Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 26: Fighting

"Don't you know yet, fellow Daoist? The news of the new tenth demon god has begun to spread widely in the White Earth."

After the middle-aged Jade Purity Daode Tianzun said this, Li Anping already knew a lot of things.

First, although this person could not break through the boundaries of the original universe, Shangtian came here through the boundary gate, which also allowed them to contact the White Earth, and it seemed that they had contacted various forces in the White Earth in a very short time.

Li Anping did not know the news of the White Earth because the Earth forces were in the corner of the White Earth and had no connection with the many forces in the White Earth, and he himself had not traveled through the timeline of the White Earth for a long time. Even if he came to this heaven this time, he directly broke through time and space and came across the boundary with Shangtian's connection.

As for the news about the so-called tenth demon god, Li Anping immediately thought of a face with a smirk. The only people who knew that he had broken through the demon god level were the source of colorless and formless and the Chaos Tide, and perhaps there would be the idea of ​​the Four Worlds. As for the one who spread this news to the multiverse through the White Land, Li Anping could not think of any other candidate except the Chaos Tide.

Although Li Anping thought of many things in just a short moment, he still could not easily judge what the purpose of the Chaos Tide was.

Thinking of this, he had planned to go to the Chaos Sea after catching Shang Tian.

On the other side, Qing Daode Tianzun and others did not speak, but they did not listen to Li Anping and hand over Shang Tian.

Originally, according to their ideas, although Li Anping was powerful, he still had a great possibility of subduing the other party through Shang Tian and the Jade Butterfly of Creation, and once successful, there would be many benefits. With Li Anping's legacy, the knowledge he left behind, the earth, and most importantly, the Jade Butterfly of Creation after being entangled with Li Anping. Perhaps it will break through the boundaries of the original universe.

At that time, not only will the humanity of the universe they live in be more prosperous, but their long-standing cultivation that has not been able to break through may also be loosened again.

This is related to their enlightenment, the Jade Butterfly of Fortune that Li Anping wants to take away. It is also closely related to their world and their power. Although I don’t know why Li Anping suddenly became the tenth demon god and his combat power exceeded theirs, but facing the enlightenment, people will never give in even if they die.

Perhaps because he felt this, Li Anping’s tone was even colder: "It seems that we can’t do without fighting..."

While saying this, Li Anping’s entire body began to decompose and disappear. It turned into countless particles that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye and dissipated in the air.

Seeing this scene, the white-haired Qing Daode Tianzun’s face changed first, and his voice rang in the hearts of all the immortals around him.

"Retreat quickly! This is the true form of the demon god level, leave the heaven quickly! Those with the cultivation level of the Golden Immortal or above... no..." Feeling the fluctuations coming from the void. His face changed again: "Everyone, leave the Heaven!"

The power of the demon god level is far beyond the imagination of any creature in the multiverse. In non-combat moments, even on most battlefields, they either reduce the pressure of their power on the surrounding environment, or allow their high-dimensional bodies to communicate with low-dimensional life.

The bodies they show to others are often not their true appearance. Mortals can only see a certain point of their whole body at most, just like a blind man touching an elephant.

And when they begin to increase their strength, release the power in their bodies, or project more of their high-dimensional bodies into the dimensional world, the bodies they show are called true appearances by other creatures. Because of personality. Knowing the difference in power system, the true appearance and attack methods of the twelve demon gods are different.

But anyone who has seen it will regard it as the nightmare of his life.

It seems that he feels the speed of the withdrawal of the gods and heavenly soldiers around him. Qing Daode Tianzun and the other two Tianzun each used their magic power, and with a roll of Taoist robes, they let everyone fly out of the Heaven.

But when their power touched the tower where Shang Tian was, they found that the tower seemed close at hand, but their magic power could not touch the tower. It was as if the tower had become an illusion, covered by a layer of silver light, and Shang Tian on the tower was full of despair, shouting loudly, as if calling for help, but they could not hear Shang Tian's voice.

"Is this called the true appearance? From your perspective, it is a very appropriate description." Li Anping's voice shook the entire heaven.

In a short period of time, all the materials in the entire heaven were covered by a layer of silver light, whether it was pavilions, fairy beasts, clouds, or even air, all with a layer of light silver light.

In the silver light that has exceeded the visual recognition of all creatures, thousands of materials like silver crystals have combined together to form a silver crystal country.

All phenomena in the universe are composed of electromagnetic force, strong force, weak force and gravitational force. Even in other universes, there may be no electromagnetic force or no strong force, weak force or no gravity, but it is just a change of name or a method. The composition of these universes and the birth of various physical phenomena must come from some element, some force or some field.

And in this silver crystal, the electromagnetic force, strong interaction force, weak interaction force and gravity of this universe were all eliminated. A force unique to Li Anping began to replace the four great forces and integrate all phenomena in this world. Time and space began to run according to Li Anping's thoughts. It was like a watch with all its parts forcibly replaced.

At the same time, other timelines in this universe were gradually shrouded in silver light, and all choices were deleted one by one, just like countless forked branches were forcibly tied together. Through Li Anping's forced integration of one parallel world after another, the forked branches began to grow in the same direction, and countless parallel worlds were destroyed, or merged into one world.

It looked like the encirclement was gradually shrinking in order to catch prey. He was cutting off the retreat of Qing Daode Tianzun.

"No, stop him! He wants to surround us." As the red-haired young man spoke, four earth-shaking murderous auras flew out and disappeared into the void in an instant.

On the other side, Qing Daode Tianzun shook his hand and threw the map out. This map has the power to redefine earth, water, wind and fire. In Li Anping's eyes, these wind, water, earth and fire are just the four great powers. Now the map is thrown out to offset Li Anping's behavior of forcibly operating this world with his own power.

On the other side, Shangqing Yuanshi Tianzun shook out a Pangu Banner. As the Pangu Banner that can tear through time and space appeared, a trace of black cracks and huge holes appeared in the surrounding space.

He and Yuqing Lingbao Tianzun, one killed the past with the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and the other communicated with the future with the Pangu Banner. They were using their own power to interfere with the development of other parallel worlds, creating countless choices and possibilities, generating new timelines or parallel worlds, and preventing Li Anping from merging all timelines.

Qing Daode Tianzun used the map to make the four great powers operate in the universe again, resisting the current Li Anping's erosion of this universe.

The reason for this division of labor is that the biggest difference between them and the demon level is that although they can travel through timelines and jump on different timelines, they have killed their past, present and future and merged them into one, so they cannot exist in all time and space at the same time. They can only work together to stop Li Anping's invasion at the same time.

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