, obtain resources to improve their own cultivation, use the heaven and earth as chess, and all things as pieces. This is their best method.

Without the past, there is no present, and there is no future. They can jump across all timelines, so they are very good at doing this.

But now, the demon-level Li Anping can exist at countless time points on countless timelines at the same time, and can also reset the geomantic omen, modify the parameters and rules of the universe at will, and change strategies. He gradually began to use the smallest force to distribute in a wider space and time, and manipulate the entire timeline.

Whether in terms of breadth or depth, this kind of battle on the timeline has gradually exceeded the control of the three Tianzun.

The journey to the West, the battle of the gods, as Li Anping shuttled through the timeline, more and more historical events were changed. He changed the probability of various possibilities in time through various subtle parameter changes, and continuously reduced the number of timelines.

Li Anping traced back to the time when Pangu created the world, Lingbao Tianzun and Yuanshi Tianzun had completely fallen behind. Time and time again, whether it was the prehistoric times, the conferred gods, or the journey to the west, the historical trends they represented were always at a disadvantage in front of Li Anping's layout, causing the timeline to be changed again and again.

Their defensive space was getting smaller and smaller, and the enemies were getting more and more.

Now, the silver crystal substance has wrapped up the giant named Pangu in front of him. Li Anping will completely change the universe, and his body on the entire timeline will control the operation of the entire timeline from beginning to end. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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